View Full Version : Went out for milk......Finally found my 350X (lots of pics!!!!)

03-11-2011, 01:26 AM
Some pics.












03-11-2011, 01:32 AM
Some info: I have the title. I bought it from the original owner. It looks like he barely ran it.

The mud flap would have been there but he had locked the dogs in the garage one night and they chewed it up and part of the rear fenders. Otherwise this would have been a perfect find.

I'm still stoked though!!!:Bounce:Bounce

It fires right up, lots of compression. Rear bearings are solid. It feels factory tight.

Easymoney attacked it with some cleaner as it was real dusty.

The dirt on the front tire is from right outside. The tire has 99% tread and not one crack. Still has the stripe.

The seat is perfect. The tank is great. small amount of rust on the underside that will need to be dealt with.

Came with these Pro wedge Tires and a set of sand sharks on blue labels. (there went to dad for the 400ex)

The garage is getting full... :eek:

03-11-2011, 01:50 AM
WOW. thats the condition u bought it in??? crazy..... nice collection

03-11-2011, 01:57 AM
WOW. thats the condition u bought it in??? crazy..... nice collection

I'm not a great restorer so I try to find clean bikes. I got lucky basically on this one. It had been on craigslist since yesterday.

$1100 asking price.... I didn't really have the money for this, but luckily I am not married and the gf was stoked. She is a good woman.

Half the colletion is Easymoney1979's, though they are in my garage and possession is 9/10's of the law... :shiftyeyes:

03-11-2011, 02:03 AM
That was a great find man. Grats! Now, to find a 350x in Ontario...

03-11-2011, 11:24 AM
oh yeah, it came with stock exhaust in great condition,

though I am really excited about that Coffman's pipe :Bounce

03-11-2011, 11:34 AM
Better move those babies to high ground with the tsunami on the way. I sure hope that doesn't make land fall. Really nice 350!!!!

03-11-2011, 11:38 AM
Better move those babies to high ground with the tsunami on the way. I sure hope that doesn't make land fall. Really nice 350!!!!

Im about 100miles in land.... But the beach house on the dunes........ it is 2 miles inland....:eek: Hopefully we don't get anything big, I am planning on heading there later this month to go ride this baby!:Bounce

03-11-2011, 12:02 PM
sweet 350 man, that was a great score, plus the extra goodies to boot!! dont find many nicer than that.. shame about the flap though!! for the deal you got on that it be worth dropping the 100 or so on a flap for it.. nice

03-11-2011, 12:19 PM
Now that you got that awesome machine, how about selling me that silly little US90? You've go the ultimate sand machine now; You won't want that liitle guy around anymore!

03-11-2011, 12:37 PM
:drool:nice shopping trip ! checklist :wondering oh i need milk ,bread ,350x , 250r burgers , fries , !!! dont forget the beer !! i think thats everything! :D:D:Bounce:Bounce

03-11-2011, 12:41 PM
Very nice...still looking here, found one that was being restored but the dude was asking WAYYYY too much for it, especially for being still in pieces...I'm patient though, one will turn up eventually. In the meantime I got a 200x to rebuild! :D

03-11-2011, 01:22 PM
Now that you got that awesome machine, how about selling me that silly little US90? You've go the ultimate sand machine now; You won't want that liitle guy around anymore!

Haha, I am starting to get too many machines! I'm poor because of this new trike, but not that poor yet!

03-11-2011, 02:11 PM
You got ripped off. Get that thing out of the garage! Too many damned Hondas in here. The lone Kawasaki is getting ready to go under the knife allowing the Hondas total control of the place. This three wheeled habit is getting out of hand lol.

03-11-2011, 03:11 PM
Nice X man good luck with it!!!

03-11-2011, 03:19 PM
You got ripped off. Get that thing out of the garage! Too many damned Hondas in here. The lone Kawasaki is getting ready to go under the knife allowing the Hondas total control of the place. This three wheeled habit is getting out of hand lol.

You just concentrate on getting that slow green bike fixed!

03-11-2011, 03:25 PM
Good score!!!

03-11-2011, 05:28 PM
Jesus that thing is nice!

03-11-2011, 05:30 PM
That is one heck of a score for $1100.So what did the gf have to do to get you the money?

03-11-2011, 05:41 PM
That is one heck of a score for $1100.So what did the gf have to do to get you the money?

Hahah, I actually borrowed 500$ from pops. He went with me to look at it.

