View Full Version : "Thinking out loud" CR125 powered 200x

04-02-2011, 06:27 PM
I have been really intrigued lately with the 200x's on the site from different members, but I really don't care for the engine. I love two strokes and have been thinking:idea: Has anyone on here put a cr125 engine inside a 200x? If so please chime in, even if you have a buddy who has done one.

I would like everyones thoughts Pro's & Con's. I am invisioning a factory color powdercoated frame, aftermarket swinger, low profile rear fenders, number plate, 18" rear tires, extended axle, 250r front tire, Mosh blue seat with 125R on the side. Just a cool little screamer.

Flame away:naughty:

04-02-2011, 06:44 PM
Do it! What's the worst that could happen? You get a 125CC pile of poo?

04-02-2011, 06:44 PM
I know someone here put a 2 stroke in a 200x. Trying to remember who. A fello Canadian I believe. It was not a Honda motor tho. I agree with your idea. I had a 83-85 200x but love the look of the 86-87. That would be the one to put it in. Most people talk about the frame not being strong enough or the suspension to handle a 250r motor. I believe after some frame mods for fitment, then added gussets it would be perfect for the 125. The suspension can be worked on after you try it.
i'd so go for it. Someone will chime in with the member who put a 2 stroke in one. I was thinking and almost bought a cr60 and or cr80 for the bike I got off you. I have a motor now from Ceaserthethird so I might not do it but have been thinking really hard about it.

04-02-2011, 06:48 PM
Ok I just done a search and it's been done for racing. Just have a search. Even found pics.

04-02-2011, 07:00 PM
yep back in the day it was common ,, seen alot of them,,

04-02-2011, 07:01 PM
Maybe not geared for the top end as much as the 250R... But could be a fun little trike!

04-02-2011, 07:06 PM
Cool project that's been done. A very nice example can be seen at TF. My only reservation on doing such a swap is the very small size of the transmission. 125's have extremely small gears that may not be able to cope with the loads that a atv will put on it long term. Not just in terms of input power either. Bikes rely heavily on wheel spin to protect the trans from breaking under not only full power, but in on/off throttle and landing situations where the tires of an atv will not drag. The XR based trans of a 200x was small in size relative to many other atv transmissions, but still had much beefier gears due to it not being built to save every last ounce of weight like a 125cc mx bike. Experience has shown me that excessive weight is the number 1 cause of "small machine" transmission failure. If you're able to have some restraint, and ride it with care, it would make a fun project. But be aware that heavy overall weight, lack of flywheel effect, and an engine that develops very little torque will make for an all or nothing type of riding style that will be MUCH more favorable to hard flat terrain, than say soft sand, or mud for example.

04-02-2011, 07:26 PM
Ol Deuce on here did a 175 Elsinore in a 200x. Pretty cool rig. It's a sceamer compared to the slow 200x motor. And it's a good idea, the 200x motor is junk and anything would be an upgrade. I'd love to see a smoker in the 200x chasis, they're sorta a cool little trike.

04-02-2011, 07:33 PM
I ran a 144 big bore port polished cr 125 in a 85 200x chassis, wen it was first built it lacked alot of power but I built it to he'll and it ran like a scolded ape.... But I sold it prob 3 months ago

04-02-2011, 07:45 PM
Cool project that's been done. A very nice example can be seen at TF. My only reservation on doing such a swap is the very small size of the transmission. 125's have extremely small gears that may not be able to cope with the loads that a atv will put on it long term. Not just in terms of input power either. Bikes rely heavily on wheel spin to protect the trans from breaking under not only full power, but in on/off throttle and landing situations where the tires of an atv will not drag. The XR based trans of a 200x was small in size relative to many other atv transmissions, but still had much beefier gears due to it not being built to save every last ounce of weight like a 125cc mx bike. Experience has shown me that excessive weight is the number 1 cause of "small machine" transmission failure. If you're able to have some restraint, and ride it with care, it would make a fun project. But be aware that heavy overall weight, lack of flywheel effect, and an engine that develops very little torque will make for an all or nothing type of riding style that will be MUCH more favorable to hard flat terrain, than say soft sand, or mud for example.

