View Full Version : 200es Tumble

10-13-2003, 08:19 AM

I havent posted in a bit because Ive been on holidays for the past 2 weeks.
Here is the story...................

I was riding on the side of a mountain (there is a track) looking for feral goats to hunt ( low range first gear) when suddenly the throttle opened up and stuck. I jumped off,along side the passengers! The kid on the back got stuck under it soemhow so i lifted it up and off it went... (It was heading for a tree so I paniked and did not to think to kill the engine)..................screaming down the mountain side it went, driverless, Im watching it and cant walk cause I hurt my leg bad after I jumped off and my bro is chasing it................Im like stunned cause I think my machine is going to heaven. I see it doing full revolutions in the air then I hear a bang and the engine dies............... I finally get the courage to walk down to it and inspect the damage..

It landed wheels on the ground and not 10m from another 20m cliff (damn im lucky, woulda been packing it out in a bag)....... It bent the bars, broke all the fenders, bent both racks beyond repair, screwed my head light and guard, cracked my uhf radio, aerial and mounts, bent my muffler.....

Im actually pretty lucky even though I couldent walk the next few days (put an end to my hunting trip, for a while) nobody was really hurt except the red. Im so glad it did not go off the other cliff. Ive gotta make new racks and do a bit of work on it in the next few weeks.........I spose it will give me something to do.

Well there is my holiday tale.......................


10-13-2003, 08:46 AM
That don't sound like fun at all. I think the next tether switch I get is heading your way. hehe

ATC crazy
10-13-2003, 08:50 AM
That sux man. Good luck getting her back to normal ;)

10-13-2003, 12:44 PM
wow bad holiday, :( well the good thing is that all the lads are o.k. :) I'm going hunting in two weeks makes me think you can never be too safe.I'm working on making a set of ft forks for my 200es but useing the shocks from a 185s,the hub and axle are 200es and the stem.I will post a pic for you matt when I'm done as I know you have a 200es.

10-14-2003, 05:22 AM
hmmmmmmmmmm, Howdy sounds like a good idea..................but nup im hoping it aint gunna happen again! lol

Thanks crazy i sure hope she gets back to normal soon...............

Moe, that would be sic if you could send me pics................ keep me updated on your hunting trip, and also GOODLUCK, what will you be hunting???


10-14-2003, 06:49 PM
Any idea why it stuck? I want to go run out in the garage and check my big red...
I had an old Triumph dirt bike that the carb was worn and the slide would stick when you cranked it all the way...I put a couple small washers on top of the slide to keep it from cocking at the top of the bore. Yes, I know- a booger fix, but good used Amals were scarce even 20 yrs ago...

10-14-2003, 09:43 PM
Hey Matt, I'm hunting whitetail deer with my father-in-law and some friends,we hunt on a two about four hundred acres.Last year I got a ten point buck 230lb :-D and a doe 180lb :-D .the ground is about 50/50 farm field and bush.

10-15-2003, 05:50 AM
Goodluck, like I said before. Moe are you bowhunting or shooting. Are there many deer where you hunt??? Are they hard to find???

Slowmo, Hell i have no idea why it stuck.....after it crashed I kicked it over and it started easily and the throttle worked perfectly........hmmmm its gunna bug me, lol.

10-15-2003, 08:03 PM
Matt, there's lots of deer.I hunt with a rifle for the frist two weeks of Nov, that's the only time you can use a rifle for deer all year. Bow season is all Oct and from Nov 14 to Dec 31,I will hunt with a compound bow last week of Dec. ;)