View Full Version : 3wheeler on the news

03-01-2011, 08:11 PM
I was watching the 6:30 news on channel 3. They were showing all the flooding in Ohio. As they are talking and showing video footage they say the rushing waters are washing peoples property away. All of a sudden they show the water pushing what looked to be a sasquatch or similar 3wheeler. Figures a 3wheeler gets on t.v. and the flood is puching it away.
just wondering if anyone else saw it?

03-01-2011, 09:55 PM
Yep, I saw it! It was black, and had the briggs & stratton looking engine. Im thinking it could have been a sasquatch, or a manco. It looked pretty hagard anyway, maybe it will float to a home where it will get more love.

03-01-2011, 10:22 PM
There must be one crazy bugger on here from Ohio willing to take a swim to save a 3 wheeler !!