Good info from all. The trans as well is really the one thing that has me considering engine choice. I really love the look of the 200x and I agree a smoker would be cool. This is more of pipe dream at this time because I still have to put my 350x together. I'm really just kinda picking some brains here. Thanks fella's.

04-02-2011, 07:46 PM
the 200x motor is junk and anything would be an upgrade

I don't think the 1st gen 200x motors were junk, they are pretty good little powerplants for the size of machine they drive. Sure they're not the powerhorses the 2nd gens are, but it's still a good little powerplant.

04-02-2011, 07:48 PM
so did you take any pictures of this 144 ?????

04-02-2011, 08:14 PM
very common back in the 80's and I have one that my father built my brother. 86 cr 125 with a 84 200X. It's apart and under restoration and will be finished once my brothers tour is over and he's back home. I have no scaner but I'll get pics as soon as I get to the shop.

04-02-2011, 09:29 PM
very common back in the 80's and I have one that my father built my brother. 86 cr 125 with a 84 200X. It's apart and under restoration and will be finished once my brothers tour is over and he's back home. I have no scaner but I'll get pics as soon as I get to the shop.

Please do I would love to see them.

04-02-2011, 09:46 PM
I don't think the 1st gen 200x motors were junk, they are pretty good little powerplants for the size of machine they drive. Sure they're not the powerhorses the 2nd gens are, but it's still a good little powerplant.

How's yours running? I said nothing of power verses a later year.

04-02-2011, 10:27 PM
How's yours running? I said nothing of power verses a later year.

No, but you did mention how "the 200x motor is junk and anything would be an upgrade" and I am implying how it is not. What do you expect for 200CC's? A rocket ship? :lol::rolleyes:

You know how mine is doing. 26 years and it finally went. ;)

04-02-2011, 10:58 PM
Hey no engine is junk. Just no way! Now there are better engine for an application. My 86 is good enough for me. Do I want more? Well yes!!!!! Although, I'd be more than pleased to have it stock for the rest of the bike's life.

My engine has 18hp, stock. I have a bigger carb, p&p, the headpipe has the i.d. weld ground out and it's fresh. My guess, 19 right now if that haha

04-02-2011, 11:02 PM
Again, I said nothing about power. And made no references to how it propels it's self. I said it is junk. Bad kickers, bad tranny, bad cam chain, poor clutch. And yours (Xpress) is broke down, correct? So that's what you consider a 'good' motor? You're up past your bedtime, another 20 years or so and your assessment may have some experience behind your comments, well, maybe longer as you seem to be a slow learner at this point.

04-02-2011, 11:54 PM
Again, I said nothing about power. And made no references to how it propels it's self. I said it is junk. Bad kickers, bad tranny, bad cam chain, poor clutch. And yours (Xpress) is broke down, correct? So that's what you consider a 'good' motor?

Mine ceased. The tranny is still in tack, the kicker does not slip, the clutch works as it should, and the cam chain is in no need of replacement. I've beaten the snot out of this thing in the time I've had it, it's no wonder why it ceased after 26 years of use- the PO rode it multiple times a week, and so have I.

You're up past your bedtime, another 20 years or so and your assessment may have some experience behind your comments, well, maybe longer as you seem to be a slow learner at this point.

Lets get something REAL straight right here, I'M NOT YOUR ******* SON, got that? I go to bed whenever the **** I feel like it, and being an insomniac, that sleep time is brief, if not more than a few hours at a time. Am I tired? No.

"Slow learner". Oh wow, so now you're calling me retarded? Cool bro, so you like to name call to, that's great, good example.

