View Full Version : Flywheel question

10-09-2003, 03:21 PM
Hey guys, i have a problem. I've read something around here, that if you have the engine in gear, and then try to move the flywheel, it should not move, and if it does, then you have bad bearings. Well i've tried that, and it does move, but i think its because i dont have the chain attached to the rear sprocket. Are my bearings ok? I am removing this flywheel because it has somehow been ground up, and i think it is the reason that my engine wont spark. It still has its magnetisim, because whenever i hold up my wrench to it it gets pulled towards it. Do you guys think that the flywheel is bad? Any input helps, thanks again!

10-09-2003, 09:22 PM
The chain would have to be on to keep it from turning. And I don't know about the bearing thing, MAYBE clutches, I'm not sure.

10-09-2003, 11:27 PM
Just grab the flywheel and try to move it up and down (not turning it). If it moves up and down, your bearings are bad. Works best if you take the clutch cover off, and try to move the crank up and down from both sides.

10-10-2003, 08:29 AM
Even with the motor in gear and the chain on the flywheel will rotate a little. Now if the flywheel / crank moves up and down or front to back then you should look at the bearings for wear. ;)


10-11-2003, 08:45 PM
the flywheel dosnt move up or down or left or right at all. However, im still trying to get it off, cuz the bolt will go about halfway in and then will stick and start rotating the flywheel. What should i do to fix that? i sprayed some WD-40 in there to try and smooth things up, but it didnt work =\

10-11-2003, 08:48 PM
put your chain on, and put it in the highest gear, and if you have rear brakes, hold them

10-12-2003, 01:28 AM
if it is still atached to the machine,
i just put mine in gear and hold my free arm on the rear tire to keep it from turning....if you have it that far(that it is turning the flywheel)all you need is another fraction of a turn to pop them off (in most cases)

i won't say how i get them off if the motor is not still on the machine
and btw yes the rear sprocket chain needs to be on for this method to work
i think the guys that replied thought you were talking about the timing chain, not the drive chain that would go to the REAR sprocket..
although i have been wrong before.

10-13-2003, 03:39 PM
Heh, ok, i got it off, but how do i get the new one back on and tightened?

10-13-2003, 06:28 PM
i pm'd you. it takes a penny in the gears to keep from turning.
if you mesh the penny all the way thru the gears,,, it's tight enough
( it don't need to be that tight either)
