View Full Version : Two observations from yesterday

03-28-2011, 09:29 AM
A 200s will float, and waist deep water in march in Michigan is really cold :lol::lol:

03-28-2011, 10:47 AM
we need some pics :)

03-28-2011, 11:18 AM
i wish i had a camera, it was funny as trailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro to turn around and see him waist deep pushing the trike while it floated.

03-28-2011, 12:07 PM
LOL! That visual is funny!

03-28-2011, 12:13 PM
ya most will.

03-28-2011, 12:54 PM
not only will they float, but they just wont die. the best thing about the big red: stalling in deep water, then swiming it to shore. Everybody in the woods "oh sht, looks like your done..." then put the bike on its ass and slowly pull the cord to spit the water out..... then start it up like nothing ever happened. everyone that does not know the big red will be in awe

03-28-2011, 01:05 PM
Been there done that, bet it feels just as cold here in illinois at least to me when I did it:D.

1984 honda 200s
03-28-2011, 02:31 PM
when i swamped my 200s out, it was near a secondary road, some town workers were passing by as i was swamping it out, thay hoped over the fence in there hip waders and pulled me out . i gace the bike a couple of pulls and the way she went again hahaha cant kill em

03-28-2011, 04:06 PM
L O L nice! AtcEric has floated his first 200S a month after purchasing it. shiny side down.

ALSO, I ramped erics warrior off a 20foot drop into a lake on accident. It hit the water running :*( I swam with it upside down down the shore line until I got to a spot where we took 5 people to pull it out and up the bank. Drained and flushed she fired back up, but a month later it threw a rod threw the side of the case. I guess hydrolocking a motor is a sure fire way to bend a rod lol