View Full Version : '84 250r with no throttle response

10-08-2003, 10:54 PM
First time on this message board so bare with me if I don't do it right. I have an '84 250r that doesn't want to run. The carb looks like it is brand new inside and not clogged at all. Good spark. only time it will run is when 2 stroke is manually squirted into the carb. When this is done, there is no throttle response. Motor just revs up untill it either runs out of the fuel that is squirted into it or until the kill switch is used. I put new reed valves in (someone said that was the problem), but absolutely no difference. Please help. Thanks. pacerboy.

10-08-2003, 11:00 PM
sounds like you need to remove your carb and thoroughly clean it.---Joe 8)

10-08-2003, 11:01 PM
Sounds like no fuel to carb to me hombre. Check your fuel supply line to the carb, then check the fuel petcock.

10-08-2003, 11:02 PM
sounds like you need to remove your carb and thoroughly clean it.---Joe 8)

Uhh....he already said it is clean and unclogged.....

Tri-Z Pilot
10-08-2003, 11:02 PM
I am having the same problem with my tri-z any imformation would be great.

10-08-2003, 11:04 PM
if your machine runs when you manualy shoot gas into the intake then your problem is in the carb or the the fuel tank itself(petcock?) take the carb all apart and blow out all the jets with air and make sure your float is alright? sometimes a carb that looks alright may have a small piece of crap blocking a small hole that needs to bo open. good luck

10-08-2003, 11:11 PM
Check your float height. It can all be clean and if the float is set wrong you will still get no gas in the carb.

10-08-2003, 11:32 PM
I have cleaned the carb numerous times thinking that the problem was in the carb. I even bought a second carb off of ebay and tried it. same thing happened. As far as the petcock and fuel dilevery, everything is in working order. It doesn't seem to get any gas from the carb into the cylinder. I haven't set the floats on the carb (I don't know how).

10-09-2003, 08:33 AM
you need a repair manual. It will tell you the float height. It should also tell you how to measure it. An easy way to check and see it you are close with the float is: remove carb from bike, remove screws from bowl. hook up the gas line to carb., hold carb level(holding bowl in place), turn petcock on, let the carb fill with fuel, turn gas off, remove bowl from carb, should be about half full of gas. Not very precise, but will get you in the ballpark.

10-09-2003, 08:51 AM
This might be a long shot but........ ( I'm not a 2 stoke person )

You say your sure the Carb is Clean, and your sure you are getting ample amount of gas from the tank.

Have you opened up the drain plug at the bottom of the carb to se if your getting good gas flow threw the carb? If not you might check that. Just make sure the gas is on. If you don't get any gas or you get just a drip you might check the lines for blockage, correct line connections, ect.

I would also check the float height to make 100% sure it's set right.
Just my 2 Cents. ;)

P.S. Welcome to the site. We hope you enjoy it.

10-09-2003, 11:48 AM
You must first get it to run continuously before you can be concerned about throttle response.

My first question is do you know whether or not is has ever run properly in its current setup, is is this a project? Whats its history between the last time it ran right and now?

For test puposes, just take the float needle out. When the bowl fills it will start peeing out the overflow, but that wont invalidate your test. It should start, and run with it out. If it does, you need to get somebody to show you how to adjust float height. It sounds like you are certain you have good gas flow beteen the tank and carb, and thats about the only place other than the tank wherer you can lose it.

10-09-2003, 12:47 PM
I am with Howdy on the start of finding the problem. You need to have the carb on the bike with the fuel line hooked up. Turn on the fuel line and open the drain on the carb. If you have a steady amount of fuel coming out the bottom of the carb you are okay if not it would be one of the following problems:
1: Needle valve sticking (Most likely)
2: Clogged inlet (Fuel feed Line) in the carb itself.
3: Clogged fuel line (Not Likely).
4: Clogged petcok.
From what your describing it has to be one of the four mentioned above.
Good luck and keep us posted.

10-09-2003, 09:14 PM
I like TimSr's answer. How did it run previously? The first thing to do with any 2-stroke that doesn't run right, is to check the compression. It should have AT LEAST 100 plus psi. If this is ok, and you have gas in the carb, check jets, nozzle, needle etc. good luck

10-10-2003, 03:27 AM
I had the same exact thing with my tecate....I took the carb apart one more time and I found a clogged hole in the carb...cleaned it out and it started right up....

dune rider
10-14-2003, 11:48 PM
pacerboy; i had the same problem with my 84 250r i cleaned everything and the problem was vapor lock. so i cleaned out my breather line on the tank lid. hope this helps.