View Full Version : What year was the last year dealership's made 3 wheelers

10-08-2003, 07:31 PM
hey people
i was just wondering what was the last year dealerships sold 3 wheelers

10-08-2003, 07:36 PM
1986 in the USA, I believe for new or used. But I'm sure someone will have a story about his cousin Billy who flew to France in 87 and got one, had it shipped to Canada, changed the plastic to red from white etc. etc. etc and then brought it home to Georgia.

10-08-2003, 07:36 PM
hey people
i was just wondering what was the last year dealerships sold 3 wheelers

This is from our local Honda dealership:
Legally all USA dealerships had to quit selling NEW 3 wheelers on Dec 31, 1986.
As far as USED 3 wheelers go the dealers could sell always sell them.


10-08-2003, 08:27 PM
im from canda man was their different laws

10-08-2003, 08:49 PM
im from canda man was their different laws

That will have to be answered by someone else. Sorry. ;)

10-08-2003, 10:45 PM
I'm not even sure in NY if they could still sell 'used' ones after that date. Not sure if it was by 'law' or fear of the liability. Seems like I remember then decining to 3 wheeler trades.... said they couldn't sell them, so people had to sell in Classifieds, etc...

That's my reckolection.....but I was like 14 at the time of the ban!


P.S. - I'm a MATH teacher.... so that spelling of 'reckolection' is patented!!!! ;) :D :D :D

Dan Tenn
10-09-2003, 01:22 PM
I think that when the dealer says we cant sell them (used trikes) I think that he meant nobody would want to buy a used 3 wheeler after the CPSC decided that they were unsafe. Basically if he took one on trade it would sit on the showroom floor and take up space.

10-09-2003, 03:44 PM
In my 1987 school annual, there is a picture from the local honda shop that shows a few trikes, but the pic could have been taken back in the fall or something I suppose. I took that pic as proof that the remaining 86 stock sold all through 87 LOL guess that assumption was wrong...

10-09-2003, 04:12 PM
Here is a flyer with the dates of ones made in 87...note they made the R only in canada.


10-09-2003, 04:26 PM
yeah, I know there were several 87 model year bikes available...They always bring out the next year bikes sometime during the present year just like cars and trucks. My question is, were they actually allowed to sell them as new during 87??? I thought that they were allowed to sell the 87 bikes that were produced, as well as the 86 holdovers??

p.s. Noone has found a 87 R, or 350x anywhere canada or elsewhere that I'm aware of. Now that is not to say that canada didn't sell the 86's longer than anyone in the U.S....I think that is more than likely what happened.

10-09-2003, 04:56 PM
Well I had a guy tell me he has an 87 350X front end to sell me. He stated that it even had the tach and such on it. I am interested in seeing this to see if it really is. It would be worth a million if it were an 87, which I doubt it. Hey bro off subject, are you going to make the trip to Bruceton TN this weekend? I think Jay(2strokepower) and I will be there Sat but will leave at dark. We are going to St Louis area to pick up a parts trike. Hope to meet you there..........peace

10-09-2003, 05:10 PM
Yes scott I'm coming up Sat. sometime, I would like to say morning, but I know how I am, better say lunch or a bit after to be certain...I haven't ridden since the June haspin trip, so it's been long overdue. Too bad you had to leave at dark, the 2 a.m. riding is what's fun haha.

10-09-2003, 07:00 PM
thanks for the helps boys im currently looking for a 3 wheeler so i can learn to work on 4 strokes..ive worked on 2 stoke dirt bikes for the last 2 years and im sick of replacing piston rings...i want something half fast possibly with a manual clutch and with say 5-6 gears not 4 speeds...i dont like em much...they rev up to quick anyone let me know what i should be in the market for im a beginner to 3 wheelers

10-09-2003, 11:44 PM
Hmmmmm that's the second person to mention Tach's with the idea of 87 350X's.... the tach's and speedo's are Hondaline Options.... not something that came on a certain year bike. I have a tach and a speedo/gear drive kit sitting right here.... but they came in a BOX, not on a fictious 87 year model bike that never existed!!! ;)


10-10-2003, 07:38 AM
Yeah thats what I thought too. Thats why I was leary on what dude was talking about. Plus not sure why you would want those anyway. And now even sure on the hook up..lol

10-10-2003, 09:15 AM
timex69 the ONLY bike you should be looking for that fits the description you want is a 85 or 86 350x. It has the most four stroke power you can get in a trike with a manual clutch, and your six gears like you want. Great torque in the woods, and enough top end speed for some fireroads and open areas.

10-10-2003, 09:26 AM
The interesting thing about that 3 wheeler article above that mentions the 87 R's availability in Canada is that it was in a November 87 Magazine. Thats pretty late in the year. I realize the article was probably done months before. But that still would put the article at mid year.

Very Interesting. But We've got to see VIN numbers. On a sad note, now with ebay people offereing "re-print" Honda VIN stickers I will remain very skepticle.

10-10-2003, 09:43 AM
This is from our local Honda dealership:
Legally all USA dealerships had to quit selling NEW 3 wheelers on Dec 31, 1986.

wrong again i bought my 86 ATC 250R brand new from a Honda dealership ( in N.Y. ) as a left over model in Aug. 1987

10-10-2003, 06:29 PM
Scott .... wait until I get them both mounted! The stock mounts are both designed to go on the right fork, so I bouhgt an old CB400 dash on ebay. Unfortunately, the internal mounts are not the same, eventhough the gauge sizes are identical and fit perfect inside it! As far as hooking them up, I've got the Honda instructions with them inside the boxes! ;) ! (thanks again MR ATC)

MR ATC... you probably bought your 'R' in Broome County... you know the hands on the clock turn a bit slower down there! :D

Did you get that pic of that Tach mount? I'll let you know the next time I'm down your way and I'll drop off that Fork Rebuild Pic CD for the Tech Tip and pic up that mount you owe me.... thanks again!
