View Full Version : correct me if I am wrong

Tri-Z Pilot
10-10-2003, 11:01 PM
I have been having a problem with my tri-z diesling when you start it. Today I took my carb off just to make sure it was absolutely clean (it is brand new though) and I started checking things out and I noticed that the pilot air screw was at about 3-4 turns out. Now correct me if I am wrong but, My 85 tr-z manual calls for the air screw to be 1.0 turns out. I am running a #45 pilot (stock), and my only mod is a uni- pod filter. If the air screw was that many turns out, if I turned it in to 1.0 turns out it should get rid of my high engine idle/diesling problem, right? Also, I am not exactly sure about the way my choke works, it is a vm 32 roundslide, with lever choke (not knob), so if you push the lever down, which pulls the plunger up, you would be turning the choke circuit on right? Just not exactly sure which way is on or off.

10-10-2003, 11:31 PM
yes, when you push it down it will pull the plunger up therefor your choke will be on. try messing with the screw once, but im not sure exactly what wrong. i know on mine it was out about that far and it would be doggy in 1-3rd but then it ran fine. it still ran but never dri-reved.