View Full Version : Trail side Memorial...

02-19-2011, 02:15 PM
This is a memorial at out 5A in Scottsmoore, Florida where I ride. I didn't know him, but im sure we would have been friends. I was told that he was riding a Honda 250R. I don't really agree with what it says but at least he died doing what he loved, RIP Mike.
Just thought I would share with the 3 wheeling community!


02-19-2011, 03:12 PM
That is very sad and tragic...but to blame it on the atc seems wrong..I have lost friends in car crashes and I dont think it was the cars fault.
but this is a good reminder you can never be too careful!

02-19-2011, 03:55 PM
Wow that Is sad

02-20-2011, 11:20 AM
I am sorry, I feel really bad for that guy, but I'm sure he wouldn't blame his 250R. It's a shame that people are so ready to not admit fault, "He was not speeding or driving recklessly." "riding one is not worth losing your life." That is not a very good way to honor someone who loved riding his three wheeler.

I am sorry but they should have just put up a memorial for him not some crap about how the three wheeler killed him. There are two memorials by my house, one guy died on a Harley and the other was a lady on a pedal bike, but neither of them try to warp people opinions by guilt tripping them with a tragedy.

It people like his family that got trikes banned in the first place. Sorry I am not more sympathetic but that is about the worse thing I have ever read.

It should have just paid tribute to him. I would be rolling over in my grave if I died on a trike and someone put that up about me.

02-20-2011, 11:40 AM
I agree 100%, I know if I died riding my 3 wheeler my family wouldnt blame the 3 wheeler!

02-20-2011, 01:44 PM
at least he died doing what he loved

aint that the truth!