View Full Version : Any way to renew plastic over-flow tanks?

02-24-2011, 10:43 AM
The over-flow tank on the Tri-Z I just picked up looks like its ready to crack into pieces from sitting outside for the last 15 years or so. But it still hold fluid just fine. I was wondering if anyone makes a liner or repair kit for plastic tanks? Like the ones for metal gas tanks that you could just coat the entire inside.

02-24-2011, 05:28 PM
I have a lttle project going on with the tecate coolant bottles and you can read about that in the R+D section.
Right at this point in time, I can coat your tank with some really good material
(high impact-high temp plastic) but just can't make any gurentees about it staying translucent white.
It might just turn translucent amber but being on the inside, who knows, it might not.
I do have some other dye coming in to play with this week end to jopefully cure the amber color problem.