View Full Version : Have spark, no start...ATC 110

02-05-2011, 09:18 PM
I finished a frame up refresh on an '84 Honda ATC110 a year ago. It ran great all summer. This week, it will not start - won't even get close. The plug is new from a year ago, with little usage. I drained the tank and replaced with new gas today. I am getting spark; I am also getting fuel, as the spark plug is wet from flooding after I try to pull-start it 10 or so times. With choke, without choke, same result.

I haven't bought a new plug yet, but since I am getting spark, I can't imagine that is the issue. Compression is good. Also, the kill switch is working properly (i.e. switch off=no spark, switch on=spark).

Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated.

02-05-2011, 09:25 PM
have you tried to clean the carb yet, maybe your starter jet is plugged with debris

02-05-2011, 09:46 PM
Could be jetting. How cold is it where you are compared to the summer. I had the same problem on an old motorcycle. I had to change the main jet and the pilot jet when the season changed.

02-05-2011, 11:33 PM
Check your valve clearance also.

02-06-2011, 01:07 AM
have you tried to clean the carb yet, maybe your starter jet is plugged with debris

The carb is new a year ago, and I ran new gas lines with dual in-line fuel filters when I installed the carb, so I doubt there is debris or clogged jets. Plus I am getting fuel to the plug, which would indicate a clear jet.

The ATC is in my temperature controlled garage, a balmy 70 degrees year-round.

02-06-2011, 01:16 AM
First try a new plug and some starting fluid. Make sure to drain gas from the carb and have your fuel valve shut off. Unless you have some kind of timing issue.

02-06-2011, 07:28 PM
First try a new plug and some starting fluid. Make sure to drain gas from the carb and have your fuel valve shut off. Unless you have some kind of timing issue.

I'll try that. I have a new spark plug on order. I will post back here if this fixes the problem...

02-10-2011, 09:54 PM
I'll try that. I have a new spark plug on order. I will post back here if this fixes the problem...

Installed new spark plug, but still no go... damn.

Anyone want to buy a 3 wheeler? Getting tired of messing with it.Deepa

02-10-2011, 09:58 PM
Ooooooo...since it is "non-running", the for sale price should be really good...wish you were close by!

This may be a dumb question, but I assume it's CDI ignition and not points? Strong consistent spark, or intermittent? Plug gets "wet"? Getting too much fuel as it is...I would check the carb, clean thoroughly again, checking pilot jet...etc.

May not need a new plug...clean the plug with brake cleaner and a fine wire brush, and use some 800 to 1000 grit sandpaper to clean up the gap surfaces between the electrode and electrode tip. Check the plug gap.

And like mentioned before, make sure the valves are adjusted properly to spec.

I'm keeping my fingers xrossed.

02-10-2011, 10:59 PM
Ooooooo...since it is "non-running", the for sale price should be really good...wish you were close by!

This may be a dumb question, but I assume it's CDI ignition and not points? Strong consistent spark, or intermittent? Plug gets "wet"? Getting too much fuel as it is...I would check the carb, clean thoroughly again, checking pilot jet...etc.

May not need a new plug...clean the plug with brake cleaner and a fine wire brush, and use some 800 to 1000 grit sandpaper to clean up the gap surfaces between the electrode and electrode tip. Check the plug gap.

And like mentioned before, make sure the valves are adjusted properly to spec.

I'm keeping my fingers xrossed.

Yes, it is CDI ignition and the plug gets wet after 8-10 pulls. The new plug is gapped properly - 0.65mm. Not sure I can tell a "strong" spark from a weak one, but it is not intermittent. The only thing I haven't checked this time is the valve adjustment. Hard to believe that the trike would run great, and then a month later, will not start at all due to valves not being adjusted correctly. I am no expert mechanic, so I appreciate the ideas - keep 'em coming.

02-10-2011, 11:59 PM
With it flooding like that, might want to check the float valve. It didn't start with starting fluid? Plug wire isn't arcing out?>> Explaination:when you check for spark, you pull the wire away from the head or frame, but when its installed it might be arcing out?Check CDI.

02-11-2011, 09:45 AM
Yea, first i would start at the carb and work down wires then engine. Having the same problem with a 185s if i get it to fire ill let u know,

Make sure your float isnt floating to high, Letting to much gas in and flooding it, Im haveing a wet spark plug issue also. But i bought a carb witch turns out to be a chinese one that the jets say no number. so idk

02-14-2011, 10:54 PM
With it flooding like that, might want to check the float valve. It didn't start with starting fluid? Plug wire isn't arcing out?>> Explaination:when you check for spark, you pull the wire away from the head or frame, but when its installed it might be arcing out?Check CDI.

Sent you a follow up question regarding the CDI.

02-15-2011, 11:55 AM
%100 sure it is your pilot jet plugged. Modern fuel you buy at the pump only has a shelf life of about 90 days. It turns to tarnish after that especially if its sitting in the bowl of the carb. The pilots are so small on these little carbs that you would be lucky to leave fuel in it a month without it plugging that jet. We have about 6 atvs with these same engines and if I leave the fuel in them for more than a month between rides, I will be cleaning and readjusting the carbs before the next ride. Its only a ten minute job, pop the carb off, remove the bowl screws on the bottom, take out the smaller jet and make sure you can see light through it. While you have it off make sure you air fuel is adjusted 1.5 -2.0 turns out and the idle screw is adjusted just so you can see the slide just start to open. Should fire right up and then you can do minor adjustments.

10-04-2013, 02:59 AM
Had the same issue with 3 different trikes:

1st: ('84 ATC 200E) the problem with one was that the ignition switch was shorting out inside, so it would only run without it connected, (it had spark with it connected too, so that took a long time to figure out).

2nd ('84 ATC 200X) the problem was that the black wire coming out of the stator had dirty connectors, the ones up by the cdi were also corroded & after cleaning them up it ran great. (had spark even with the poor connections)

3rd ('82 ATC 200) Bad stator behind flywheel. I rode the trike every day for a couple years & one day it fired a couple tines & wouldn't start. Tried new plug, coil CDI box & pulse generator pickup without luck. Put a new stator on last & it fired up with 1 pull & has been good since. It also had spark with the bad stator.

If yours won't fire up with a shot of gas in the carb I'd say you have a spark issue. Try the easy & cheap things first but it sounds to me like you have a weak stator/coil or something along those lines.