View Full Version : 85 250r fork seals

01-23-2011, 11:27 PM
I have a question....

how big are the fork seals for this bike? the ones I have are from k and l, and I cant get them to go in. the inside and outside diameter is correct, but they seem to be too tall. i couldn't get the old seals out in one piece to compare them to. had to use a tiny screwdriver and chisel away at the old seals. the package says part # 15-5088 and the size is 39x52x11

so...do I have the right part? i have the right size pvc to drive it in, but it just wont go in deep enough to put the snap ring back in. it sits flush with the top of the lower fork and wont go in any further. help!

01-23-2011, 11:50 PM
ok, so I dont think that I got the old seal completely out.

is there metal in the seal that needs to come out as well and how the heck do you get it out. I took the allen bold out of the bottom but couldnt separate the forks.

somebody walk me through this and I do have both manuals, but its not helping as I am not sure what I am looking for to take out.

01-24-2011, 12:43 AM
with the allen bolt out.. take the fork and slam it in and out like a slide hammer till it knocks out the seal and spacer . 39-52-11 is right... you did take the snap ring above the seal out right?

01-24-2011, 01:28 AM
yup snap ring is out, i guess i will have to put a lil more muscle into it, i just didn't know that they came apart...thanks kasey, i'll give it a whirl next weekend