View Full Version : trike found: please read.

04-10-2011, 12:51 AM
Found a YT125 in the middle of a field in Moorhead, MN. It was really stuck so I pulled it out to the road. Didn't want anyone to steal it so I put it back into the field a little ways. I can put it in my garage if you want, and clean all of the mud off of it, so nobody steals it when it is just sitting out in the open like that. PM me if you are, or know, the owner.

04-10-2011, 01:36 AM
Yeah thats mine. cough cough

04-10-2011, 01:39 AM
ok its yours haha NOT.

04-10-2011, 02:38 AM
Was it stuck like the tires were sunk in from sitting? Did it look like it had been there a long time?

04-10-2011, 08:24 AM
Sorry but I have to ask the question. Is the field yours, or did you just happen along this bike in someone else's field and claim it as your own? I mean I don't know how things work up there in Minnesota, but where I'm from if its not your property they call that stealing. Sorry if I'm talking out of turn here.

04-10-2011, 09:57 AM
He didn't say he took it home. He said he got it unstuck and moved it near the road. That's a tough call, because it seems like a nice thing to do, but getting it unstuck makes it easier for someone else to steal. I sort of like the idea of chaining it up and leaving a note, but you never know how someone's going to react to that either.

04-10-2011, 10:34 AM
I have been in this situation before. However I have not seen the trike. If it looks like has been sitting for years, I would put it back where it was. If it hasn't been moved in years its not going anywhere soon. You can get a plat book and figure out who owns the property. Try to contact the owner of the property. If you have no luck contacting the person who owns the property. Ask the neighbors. Most likely you can get a hold of the person that owns the property. I have been in this situation before, find something awesome, just left out in the woods for dead. I rescued it, but not until I figured out that it really was abandoned. Took a couple months of asking all the neighbors. And t had clearly sat in that spot for over 15 years, the carbs had turned to dust on the inside.

What did it look like? You should have got some pictures of it. How long did it look like it had been sitting for? There is a big difference between something that has sat for a year and 15 years. I would say put it back where it was so nobody just grabs it off the road and try to figure out the story behind it. Did it look like it was stuck recently? If was most likely someone is coming back for it. Its kind of un-clear if it was stuck from driving, or from sinking over time.

04-10-2011, 11:43 AM
It looks like it was stuck from someone trying to cross the field, within the last few days. But I don't know why they would just leave it there for a few days if the got stuck. It possibly could be a stolen trike that someone took for a joyride in the field, and when it got stuck they just ditched it there. The field is owned by a sugar beet company, and I am pretty sure that the sugar beet company doesn't have a fleet of trikes. It was way out in the middle of the field when I found it, in nearly knee deep mud. I got it back to the road, but moved it back into the field far enough to where it would be difficult to get back out again. I think I will go put a sign on it that says "I will pull this out the rest of the way if I can buy the trike for $50. Cal 555-555-5555".

04-10-2011, 11:49 AM
Well I know in some places if there was a trike in a field, the news would spread like wildfire, and all of a sudden there would be a lot of parts for sale, if you know what I mean

04-10-2011, 11:50 AM
Yeah that happended to Andrew and his dad also. So it can happen man.

04-10-2011, 05:53 PM
so what u do about it man.

04-10-2011, 05:55 PM
nothing yet, its raining outside

04-10-2011, 06:02 PM
yeah I guess I will give it about another week or so.

04-10-2011, 06:38 PM
Sorry but I have to ask the question. Is the field yours, or did you just happen along this bike in someone else's field and claim it as your own? I mean I don't know how things work up there in Minnesota, but where I'm from if its not your property they call that stealing. Sorry if I'm talking out of turn here.

Agreed. Depending on what mood the local District Attourney is in, it might not be stealing but it would certainly be trespassing. Trust me, anyone caught trespassing on my farm is playing with fire.

04-10-2011, 06:40 PM
I emailed the police about it, they haven't emailed me back yet. It is not my field, but it is not owned by the person who had the trike either.

