View Full Version : best front tire for 250sx converted 200e big red

03-28-2011, 12:22 PM
I have a 200e that I converted to a 250sx fron end. I used a small front tire off a 125cc, but it's too small. it does not grab well and most fo the time the fron floats. it's an 8" rim. what do you guys recommend I use for a front tire that is heavier and will grab better?

I have some ideas, but wanted to see what you guys thought.

03-28-2011, 12:30 PM
i used a 10 inch rim with a goodyear tracker P on both my sx and my dads big red and they arent VERY heavy but they stick to the floor, also how high do you have the forks, if you have them to high its not gonna grip due to it tryign to do wheelies.

03-28-2011, 12:36 PM
i basically cut the front down tube off the 200e and the 250sx and wended on the inside a smaller solid metal peice for support, and then welded on the 250sx front donw tube. I also changed the angle out some to rake the front tire out about 3" from where it used to be. not too much but enought to make a big difference in handeling and feel. it put it about 1" further out than the stock 250SX was so it worked out nice. So I'm using the entire front setup of the 250sx.

10" rim eh? hrmm interesting.

Ol Deuce
03-28-2011, 12:58 PM
I have a 200e that I converted to a 250sx fron end. I used a small front tire off a 125cc, but it's too small. it does not grab well and most fo the time the fron floats. it's an 8" rim. what do you guys recommend I use for a front tire that is heavier and will grab better?

I have some ideas, but wanted to see what you guys thought.

You wouldn't have a picture of your trike with that Sx front end on it????? My 200e has a bent fork and was thinking of doing that same swap...You used the Ball bearings or the tapered bearings...........Thanks Ol Deuce

03-28-2011, 09:14 PM
I think I do let me see.

this is what I dug up.

I cut 2 big grooves in each tube about 1.5" long
I put in a solid steel rod inside each tube that was just a tiny bit smaller and left about 3"s sticking out.then put the tibes together over the rod and left about 1/4" gap.i welded the tubes to the steel rod and also welded the groves up to the rod so it was welded nice and solid to the rod. then welded the gap up fillign the final bits so welded the tubes together and to the rod. next I took some 1/16" steel place and cut it to fit as you see and welded a small section, then beat it with a hand slefge to get it to form the shape better. finally welded that to the tubes and to the extra pipe you see in the photo that connects the upper and lower tubes.
after all that I painted it so it would not rust.
looks pretty good eh? took me about 2 days of planning and measing and cutting and then i took my time and spend 2 more days welding it together and trying differeent angles till I get the one I liked. before I did a final weld to perm attach everything. but it was worth it! it's been beaten the crap outta nearly every weekend for the last 2 years and still running strong!!!

03-28-2011, 09:21 PM
You wouldn't have a picture of your trike with that Sx front end on it????? My 200e has a bent fork and was thinking of doing that same swap...You used the Ball bearings or the tapered bearings...........Thanks Ol Deuce

I used the stocker balls. i was too cheap to get the tapers. LOL but that was nearly 2 years ago so now if I had to do it again I would go with tapers for sure!