View Full Version : Night ride pics

the great gazoo
01-30-2011, 08:52 PM
I snapped a couple shots up in the woods tonight, the snow was too deep the past couple days to trek through w/ the SX- We had some higher temps today so the snow melted a bit, so I went up & de-virginized the trails. Had a blast, but I ran out of fuel after a good hour of riding. The wife was pissed off, but ran me a can of gas down to the trail head(l o n g walk for me, but worth it). I told her I'd be right back, ummmm.... Couldn't pass this snow up, rode for an hour & came home to face the music, Ahhhhh, she's sleeping. Lucky me.
Any how, I've been an SX owner for quite a few years & I've never rode it in snow that wasn't packed, this stuff was at least 6" & was taxing the bike real hard going in, but real fun coming back out on my own tracks. It was a lot of fun. Here's a couple shots-
Pics are lousy, gotta get a new camera.
Gotta get some grub, will check back on this 2morrow, enjoy! TGG...............

01-30-2011, 08:55 PM
Looks like fun!

01-30-2011, 09:00 PM
that looks like a blast.