04-10-2011, 06:42 PM
Are you SERIOUS!!!!!!!?????? Finders keepers????!!! :wondering:wondering:wondering What the FUCtrailpro.. It's called stealing. It is punishable by going to jail,because it is not your land,it is not your machine,because you did not buy it,and it is not your business. Where did you two come from?? If I leave my stuff,out in MY field,that I bought and payed for ,,it's yours?? I,,,,,,,,,,,,MAY have to disagree with you! And if it was MY :lol: machine,It would certainly be a day in YOUR life that stands out VERY prominently ! If this $100 machine is worth being arrested and going to jail for.. Go to your courthouse,look up the plot in the deed office,and contact the OWNER of the land. At which point,he will probably tell you to get it out of there., good luck!!

Chazz of Blades
04-10-2011, 06:43 PM
Yeah, that'd be mine.

I was doing some running from villains chasing me on quads, I managed to get the quad bandits to flip, but had to leave the trike as I jumped to grab the rope ladder from the chopper doing a fly by.

Also, don't hit the red button next to the throttle, that'd be the smokescreen.

04-10-2011, 06:43 PM
Field is owned by a sugar beet company.

04-10-2011, 06:43 PM
finders keepers if it looks like its been there more then 2 weeks they obviously dont care to get it cause i know when i leave my bike in the bush as soon as im home i call my buddy to tow it out, either they dont care for it cause its eff'd up or its stolen

Come on over and grab a few of my tractors! Some of them don't get used for months at a time! I must not care about them. They must be free. "Finders keepers", right?

I haven't driven my Gator since hunting season. It must be stolen. Take that too.

Good grief!

04-10-2011, 06:44 PM
Well,getting the police involved is better!,,Ahhh,,I saw this machine that is not mine,,and I went trespassing onto this guys field to,,,,,,, good luck,,seriously

04-10-2011, 06:45 PM
Can you BELIEVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! April fools right!!!

Chazz of Blades
04-10-2011, 06:46 PM
And I agree with ATC007, if I leave my trike in my field, and you steal it, I'm tracking you down and feeding you your own ass.

Contact the beet company, if they own the land, I'd think they'd be glad to let you take something out of their planting fields, especially if you offer the owner a bit of cash and taking it away. That'd be alot easier.

04-10-2011, 06:47 PM
That is what I was planning on. I was going to tell the beet company that I saw it, and then I was going to put a sign up that asked if I could buy it.

Chazz of Blades
04-10-2011, 06:55 PM
Yeah, you might be an idiot if.............

Stealing is still stealing, whether its a concept you UNDERSTAND OR NOT.

04-10-2011, 07:20 PM
well lets see tractors nope i wouldnt touch, gator wtf is that? argo? wouldnt touch that, 3 wheeler left in a feild for too long MINE

Even being Canada owners will still retaliate, local thief down the road found that out the hard way last year after he stole a quad.

Theft is just that theft! Anyone low enough to do so to someone else need to be hung from a tree on a short rope.

Arrogant little boys that think they are the "Man" YOU make me sick!

04-10-2011, 07:24 PM
hey, this is really fun to read. please post some more, before the owner shows up. or is he too busy reading/laughing at this to go get it.
my opinion, put up a sign, it's at joe's house. you can pick it up there, like a stray dog.

04-10-2011, 07:31 PM
There's a couple of possibilities that I can think of. One is that the person who was riding it did not have permission to ride there and is afraid of getting in trouble going back to get it. Maybe it's a kid who doesn't want to get in trouble with his parents. Or, like others have suggested, it could be stolen and was just joyrode until they got it stuck and left it there. In that case, wouldn't the original owner be thrilled to get it back?

We've been trying to teach our 10-year old that things he "finds" in the school playground are not automatically his, although I know that this thinking is common. We used to say "finders keepers" when we were kids too, but as kids we didn't think about others, only ourselves.

In this case, I'm going to guess that most of us, finding this thing out in a field, would WANT to be able to take the trike home. I know I would. But the difference between just taking it home (finders keepers), and doing the right thing by trying to find the owner is in my opinion the difference between the kids and the grownups. This is the lesson we're trying to teach our son, and apparently one some of you need to learn as well.

04-10-2011, 07:59 PM
There's a couple of possibilities that I can think of. One is that the person who was riding it did not have permission to ride there and is afraid of getting in trouble going back to get it. Maybe it's a kid who doesn't want to get in trouble with his parents. Or, like others have suggested, it could be stolen and was just joyrode until they got it stuck and left it there. In that case, wouldn't the original owner be thrilled to get it back?

