View Full Version : Help Me!!!

03-20-2011, 11:31 AM
Ok, so I have a 1980 YT125, and I need some help. When I bought it, the seller said that it needed a new carb, but all it actually needed was the float height adjusted(or so I thought). So I did that, and then I was able to get it to start and run with the choke on. But now, whenever I go to start it, I first turn on the gas, then this little tube coming out of the bowl starts to spew out gas and bubbles. I think it is the bowl overflow, but I'm not sure. It is the small tube, kind of brown in color. Secondly, 2 days ago I ordered some Boyesen Power Reeds for it. Do you think those will help it out? I hope so. Anyways, any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks!!!!:TrikesOwn

How do I attach pictures, because I have a few, but I'm not sure how to put them on, and I'm sure it would be easier to explain to you what is going on if I have pictures.

03-20-2011, 11:42 AM
your float needle, the valve that closes out the fuel after your bowl fills is stuck open and may need to be replaced, or the float height is too high, also sounds like you have some plugged jets, which might be the cause of having to run choked. I'm not completely familiar with that carb but I know we now a have a repair manual in the world class help section check it out.

03-20-2011, 12:09 PM
If the float needle was stuck closed, then it wouldnt be overflowing like that though, would it? I checked the float height and adjusted it to the stock specs-21 to 22 mm. I have the carb cleaned pretty much spotless, so I doubt there would be plugged jets.

03-20-2011, 12:27 PM
no it would either be stuck open, or your float is bad and not floating like it should, also the float needle may have a wear ring on the sealing tip that is not letting it create a secure seal

03-20-2011, 12:39 PM
Where u trying to trade this one on craigslist? And yeah it does sound like a float problem still

03-20-2011, 12:57 PM
I was trying to trade it for a honda. I guess I will take the carb off again and see if the float floats good, and check the float height and stuff.

03-20-2011, 12:58 PM
HA! i was right. I was debating on this. but i've realized ive got to much stuff the way it is lol

03-20-2011, 01:06 PM
Yeah, I picked it up pretty cheap, but I'm not really a 2 stroke guy, so I was looking for a Honda or something. But as long as I'm stuck with this yellow banana chainsaw with wheels, I might as well get it running good. By the way, are you from the Fargo/Moorhead area?

03-20-2011, 01:10 PM
pay special attention to the float needle and float needle housing, as that may be what the problem is

03-20-2011, 01:12 PM
If my float needle is badly worn, do I have to pick up a new one from the dealer? or are there other places I can pick one up?

03-20-2011, 01:25 PM
A little late, but this tube is where the gas was spurting out of. It is the skinnier one coming out from the bottom of the bowl.

03-20-2011, 01:27 PM
Nope about 3 hours away. from langdon. Ha i like 2 strokes better. Work on a lot of snowmobiles.

03-20-2011, 01:31 PM
Oh. yeah sleds are fun. I would like my 2 stroke better if it ran a little better...

03-21-2011, 12:52 AM
you can possibly get one on ebay but I recommend getting it from the dealer as then there is a better chance it is brand new

03-21-2011, 01:36 AM
Yeah, I picked it up pretty cheap, but I'm not really a 2 stroke guy, so I was looking for a Honda or something. But as long as I'm stuck with this yellow banana chainsaw with wheels, I might as well get it running good. By the way, are you from the Fargo/Moorhead area?

I'm soooo a 2 sroke guy but can only find 4's around here.... SIGH!

03-22-2011, 12:29 AM
Yeah there are a lot of 4 strokes around where I live too, but I dont have any money, and nobody wants to do trades.

03-22-2011, 12:33 AM
Ok, I took the trike out for a spin today and she seemed to run okay. It started after a few pulls with the choke on, then after a little experimenting, it seemed to run best on half choke. I drove it about a quarter mile to a friends house to work on his 185s, and left it running, and it actually idled nicely. I didn't want to shut it off because I was afraid I wouldnt be able to start it again. haha. but then we drove about a mile just for fun and she went fine. I took it out on the highway, and in 5th gear I can only get to about half throttle, and it will start to get a little bit boggy. but thats fast enough anyways. I have some boyesen reeds on the way, so maybe it will run even better with those in. and I am making an aluminum airbox for it. does anybody know how I should go about this?

03-22-2011, 05:13 AM
Hey fender, let me know if those reeds don't fit, there are 2 sizes and people change them alot. I've got a set of the smaller boyesen reed petals and the bigger reed cage.. so i got no use.

To get that needle to sit best, take a q-tip and some tooth paste and 'lap' where the needle sits in the carb. I'm not sure if you can get just the needle, but, if you cant, just get a carb kit. If you don't have the stock airbox then you'll need some bigger jets, the stock box is ultra restrictive.

For a stock setup, youll nee a 110main and a number 20 pilot jet. The idle mixture screw should be turned 1 1/2 turns out roughly. nd idle at 1500-1600 RPM

03-22-2011, 09:43 PM
My airbox design is kind of an rectangular tube that covers the filter and curves up to right under the bottom of the seat. it will be completely sealed and enclosed, except I am going to drill a few holes in the way top, and maybe put a little screen over that. Right now I dont even have an airbox on it, do you think that could cause poor running? And with my new airbox design I plan on using, what size jets should I use? And when you say "lap" the needle seat, do you mean kind of scrub it with the toothpaste?