View Full Version : Any Weak points on 86/87 Tecate Frame? How can I Strengthen

03-26-2011, 01:43 PM
Hi, I am going to be building a 86/87 Tecate project. Since I have never seen a 86/87 Tecate for sale in my state for the last 7 years and for the price of buying a decent shape one leads to me to decide to build one from scratch. I need to make it as strong as possible.
So I need to know what areas are weak on the 86/87 Tecates? Also what areas can I improve on? I am working on getting a frame but just want to figure out what areas I should look out for while looking for a frame.


tri again
03-26-2011, 02:40 PM
You can try the search key on here.

Words like frame, gusset, strengthening,
and you may have to spell some of the words

You may get a ton of info instantly as opposed to waiting for
individual posts.

It's springtime and we should all be riding.,
umm, I mean working.

03-26-2011, 02:51 PM
I have a couple frames and only one has any evidence of an issue and it was on the top of the rear subframe being welded above the shock. Perhaps from being flipped. I can't speak to any problems that I have actually had, but I don't race or really jump mine either. Good luck.

03-26-2011, 04:56 PM
The only problems that I am sure of are the lower left of the frame under/behind the footpeg area will start to crack along the weld on a well ridden/jumped Tecate(this is the only major flaw that I have seen, but it doesn't uccur often). Also, the coolant bottle mounts, rear shock reservoir mounts, and muffler mounts may be missing on some frames, but this doesn't occur often either. Overall, they are a very lean frame compared to the 250r and tri-z, but they are very well built.

It's not worth trying to build one up from scratch because it will end up costing 2x the amount that it would cost to find one that runs and is ridable. What state are you in?

03-26-2011, 05:24 PM
Washington state, the build will cost me $5 grand but hell at 3500 bucks for a decent one that I will put 2 grand into changing things that I want. Figured I could just build from scratch unless someone has a basket case they will ship.