We've been trying to teach our 10-year old that things he "finds" in the school playground are not automatically his, although I know that this thinking is common. We used to say "finders keepers" when we were kids too, but as kids we didn't think about others, only ourselves.

In this case, I'm going to guess that most of us, finding this thing out in a field, would WANT to be able to take the trike home. I know I would. But the difference between just taking it home (finders keepers), and doing the right thing by trying to find the owner is in my opinion the difference between the kids and the grownups. This is the lesson we're trying to teach our son, and apparently one some of you need to learn as well.

Yeah, I agree, I was not really planning on taking it without any notification whatsoever, if I even take it at all. I actually don't know if it's still even there.

04-10-2011, 08:14 PM
IMO, I'd contact the Beet Company, inquire about it, let them know you were concerned about it, and see if they know anything about it. THEN, you need to make sure that THEY take care of it, although make sure they know you are interested in it. It's their land, (leased or not they are working it) and are responsible for what happens on it. The police would most certainly be interested in it as well, and should be contacted by the beet company / you / etc. Make sure you keep up on it if the po po pick it up. If it is considered as abandoned, you will have a great chance at claiming it.. but only after they do whatever they do when they receive abandoned stuff.

04-10-2011, 08:15 PM
Yeah, it is definitely something I want to be really careful about, because I don't want to end up behind bars from trying to keep a nice trike out of the rain and mud haha.

04-10-2011, 08:19 PM
Id turn it into the local police department.If someone is looking for it they would know to call there first imo.I definitely wouldn't keep it in any situation like that because I didn't pay for it so it would be stealing no matter how you look at it.

I wouldn't feel right keeping it and why take the risk of getting in trouble over it?Just not worth it

04-10-2011, 08:30 PM
Holy newbfest Batman.

04-10-2011, 08:52 PM
I think you already said that

Chazz of Blades
04-10-2011, 08:54 PM
Um, since this was posted over a week since april fools I doubt it.

The newbfest part yes, quite so.

I have 1/4 Apache, and a 1/4 Cherokee blood in me, each quarter from a different parent. Does that mean I can go around claiming everything I see because the land was conquered many years ago? No.

04-10-2011, 08:56 PM
Just wondering, are you saying that I am a newb, or MudHogz? no offense MudHogz

Chazz of Blades
04-10-2011, 09:00 PM
I'm not going to name any names, but the perpetrator is HOGGING all the MUDDY space in this thread.

Chazz of Blades
04-10-2011, 09:03 PM
But yes, do as instructed, and inform and inquire about it to the beet company first, see if you can get it, if you do, then check with the local police to see if anyone filled a report on a stolen trike. If nobody has, I'd keep it, but keep my ears and eyes open for the owner if it was stolen and not reported, or was ditched by a kid or something.

04-10-2011, 09:15 PM
I have 1/4 Apache, and a 1/4 Cherokee blood in me, each quarter from a different parent. Does that mean I can go around claiming everything I see because the land was conquered many years ago? No.

No....you may only claim HALF of what you see as that adds up to only 1/2 Native American

on the other, you have 898 posts racked up in just six months....which officially makes you a bigger post whore than MudClogz....and for quite awhile until they catch up. I figure in 6 months, you`ll have Edog beat and he took years to get that count.

04-10-2011, 09:24 PM
You know, this same story happened to me once, except it wasn't a trike, it was a million bucks, and I didn't leave it in the field, and I was in a helicopter, and I was with my smurf friends.....:)

04-10-2011, 09:27 PM
In that situation I would have left it alone....not touched it.....period

picture this:

you are a police officer on routine patrol when you spot a guy in the middle of an open field pushing a trike around. You stop and ask if the guy needs assistance and/or WHY he`s in the middle of the field pushing a mystery trike with the owner not present or known while the "trike pusher" explains that he doesn`t know who it belongs to, that he found it just sitting there, and that he was "just helping hide it from other thieves" by pushing it back to the woods. Then lets say the police officer runs the numbers and finds out the trike is stolen.....guess who suspect NUMERO UNO is? Yup....the guy trying to do a good deed....I wouldn`t touch it. Or try this shoe on for size: you are pushing it to "safety" when the OWNER shows up....what do you think his first thought would be? And he packs a gun?