With that being said, it's time for us to CHILL out, maybe go for a ride with the kids or something ;)

04-03-2011, 12:05 AM
Thank god some1 told tht guy wats up...

04-03-2011, 12:58 AM
Mine ceased. The tranny is still in tack, the kicker does not slip, the clutch works as it should, and the cam chain is in no need of replacement. I've beaten the snot out of this thing in the time I've had it, it's no wonder why it ceased after 26 years of use- the PO rode it multiple times a week, and so have I.

Lets get something REAL straight right here, I'M NOT YOUR ******* SON, got that? I go to bed whenever the **** I feel like it, and being an insomniac, that sleep time is brief, if not more than a few hours at a time. Am I tired? No.

"Slow learner". Oh wow, so now you're calling me retarded? Cool bro, so you like to name call to, that's great, good example.

With that being said, it's time for us to CHILL out, maybe go for a ride with the kids or something ;)

Go cry to mommy now, lol. You immature punks sure are stupid. Nobody likes you, and you're a joke. They just banned an immature 14 year old, hopefully you could go with him.

04-03-2011, 01:36 AM
Great comeback ;)

You know what sets me apart from him? The fact that I'm neither young, nor reckless.

Stop going after me just because I can't legally buy alcohol.

04-03-2011, 01:56 AM
Great comeback ;)

You know what sets me apart from him? The fact that I'm neither young, nor reckless.

Stop going after me just because I can't legally buy alcohol.
You're fun buddy.:);)

04-03-2011, 02:21 AM
wow that got brutal fast

04-03-2011, 04:25 AM
I actually met zac or "yuonganreckles" his screen name serves him rite... I think he is spending time in juvie

04-03-2011, 06:51 AM
Hell there was 125 class when we use to flat track that ran everthing from x's w/cr's and tecates w/ kx125s in them. The 80 mod class was one of the greatest classes to watch. They would put the smallest go cart tires w/ that lil80 in there pinned to stops on thottle and were making lap times as closes as open class quads slammed w/swaybars. I do think you have issues w/ the tranny for trail riding and wheel spin, but if you know that going into the project and avoid a heavy and aggressive tire on the rear it could be alot of fun.

04-03-2011, 08:07 AM
I remember see them when I was racing back in the 80's, Ashtabula, Little Valley New York, etc. Quick little wheelers. I think that would be a fun build.

04-03-2011, 08:12 AM
Now, a little insight to the engine swap. Those cr125s really don't make much torque, despite the 40hp or so. I'd honestly, drop a blaster motor in the frame, they can get much more torque outta them. Now with that statement said, that would be if i didn't already have the cr125 engine on hand.

Blaster motors are cheaper and a little port work+pipe really makes them haul ass.

04-03-2011, 10:38 AM
Now, a little insight to the engine swap. Those cr125s really don't make much torque, despite the 40hp or so. I'd honestly, drop a blaster motor in the frame, they can get much more torque outta them. Now with that statement said, that would be if i didn't already have the cr125 engine on hand.

Blaster motors are cheaper and a little port work+pipe really makes them haul ass.
The whole Yamaha in a Honda thing doesn't sit well with me. I'm one of those Ford belongs in a Ford and a Chevy belongs in a Chevy type guys. If that's your thing I have nothing against it but its not for me.

