View Full Version : Trans issue

02-23-2011, 06:38 PM
Before i tear this thing back apart I was hoping someone may have had the same issue. Got my 200x engine back together earlier. I pulled the plug and planned on kicking it over slow a few times to get the oil pumping through the head. Anyways, it has alot of resistance. It will turn over and not turn over the output shaft, but when i push the bike it act's like it's in gear. Clutch? I was thinking about pulling the basket and putting it back together to see if it solved my problem.
Could it be the clutch? I took everything extremely slow on putting it together. Made sure everything was in it's place atleast twice. Timming is spot on. Checked that atleast three times.
Help? :wondering

02-23-2011, 08:47 PM
Anyone? Anything would be appriciated.

02-23-2011, 10:24 PM
And you've tried kicking it with the clutch pulled in?

02-24-2011, 01:02 AM
Yes, it doesn't change anything. The clutch doesn't seem to change anything when pulled in. Even still act's as if it's in gear when i try to push it.

02-24-2011, 08:46 AM
How did the drive shaft feel before you put it back together? was if spinning freely? Did it shift through the gears smoothly before you tightened all the bolts on the case covers? I had a similar problem when putting mine back together and I had put the wrong washer in between one of the gears. Once I tightened the case bolts everything froze up. I had to go throught the tranny several times before I realized it. IDK maybe?

02-25-2011, 01:13 AM
Well last time i put the tranny back together it turned and shifted exactly the same as this. You could shift through all the gears, and turn them to a certian point. Then it stops and you have to shift again. It would not shift at all after i put the top end on, then i put oil in and it would go through the gears. I'm worried about pulling it all back apart and having to buy another gasket kit. Since I havn't ran it should i be okay reusing them?
I had a feeling I messed up in the tranny somewhere.. Unfortunatly.

02-25-2011, 07:36 AM
I took mine a part several times after i torqued the bolts and reused the same gasket. I think as long as it doesn't break and is not completely smushed on one end you can still use the same one. I think it matters more if you ran the engine through break-in and then take it apart and re-use the gaskets. I haven't had any problems with mine yet. IDK, Im curious to hear what the more experienced on this forum would say.

02-25-2011, 10:37 AM
This may not be related, but when I did the subtranny job on my big red, the high gear was clunking away. When I ripped it apart I needed to add washers from another sub tranny set to put everything back in tolerance. Is it possible that something in the tranny is out of tolerance? The first time I took it apart and put it back together, I had the same problem where it felt like it was in gear even though it wasn't. Took it apart a few days later and going between the bike bandit fiche and the manual fiche I noticed the rebuild had more washers than the OEM fiche.

02-25-2011, 12:29 PM
If the spark plug is out, it should turn over like cake.

I'd take the clutch cover off and the clutch; Then check the main shaft, counter shaft and then pull the flywheel cover and see how it turns over.

Sounds like something is binding, maybe a thust washer in the wrong place? or a top end issue.

I'd check each item as I tore it down to narrow down whether it's in the center cases, the outside (kick/clutch side) or the top end.

I've seen binding simply in that external kickstart assembly, the guy didn't use a gasket and it was tight when kicking over.

From your description, it sounds like something is wrong.

02-26-2011, 04:14 PM
I'm thinking i got a thrust washer in the wrong place too. Hopefully it is something to do with the clutch, or atleast not the tranny. It is possible it's the top end(atleast the hard turning over part) because the piston seemed a little tight.
I'll see if i can get time later today to take it apart.

02-26-2011, 06:24 PM
Okay, i just yanked the clutch pack out of it. Put the cover back on, pulled the plug, and it turns over nice and smooth. Put the plug back in, great compression. What would cause the clutch not to engauge(even when holding the clutch before it still would not turn over correctly)?
I'm really dreading tearing this thing back apart.. If anyone can figure this magic question out they would be rewarded ten bucks for sureee lol

02-26-2011, 07:30 PM
Notches aren't enough to cause that.

I'd guess that when you tighten the mainshaft nut, the inner and outer clutch are dragging even without any plates installed.

Which is usually the wrong washer behind the basket, or the mainshaft not protruding through the main case enough. Once the nut is tight, it binds.........

02-26-2011, 10:02 PM
What mainshaft nut are you refuring to? The one that holds the clutch basket down? And also has the special 4 prong design?
If so, i'll double check tomorrow. It still has the issue when rolling.. i wish i had thought about trying to roll it with the basket off.

02-26-2011, 10:04 PM
I just looked at the manual of how the clutch goes together, I have the washer on there how it is supposed to be. There is one that lock's the basket down, then another that goes behind the nut. Maybe the nut was too tight? I didn't have a torque wrench when i did that..