View Full Version : Muffler baffle blew out

01-13-2011, 04:18 PM
On my 83 atc 110 I had purchased a used muffler. Its a straight pipe and has a baffle with some padding around a hollow cone at the end of the muffler. The padding is worn and should be replaced. What is the padding? Is it an asbestos type material? Where can I get some material like that to replace it with?

01-13-2011, 06:27 PM
use steel wool but im not shure theres supost to be padding in a stock muffler i could be wrong tho

tri again
01-14-2011, 01:48 AM
On my 83 atc 110 I had purchased a used muffler. Its a straight pipe and has a baffle with some padding around a hollow cone at the end of the muffler. The padding is worn and should be replaced. What is the padding? Is it an asbestos type material? Where can I get some material like that to replace it with?

I went to the bike shop and got some universal packing for 4 stroke
mfm or some crap, Man That packing blew fiberglass sparkles into the air the size of a house and never calmed down so I took it out and threw it the *&^%^&^away.

It was hideous. NO kidding, aim that tailpipe into the sun and the cloud of breathable glass made me run into the wind.

so I went to the store and bought some loose packed steel wool and on the way out in the kitchen section, I saw some real loose stainless steel wool scrubbing pads for cast iron frying pans or something.

Packed 4 or 5 of them in there loosely and it works great, my ears don't hurt, neighbors don't hate me and it doesn't puke lung killing death sparkles.

There's probably a right way but pretty sure I tried that by buying the stuff from the bike shop.