My father kept blabbing on and on while I was looking at him like "give him the money and lets GTFO of here before he changes his mind!!"

Dad kept trying to talk him down to $1,000 with both sets of sand tires.

This guy bought the bike new in Medford the same time as my father bought his 85 350x 30 miles away in Grants Pass.

I can't wait to go to the dunes with Dad now. Him on this 350x, and me on my 250r. I will make sure to get GoPro vid and take some nice pics when it goes down. My father is getting old, he won't be able to ride a 350x for much longer.

03-11-2011, 06:03 PM
Its a looker for sure and a good price to boot

03-11-2011, 06:18 PM
She a Looker for sure, = )

03-11-2011, 06:52 PM
He tried getting him down a $100,no way.It is cool the two of you both will get to enjoy it.Can't wait to see the videos.

03-11-2011, 06:53 PM
I like the green bike better.

03-11-2011, 08:14 PM
look how much paint is left on the clutch cover its been painted or its almost never been ridden

03-12-2011, 05:15 AM
Much nicer than mine thats for sure :lol: Look forward to meeting you in a couple weeks! should be some good riding with two Rs and to Xs

03-12-2011, 09:51 AM
Wow, she sure is in nice condition. My son is sitting here reading this (6 years old) and was amazed by all the bikes in your garage. He gave you the thumbs up.

03-12-2011, 10:21 AM
Wow thats a great lookin X!

03-12-2011, 11:35 AM
very nice find, I like your gargage too!

03-12-2011, 11:52 AM
Shoot Bret, I'll send ya some cash and a shopping list, think: steaks and brewski's. If you landed that for milk money, I'm havin' ya shop for me, pick me up an 87' R or a mint Tecate....and your Pa can throw in $500 smackers if he'd like too, lol!

Porterhouse steaks
Bigbore 250
Aluminum rims
Custom exhaust
Dinner rolls
Rare parts (to many to list)
Dad's check book

tri-Z ripper
03-12-2011, 02:54 PM
very nice find A+++++

03-12-2011, 04:35 PM
Nice 350x! Wish I could find one like that. Seems like here in Pennsy every 350x I ever come across is a clapped out totally rode into the ground POS. A POS that the owner thinks is worth a million dollars because "it's a 350X". It's gotten to the point that I don't even look at the 350x ads anymore. Fortunately there seems to be plenty of very nice 250'R, 250sx's and 200x's.

03-13-2011, 03:01 AM
Thanks for the compliments, I have been looking for a clean 350x for a while. The pic looked okay but it was really dirty too. I had no idea it was this low on hours till I got there.

It's almost unreal, we keep examining it trying to figure out the past. The head and cylinder both look as if they have been removed. The sealant doesn't look oem, but the minimal amount of scratches on the cases and just how the motor sounds and feels extremely solid and not used; I am thinking it might have a high comp piston and a cam. Its not super easy to kick, lots of compression. I doubt a motor with that low hours has blown unless someone screwed up.

So then we start thinking maybe the motor is a school motor but everything from the controls to the tank are all stock and really low hour as well. Stock bars, levers, grips and ends. It's crazy.

I feel bad because my buddy Andy has been wanting a 350x for a while and I sent him a text with the info on the ad he was out of town so I went to check it out. I had to buy it, I could see heartbreak on his face when he saw it today. I have to find him one now. The search continues.

03-13-2011, 03:36 AM
I just bought a 350x last weekend and every friend that comes over to check it out has heartbreak written all over their faces too. Great Score!

03-13-2011, 03:53 AM
Nice score! I've got to get out riding with you guys one of these times......Looking at Winchester probably early to mid may...

03-13-2011, 11:03 AM
I just had a similar situation happen to me yesterday went to the parts store for my pickup and a guy comes in with the you got my stuff look all over his face asking me where I got my three wheeler," is my 225dx in the back". I tell him where I got it from and he says he's got one just like it he bought brand new in 85, heck he even spray bombed the plastics a darker blue like mine was cause he didn't like the original yamaha blue. so I start thinking I really wanna buy it he doesn't even know whether it's still in his shed or not but he remembers when he stored it he blocked up the rear end to prevent dry rot, and I'm thinking oh man he wants a mint so I throw out the good ol well you know they just aren't worth all that much anymore, parts are getting to hard to find for them, and he agrees with me, now I'm just waiting for his call so I can go over with an empty truck and buy it.

