View Full Version : 86 200x jetting DG RCM?Moose carb kit problems?

04-07-2011, 08:22 PM
Okay I have installed a DG RCM pipe on my 86 200X.There is also a Uni-Filter installed in the stock air box,no holes in lid.Now I have yet to start playing with jetting.Tonight I started it up just to see how bike runs.It wouldn't run without choke on.With it off would backfire and shoot some flames.Which is definatley a lean condition.Now I have gone through the carb and used a Moose carb kit.It is a pretty complete kit.The air screw wasn't right,kept stock.I changed out the needle and the seat,it was even in the kit.Not just the needle valve.Usually I have put a pipes on before and the bike would run good,even before increasing jet sizes.Has anybody used a Moose kit and had problems?Thinking about putting the original needle and seat back in.

04-07-2011, 08:58 PM
The thing is regardless of the kit manufacturer, you are letting out more exhaust air and need more air and fuel. The stock jets won't cut the mustard.

Whats it do if you take the airbox lid off?? Take it off but you will still need to up size the main jet a few sizes and the pilot or air screw just a bit.

I do not like the Moose kit, I prefer K and L carb kits......... Again though, they are merely rebuilding your carb to stock settings which won't work with your new exhaust.

04-07-2011, 09:09 PM
I know the jets have to definately go up in size.Just wondering where maybe to start and if there might be a problem with the needle from Moose kit.Only reason I bought the Moose kit it was the closest and cheapest.Only wanted the bowel gasket and new needle valve,cheaper than buying them seperate.Knew the jets were going to be worthless since I put a pipe on.

04-07-2011, 10:04 PM
Take the lid off and tell me what i does...........

04-08-2011, 06:57 PM
I removed the lid and nothing really changed.Condition may have got a little worse.Put original needle back in and put clip one notch above middle.Wouldn't idle down in the middle.Going for jets tommrow any suggestions?Just hate buying unneeded ones.

04-08-2011, 07:02 PM
if the lid removal made it worse, then i just sounds like your running lean. before you go worrying about the carb kit and stuff, jet up and see what it does.

some machines can run with a new pipe and no jet, and others do not.
it was probably running slightly lean with the stock pipe on.

this is good, might mean u get some good increase in HP with the proper jet up with the pipe.

04-08-2011, 10:34 PM
I bought the Moose carb kit also for an '86 200X, and yes the pilot screw is wrong, had to use the original. I didn't have any other problems though, mine is all stock.

04-09-2011, 01:01 AM
I removed the lid and nothing really changed.Condition may have got a little worse.Put original needle back in and put clip one notch above middle.Wouldn't idle down in the middle.Going for jets tommrow any suggestions?Just hate buying unneeded ones.

Hey, I hear ya..... Jets are not cheap. The only positive thing I can say is once you start building them up you have allot of choices for different carbs.

MrCycles has a Parts Unlimited catalog (kinda hard to find) but it lists Keihin and Mikuni jets for a better price than the dealer.

Now with the lid off and exhaust on, you can tell it's very lean. I'd jump up at least 3 sizes on the main, possibly more but you'll feel/hear a difference. Then you can judge from there.

NEVER make more than one jetting change at a time. Make the change, record the result at that elevation and temperature. Then you can raise/lower the clip if you feel it will help. I almost always get it with the main, pilot and the air screw. I rarely have to change the needle.........