View Full Version : had a big scare today

02-18-2011, 11:52 PM
Got my stock carb yesterday for the 86 tecate. Got it on today so took it up the rood little bit to see how much better it was then the 39mm one that's on it. As I was coming up on my driveway, allof a sudden I heard clink clank growl growl. I'm was thinking F'n great sucker toasted.

Right as I heard the noise started I Shut it down, and pushed it in the garage. I started the usual checks, and everything checked out ok. So I moved on to check the chain, and found the chain roller let lose. Talk about fewwwwww!!! Still gonna double check everything out again tomorrow just to really ease the mind lol, I wantef to cry when I heard the noise lol.

02-19-2011, 12:21 AM
Chain roller ??? not the chain sliders I sent correct ?

02-19-2011, 12:32 AM
yeah the roller she went bye bye. im taking your suggestion you gave me earlier, and gonna go that route. resolve the technical difficulties with the lingering issue.

02-19-2011, 12:41 AM
Oh yeah, you had (have) that off set.
Did the machine pull straight when on the throttle, it didn't like pull one way or the other did it ?

02-19-2011, 12:49 AM
yeah i got the upper one taken off and traced out now havent cut it out yet. the kid woke up when i just got done tracing it out. honestly i cant remember if it did or not, i really didnt get on it i was more paying attention to the motor to see and how it would act with the stock carb. my next test ride i will check that though and let ya know what i find.