03-13-2011, 12:13 PM
It's like hitting a jackpot when you see something like this come up on craigslist and you're the 1st one to see it. I love that feeling. Good times. I would recommend one of those new OEM like reproduction front brake lines that Mike at Vintage Motorsports had made by the manufacturer in Japan. You'll notice the front silicone boot is probably decaying from age. Here's a picture of it:
They cost about a 100.00 dollars.

03-13-2011, 02:54 PM
Those are nice! but the OEM brake line on this bike is not bad


And Jeeper, just give me some heads up and I will see if we can run over and ride with ya!

03-14-2011, 01:57 AM
And Jeeper, just give me some heads up and I will see if we can run over and ride with ya!

When we nail down a for sure date I will definitely let you know when it is!

03-14-2011, 01:17 PM
How do you like the coffman exhaust? Is it loud like a DG? And could you please post a nice running walk around vid of it on youtube? (Photobucket is fine too)


03-14-2011, 01:37 PM
How do you like the coffman exhaust? Is it loud like a DG? And could you please post a nice running walk around vid of it on youtube? (Photobucket is fine too)


I will have to bust the go pro out and see what I can do. It's a bit noisy, but sounds awesome. I haven't heard the dg, but the coffman's is built very similar to the dg, they probably sound pretty close.

The Coffman's exhaust come with a bar through the center of the exhaust, see the pic of the end of the pipe. It's there to attach a supertrapp end for a spark arrestor. It would make it a little more quiet too.

Here is a link to a 200x Coffman's with the supertrapp spark arrestor.


09-11-2011, 10:57 PM
do the turf tammers grip with the 350X?

Chazz of Blades
09-11-2011, 11:24 PM
Does anybody look at dates, or ask reasonable questions anymore?

That question's more loaded than a five dollar hooker.

09-12-2011, 01:38 PM
SDJ - those turf tamers got taken off and stacked in my pile of discontinued tires. They are the old Armstrong turf tamers and hold a special spot in my heart because I had a set I used on many different trikes as a kid.

They actually don't grip all that well, it is why i liked them over the set of hole shot tires I also had. The hole shots gripped too much and would not slide when i wanted them too. The turf tamers slid well and were used on a couple 185's (I remember just how violent the ride was with the flat track tires and no suspension, even as a unbreakable kid it still hurt to ride). I also used them on a few of my 200x's with the old aluminum spacers. It was good fun, I love riding sideways.

09-12-2011, 01:59 PM
A little update-

I love this 350x to death. It is close to perfect, but imperfect enough to ride. I wont ever ride it in the dirt, but have taken it to the dunes and it has become my favorite.

I run it with the old school spacers that came on it and a pair of Sand Skate I's (my favorite sand tire).

The bad-

There was an incident... On a ride with Easymoney1979 (on his 87 Tecate) and my gf heather on a 400ex (she had rode the 350x before, but after a unscathed roll over she got demoted to the 400ex); heather was new to riding in the dunes and not used to being fully aware of everyone in open areas.

We came down a large dune on our way back, while moving at a fast pace. There were some people parked in the open area ahead with some kids on quads riding around. As I veered right at the bottom of the hill to give these people ample room for their kids I was clobbered from the rear by my gf. She was planning on passing me closely and was not prepared for me to veer.

I was going what I can only guess was about 25mph, Heather had to be going 35 in order to launch me forward like I was. Like most 3 wheeler accidents, the trike tackled me. Both Heather and I tumbled quite a bit. The family hurried over to help. I jumped up, ran past my turned over trike and pulled the 400ex off Heather (like a proper bf) She looked in bad shape but was conscious and didn't appear to have anything broken. I gave her a second to regain her breath and flipped the trike right side up.

Heather had a bruised ass from the grab bar landing on her in the tumble, but rode the short trip to the beach house on her own (she is the fastest, toughest girl I have ever known) I had some scrapes but I am fine.

The 350x... Amazingly unscathed in the rear. The plastic popped back into shape and looks fine (they weren't perfect to begin with) No dents to the tank, seat is great. Only damage that I found is the headlight plastic. It was already damaged and one of the tabs for the right headlamp was repaired. The repair job gave way and I am in the hunt for a nice original 350x head light shroud or complete assembly. Oh yeah, the stock handlebars are still straight (gotto love riding in sand).

Heather and I are still together, though she did get some lecturing.

09-12-2011, 04:11 PM
Thanks Bretmd94 i was wandering because i have one and am looking for a good set of tires when i get it running they did good on my smaller bikes but i didnt know about the big bikes, i think it has keda vipers on it now but they are dry rotted.