04-03-2011, 11:41 AM
before all the experts get involved in your project just remember the CR125 ATC is a ride for riders that weigh upto 150lbs. It's not a bike made for the big guys but still can be ridden by them though but it will lack the power you want. with that said it's your project and a good one.
2nd Xpress I think you should calm down and mind your manners. A few of us do have many years on you when it comes to trikes. Heck some of us bought our bikes NEW AT THE DEALER and still have those bikes. but why listen or take our advice, 20 plus years on these things, but I can see how your few years of riding has made you an XPERT. the early X motors suck. There I said it. Not once have I've been riding with a 200 rider and problems happen. I gotta chuckle as I see guys kick and kick to get their bikes started. WHY DOES THIS HAPPEN?? Cuz I'm sick and tired of waiting for them on a ride. And whats up with those valves?? You younger guys really think you know all. I wish I did by the time I was 18 . With your little outburst and yes little is being kind it has really showed me how you treat others who don't agree with your XPERT opinion. I've said this before to you, if you wanna BTCH you have your own facebook page to vent on don't do it here. This was a good thread about a build that most, XCEPT you, wanna see. I really take offence to the retard comment. I volunteer with the mentally challenged and at least they would understand the viewpoints of others without acting like a little brat. I think you owe Robby an apology and the rest of members for your tiff. I will say your off my X-mas list and any help my way is mute. And trust me I'm one of those guys who tends to send out free parts when you need them the most.
BKM I can't wait till you start this build and if I remember there wasn't too much involved. not as easy as an autoX but still a great project. My father was big on conversions back in the day and left my brothers and I with some real gems. I'll be glad to give you my 2 cents worth when you need it

04-03-2011, 12:21 PM
before all the experts get involved in your project just remember the CR125 ATC is a ride for riders that weigh upto 150lbs. It's not a bike made for the big guys but still can be ridden by them though but it will lack the power you want. with that said it's your project and a good one.
2nd Xpress I think you should calm down and mind your manners. A few of us do have many years on you when it comes to trikes. Heck some of us bought our bikes NEW AT THE DEALER and still have those bikes. but why listen or take our advice, 20 plus years on these things, but I can see how your few years of riding has made you an XPERT. the early X motors suck. There I said it. Not once have I've been riding with a 200 rider and problems happen. I gotta chuckle as I see guys kick and kick to get their bikes started. WHY DOES THIS HAPPEN?? Cuz I'm sick and tired of waiting for them on a ride. And whats up with those valves?? You younger guys really think you know all. I wish I did by the time I was 18 . With your little outburst and yes little is being kind it has really showed me how you treat others who don't agree with your XPERT opinion. I've said this before to you, if you wanna BTCH you have your own facebook page to vent on don't do it here. This was a good thread about a build that most, XCEPT you, wanna see. I really take offence to the retard comment. I volunteer with the mentally challenged and at least they would understand the viewpoints of others without acting like a little brat. I think you owe Robby an apology and the rest of members for your tiff. I will say your off my X-mas list and any help my way is mute. And trust me I'm one of those guys who tends to send out free parts when you need them the most.
BKM I can't wait till you start this build and if I remember there wasn't too much involved. not as easy as an autoX but still a great project. My father was big on conversions back in the day and left my brothers and I with some real gems. I'll be glad to give you my 2 cents worth when you need it

OK killing my last hour here at work.. Reading through this it looks like a classic example of why its not good take text typed on the Internet literally. A junk engine may mean slow to one person, broken down, or unreliable to another person. Depends on how one was raised using the word. However I'm not a mechanic and maybe in the motorcycle mechanic world "Junk" means somehting specific... I doubt it though.

Good luck on the build BMK!!!!

04-03-2011, 12:52 PM
I think this has run its course for now. Last thing I want is for guys to get at each others throats over my thread. How about we come back to this when ever I decide if I want to go forth with this project. I feel I'm putting the cart before the horse on this one and I'm knee deep in my 350x project at the moment. Thanks to all for the help and if I decide to go forth I'll start a build thread.

Thanks again.

04-03-2011, 02:06 PM
I think you owe Robby an apology and the rest of members for your tiff.

I don't owe an apology to anybody, if anything, Robby owes an apology to me for going off on my own personal opinion, but I'm not holding it against him. Re-read what was written, you'll see he's going after me for something I have an opinion on.

I will say your off my X-mas list and any help my way is mute. And trust me I'm one of those guys who tends to send out free parts when you need them the most.t

That's great, I'd rather work to buy parts with my own hard earned money rather than get them for free. There is more satisfaction when going that route. I should know, every single trike or trike part I have bought has been through the money I have earned, not something that was given to me.

