View Full Version : Mixing pre-mix?

03-06-2011, 02:50 PM
Being out in the middle of BFE I didn't feel like driving 90 miles round trip for pre-mix. I usually run BelRay HR1 2-stroke but the local MC shop only had Honda and Yamaha, so I got the Yamaha pre-mix. Still around 32:1. But still have a tank full of BelRay mix. Dude at dealership said to dump out the existing and not mix the two different brands. I think I have mixed them before, but better ask someone on here with experience or who has experienced mixing them in the tank together. I don't want to hurt this beauty, thanks fellas! -Robby

03-06-2011, 02:57 PM
I was told by the head mechanic at a SeaDoo repair shop that I worked at that they are fine to mix together, and it was an older thing like not mixing brands of car oil. We had tons of machine come in for service in spring and everything got Bombardier brand 2 stroke oil, even if their oil was a different color. I've got two different brand in my YT175. Polaris and Lucas. I really like the Lucas 2 stroke oil I bought last time and they have it at car shops so its not so much of a trip.

03-06-2011, 03:04 PM
That's kinda what I thought. My only concern was the HR1 is partial synthetic I believe and he Yamaha (which I've ran that and Honda before) is not synthetic. I just wanted to keep my tank full is all. I just mixed 5 gallons for the 84' so I hate for it to go to waste if my 85' runs low in it's tank (Onnie's riding his 200x, the 84' Tecate will sit a while).

03-06-2011, 03:06 PM
Well, they sell synthetic/mineral blends. I wouldnt lose sleep over it...