View Full Version : Classified section,,,Gotta vent!!

04-04-2011, 02:57 PM
Whew! The classified section is getting to me. These"mint" machines with cut plastic that is no longer available,covered in rust,that the minute you DID try to make it mint,,every bolt would brake!! And "original" machines with aftermarket fork boots,painted engine,on the 3rd set of rubber...I realize these beloved machines are approaching 25-40 years old.. However,,"mint " and "original " machines DO exist. That is what I buy. And it's just getting old,,going into a deal thinking you've found something,,and finding a simple run of the mill rider. There is NOTHING wrong with them,,I love em all,,but guys,, original,,means pretty well UNTOUCHED! Thanx for letting me vent! And oh yeah! Remember when we knew what we had,what it was worth,and advertised it with a PRICE!! Instead of this taking offers nonsense! Oh well,to each their own.

Chazz of Blades
04-04-2011, 03:03 PM
If people want bids, throw it on Feebay, not here.

I agree, I'm tired of people thinking a DD is a show trike.

04-04-2011, 03:26 PM
I am agreeing with you both in my area here even my honda shop knows that trikes are getting extremely hard to repair and find parts for and the few they have are selling for cheap, I put out a post at some point with a john deer klt 200, which has all the original plastics and parts and I only paid 2 hundred for it, it also came with a new oem rear end as the original is locked up, so lets think realistically here, these bike are awesome but when you have to search all day to find parts and spend 4 times as much what it was to get it just to repair it , things just don't balance out. The only mint one left is the 250r still in the crate, and tell me what you want for it and I'll tell you what I'll give.