I really take offence to the retard comment.

Me too, I'm not the one who tried to mask it up by saying "slow learner", of which I am not.

No, I'm not this so called "XPERT" you are trying to insult me with, sure, there's plenty of things I don't know. But what I do possess is a lot of know-how on a lot of common various things. Trikes are one of those things, and no, I'm not shooting in the dark, I'm going back and researching things before I post, speaking from both personal experience and others experience.

If you guys think the 1st gen 200X engine is junk, then that's fine, I think it's a great little powerplant, and all the components that everybody has said go out or wear out, mine are still working perfectly fine. That's all I am saying.

04-03-2011, 02:29 PM
Our '83 200x was our most reliable trike out of the bunch.. It always started on at the most 2 kicks.. I would love to see a cr125 motor in a 200x frame though.. I think it would be a cool little runner..

04-03-2011, 03:55 PM
the 200x motor was never a good race motor but its not junk remeber it did start as a 100cc street bike the kick start seems to be a pain and the head desine is total crap as soon as someone tightens the 4 bolts on the top to much its a reliable trail motor witch is what it was made for so if he wanted a race trike i can see why he said it was junk but if the motors geting swaped i would go with the blaster motor or bigger the cr 125 has troble making it up some hills as a bike add the weight of the trike and your not going up any big hills a air cool cr 250 would probley be the best you could fit in there i think with the atc 250R motor the counter balacer would not fit

04-03-2011, 04:20 PM
I'm only 22, all my toys older than me :) I am no expert, but my dad is(40+ years experience professionally with gasoline), I go to him when I need help with building something. But everything else, I come here, I read, I search, I ask questions. I've learned so much from these forums and a few other forums, more than I could ever need to know. I just want to say thanks to everyone and sharing their knowledge. and on that note..

I'm taking a guess that you already have the cr125 engine, otherwise I'd imagine you going for the cr250.

carmen cafro
04-03-2011, 04:20 PM
Could we all just agree to stop the BS about 200x engine and let's get some pics posted of some of these alleged 125 conversions which were done back in the 80's. There must be some out there! I have a cherry 84 200x (with a blown top end) just sitting in my garage waiting for me to do something to it. Maybe it too needs a CR125 stuffed into it. I also agree that it's gotta be a Honda in a Honda.

04-03-2011, 04:49 PM
It's not a CR or a 200X but it's the best I can do..


04-03-2011, 04:55 PM
BKM I'll pm you the pics asap my other conversion is in my profile page ... I'm done with this site and the SHTY attitudes the young guys give. it's all yours boys

04-03-2011, 05:05 PM
Don't get all butt-hurt. This is a community. Just because someone has more know-how on something than you do doesn't give you the right to whine about it.

dcreel, that's pretty cool. Good thing we have you around, you seem to have all of the good old magazines :naughty:

And doesn't Cagiva have a 125? Or is that one just so unfairly powered we're throwing it out? :lol:

04-03-2011, 05:20 PM
Are you talking an old air cooled 125 or a modern water cooled 125? Do you have a CR125 bike for a donor or will you be buying all the parts? I have a 350X that came to me with a CR250 engine. It wasn't a great swap but did work. The pipe is the biggest problem I see in mine. They have hacked the pipe and re-welded it to get it to "fit". I planned on swapping the engine back into a CR chassis but ended up trading for a CR and now I'm considering doing the swap better. The other thing that I don't like it the back kicking started of the CR. It and 84 CR250 engine, I've wondered if there would be anyway of using 250R parts to correct the starter ???? As far as the transmission issues, would a flywheel weight relieve any of the stress that the tranny sees or make it worse?

carmen cafro
04-04-2011, 10:47 PM
That Tecate 125 is off the charts cool! All water cooled and sano!