View Full Version : 350x sloppy timming chain?

01-23-2011, 11:56 PM
Ok, I've got this 350x that has a rattle which I thought was improperly adjusted valves. I have already adjusted the valves and the same ticking noise is still there. I also heard that it could be an exhaust leak but the exhaust is fine. Could it be the cam chain has stretched and is rattling? If so how can I check if its to loose? Thank you for any help.

1984 honda 200s
01-24-2011, 01:03 AM
it could be the cam chain guide thay tend to make a slight ticking noise, also could be the CDI i know my 200s cdi makes a noise you can clearly hear.

01-24-2011, 06:29 AM
you can check the timing chain by taking the timing chain adjuster off and see it there is any adjustment left. when you pull it out, the plunger will automatically go all the way out. then just hold it in place. if it goes all the way to the cylinder the chain is shot. if it stops before it gets to the cylinder the chain has life left. just remember to reset the plunger before you bolt it back together. they can be a little tricky getting to without taking the exhaust off.