Now if a fella gets stuck and has to leave his trike behind, he realizes the threat of theivery but chooses to leave it there anyway and therefore since it rightfully belongs to him, he has that right...best thing to do is not touch it and call the police if you think you may have spotted a stolen trike and want to help in the recovery....but still don`t touch it.....JMO

04-10-2011, 09:34 PM
I think I like ironchop's opinion best. Probably shouldn't have touched it at all! That's not a criticism at all, just something I hadn't thought about until he illustrated what could happen! Do keep us posted on how it comes out, it's been fun to armchair quarterback about it!

04-10-2011, 09:37 PM
Been in a similar situation. Call the lawn owner ask, If he knows who's it is, great. If he has no clue, then someone was trespassing on his property. Ask him if you can remove the trike, Most likely he'll let you. He doesn't want to spend time doing it. Bring it to your house, call the the local police department. tell them you found it, Not where or your name. Leave your number. If some calls regarding it, they will contact you. If its not the beet company's then its abandon property. The police will impound, then if not claimed it will most likely got to auction. If it turns up stolen, you can return it.

04-10-2011, 09:42 PM
get the vin number and get it ran threw to see if its stolen or who she belongs to if anyone. if nobody....... do what you will.

it belongs to somebody.... it didn`t get there by itself

that`s all i have to say on this matter. We`ve had similar threads before. Everyone wants to be a good samaritan but wanting to do good does not therefore give one the right to touch someone else`s stuff without permission....period....why isn`t this a no-brainer?

04-10-2011, 09:47 PM
This whole thread should be used as an IQ test

1984 honda 200s
04-10-2011, 09:49 PM
the least he could of done was get it unstuck and leave it where it was. run the vin number and likely you will get a owners name or it may come up stolen.

04-10-2011, 10:00 PM
hey, too late now, half the country and most of canada knows now.
most states have abandoned vehicle laws. not to late to make a report, even after the event.

04-10-2011, 10:05 PM
Why has no one asked"what the heck were you doing out in the middle of this field owned by the sugar beets company anyway?" :)

04-10-2011, 10:05 PM
I was going down the road and I saw the trike. So I decided to go check it out.

1984 honda 200s
04-10-2011, 10:08 PM
growing dope? ohh you saw a bright yeller trike stuck in the middle of a field. ok sounds good.

04-10-2011, 10:10 PM
Why oh why do some of you guys think it is ok to trespass on private property to get this bike unstuck for someone? Was there a guy waving you down for help? NO. Is there a sign that says "FREE TRIKE IF YOU CAN GET IT OUT". No. Then leave it alone. Didn't your parents ever teach you that if it doesn't belong to you to keep your grubby mitts off of it. Why is this so hard to understand.

04-10-2011, 10:16 PM
^ I agree, IDK why you touched it........ It isn't yours and hadn't been there for 10 years nor on your property.

Good trike Samaritan??

1984 honda 200s
04-10-2011, 10:16 PM
man he helped out who ever ownes it. i hope i dont get my 200s stuck bad enough to leave it for the night and one of you lads that dont want to pull her out come along...that would reuin my day to see my bike still stuck out there while other tracks going AROUND it. he got it unstuck didnt steal it.

04-10-2011, 10:22 PM
it wasnt in a bush, it was out in the open.

04-10-2011, 10:33 PM
finders keepers if it looks like its been there more then 2 weeks they obviously dont care to get it cause i know when i leave my bike in the bush as soon as im home i call my buddy to tow it out, either they dont care for it cause its eff'd up or its stolen
If you were to take it and it ends up being stolen then YOU can be arrested for recieving stolen property. And I would HOPE the rightfull legal owners would press for charges.

I'd leave there for a couple days and go back... if it's still there, then I'd claim it.
If it's not on YOUR land then how can you claim it? Don't you mean this:
I'd leave there for a couple days and go back... if it's still there, then I'd STEAL it.

well lets see tractors nope i wouldnt touch, gator wtf is that? argo? wouldnt touch that, 3 wheeler left in a feild for too long MINE

You show your from cornwall, well when you get busted for stealing and get to jail you will probably get cornholed.

CMartin, MudHogz, and anyone else that thinks like this:
Stealing is stealing and admitting to the fact that you would do it is reason enough for us to remove your forum abilities. Currently under review


Discussion of any illegal activity will not be tolerated period! This includes but is not limited to; street racing stories, police evasion stories, under age drinking, drug use, theft, etc. Postings about such topics will be removed without notice to the poster and likely result in account suspension if the practice continues in the future.

1984 honda 200s
04-10-2011, 10:36 PM
i would still do the same as you fenderbender buddy LOL, pull it out of the mud and leave it, keep checking up on it..... some one has to look in the back yard or shed and see a yellow 125 missing someday! or remember where thay last left it haha

04-10-2011, 11:02 PM
i would report it to the local police i highly doubt the actual owner would abandon it. either way its not gonna end up in your hands legally, your choice lol

04-10-2011, 11:07 PM
If you were to take it and it ends up being stolen then YOU can be arrested for recieving stolen property. And I would HOPE the rightfull legal owners would press for charges.

If it's not on YOUR land then how can you claim it? Don't you mean this:
I'd leave there for a couple days and go back... if it's still there, then I'd STEAL it.

x2, nuff said Not yours dont touch.

You show your from cornwall, well when you get busted for stealing and get to jail you will probably get cornholed.

CMartin, MudHogz, and anyone else that thinks like this:
Stealing is stealing and admitting to the fact that you would do it is reason enough for us to remove your forum abilities. Currently under review


I agree, If its not yours dont touch plain and simple.

Chazz of Blades
04-10-2011, 11:17 PM
You show your from cornwall, well when you get busted for stealing and get to jail you will probably get cornholed.

That is sig worthy right there.

04-10-2011, 11:21 PM
In that situation I would have left it alone....not touched it.....period

picture this:

you are a police officer on routine patrol when you spot a guy in the middle of an open field pushing a trike around. You stop and ask if the guy needs assistance and/or WHY he`s in the middle of the field pushing a mystery trike with the owner not present or known while the "trike pusher" explains that he doesn`t know who it belongs to, that he found it just sitting there, and that he was "just helping hide it from other thieves" by pushing it back to the woods. Then lets say the police officer runs the numbers and finds out the trike is stolen.....guess who suspect NUMERO UNO is? Yup....the guy trying to do a good deed....I wouldn`t touch it. Or try this shoe on for size: you are pushing it to "safety" when the OWNER shows up....what do you think his first thought would be? And he packs a gun?

Now if a fella gets stuck and has to leave his trike behind, he realizes the threat of theivery but chooses to leave it there anyway and therefore since it rightfully belongs to him, he has that right...best thing to do is not touch it and call the police if you think you may have spotted a stolen trike and want to help in the recovery....but still don`t touch it.....JMO

Been in a similar situation. Call the lawn owner ask, If he knows who's it is, great. If he has no clue, then someone was trespassing on his property. Ask him if you can remove the trike, Most likely he'll let you. He doesn't want to spend time doing it. Bring it to your house, call the the local police department. tell them you found it, Not where or your name. Leave your number. If some calls regarding it, they will contact you. If its not the beet company's then its abandon property. The police will impound, then if not claimed it will most likely got to auction. If it turns up stolen, you can return it.

I agree with both these replies. Call the landowner first, then call the police 2nd. You could possibly be charged with trespassing as it is.

04-12-2011, 01:17 PM
Wow. Heard about situations like this before. But in my town, literally EVERYONE knows EVERYONE ELSE so we see a ride stuck, we say, "Oh, thats -----'s ride, we better give him a holler and see if he needs help!" That keeps a lot of people out of a lot of trouble like this! LOL I'd just let it go and give a holler to the fuzz, and then forget it. That's about all you can do.

04-12-2011, 03:10 PM
One morning i was on my way to work and someone had left a brand new bike laying in my yard. Still had all the paper work and tags from wal-mart. "The nearest wal-mart is about 5 miles" Anyway I called the cops and they came by and took down the info for the bike and my name and # and said if any reports came in about the bike that they would come back for the bike as they didnt whant to take it and store the bike. Even though i have 2 young boys who would love a brand new bike i placed it in my garage for 1 month so if some kid got his new bike stolen by some pig it would still be new when he got it back. After the month was up i called the stolen property devision and gave them the report # they said there was no inquaries about the bike so it was mine. Did the right thing and still got the bike and my kids learned 2 leasons. 1 do the right thing 2 keep trailprotrailpro trailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro locked up.