View Full Version : Back In Green. Red Never Again!

01-12-2011, 02:11 PM
Well got my old Tecate back 2 days ago. Im soooo glad I sold my 1985 atc 250r. And I swear. Ill never own another honda 2 stroke atc/atv/dirt bike ever again. To me there the worst bike ive ever owned.Not that my 250rs all 3 1982 1983 and 1985/6 were mint. I hated the usless forward kick thing. Working on 250rs also. Dont even get me started there. My tecate had 210 psi befor i traded it for this heap of an r. SO It broke the kicker shaft. Not the kick starter it self. So what can I do to lower comp. Ive thought of using 2 head gaskets. Also is has the original 1983 kx 250 carb. Would the jetting be way off to make it run right?
Pictures will be posted up later

01-12-2011, 02:28 PM
Get a stock head or make a thick base gasket.

01-12-2011, 02:47 PM
Did you break the kick shaft on the Kawi or the Honda?

01-12-2011, 03:06 PM
Um.. I dont think I would run 2 head gaskets.

I would stack base gaskets though or have thicker head gasket made by cosmetic or who ever.

01-12-2011, 03:13 PM
is this the twilight zone? You had reliability issues with the Honda and the Kawi is reliable you say????

Sounds like bad luck. I got my 85r, I haven't touched a thing on it. I have ridden the piss out of it and it's still running strong.

You must have learned to kick on a dirt bike.

01-12-2011, 03:38 PM
Compression needs to be altered with modifications to the dome. When you start making compression changes via base gaskets it will alter the port timing, deck height, and squish clearance. Thicker head gaskets will alter the squish band also. I would put a stock head back on it if you want to run it at the stock psi.

I do find if funny that you broke the Kawi at 210 psi, but the Honda is the unreliable bike. I have been running between 205-215 psi for about 15 years with multiple top end setups on my R and I've never done anything but jetting changes. The cases have never been split in 25 years and I only replaced the clutch after 15 years because I was going to be making alot more power with the new setup.

But with that being said I have owned the bike really since it was new and was ridden hard but never neglected. If someone before you neglected the bikes like you say they did, then thats were the blame should be placed. The machine cannot maintain its self.

I hope the Kawi brings you better luck.

01-12-2011, 04:25 PM
No offence but that R wasn't the cleanest out there. From all the kijiji posts I've seen of it before you got it, I would think it needed a good rebuild. Take mine for example, it came from your neck of the woods and was in serious pain; EVERYTHING needed reconditioning. I'm not knocking NS, most Canadian 250R's going for $2K and under are basically clapped out.

More to the point, however, i'm glad to hear you got the T3 back!

01-12-2011, 04:55 PM
I know on the 2nd gen Tecate (86/87) that the KX and KXT head gaskets are different thickness. I have the KX in mine for more compression. If your kicker stub broke your timing may be off and it is kicking back on you. My 86 has a motoplat ignition that was off when I bought it many years ago and I snapped one myself.


01-12-2011, 05:06 PM
I know on the 2nd gen Tecate (86/87) that the KX and KXT head gaskets are different thickness. I have the KX in mine for more compression. If your kicker stub broke your timing may be off and it is kicking back on you. My 86 has a motoplat ignition that was off when I bought it many years ago and I snapped one myself.


Its the same way with the older CR's and the ATC's. The old trick back in the day was to run the CR head gasket for more compression. It was a thin steel gasket vs. the oem thick fiber of the ATC.

01-12-2011, 06:01 PM
That kicker shaft boss breaking must be fairly common on Tecate's. I know when I bought mine it had been broken and the p.o welded it to the boss. I love Tecate's, but the one thing I Hated was the backward kicking. Hitting the fenders with your boot and then stabbing the footpeg with your toe. Once I got used to it, it wasn't that bad. But I'd rather kick on a 350x, and everyone knows what they're like. Just a difference in opinion I guess. I say keep the compression, check your timing . You'll want it later!!

01-12-2011, 10:49 PM
Glad you got your Tecate back, now we don't have to listen to you piss and moan about how much of a POS the Honda 250R is anymore.

01-13-2011, 02:53 AM
I hate starting a machine with a backwards kicker

01-13-2011, 08:30 AM
I hate starting a machine with a backwards kicker

I used to "think" I hated forward kicking trikes, then I got into older Husqvarna's and ATK's, with left side kickers, you want to talk about re-learning a habit, try kicking a 500 over with your left foot the first time...

01-13-2011, 10:17 AM
I used to "think" I hated forward kicking trikes, then I got into older Husqvarna's and ATK's, with left side kickers, you want to talk about re-learning a habit, try kicking a 500 over with your left foot the first time...
Good one....I just like it when they start!!!!!!

01-13-2011, 01:09 PM
Hey glammy. No us canadians use what we have. Also you will never see me not saying a bad thing about 250rs. Dont like what I say then Trail pro off. Mabey down in america you dont have the freedom of speach. Up here we do, in the most loved country. Im 6,2 and kicking a 250r for me is like a dog screwing a football. As for the 250r. EVERY liquid cooled atc i seen ALL had there frames wrecked. And dont one of you tell me other wise. mabey you guys dont run them hard enough or they dont see the running ours do. When I drove the r it felt wrong. Like the handle bars were in the wrong place the seat needed to be moved and the kicker needed to be backwards. And then mabey it would "feel" like a great bike to me. So how many of the folling posters have owned both tecates and 250rs? Not these Ill only drive a honda guys. Kawasakis and hondas are like stihls and huskys. If you like huskys you must be into that sort of thing. The problem I had with my 250rs was the lack of parts. Yes parts. 1 year and couldnt find nothing. And the tecate i have the only running one in my province. Ive asked many questions about it befor. But no one on here with the knowldge would help. Back in the day when this site was full of great informative people for the most part have left. Now all you guys want to do is trash talk some 12 year old kid who someone told him he has a 1988 atc 250r.55 pages of your an idiot from most of the members. And dont tell me no. I remember hanging out with three wheelio Tim I think his name was and spending hours on here. I have met a few people id give them anything. My first born if I had kids. Like Billy, Fabio, Dammit and of course The jerk that got me hooked on tecate But MIK6 himself.
So if I have offended anyone about hondas. There will be more ;)
Oh and for those who have said something worth reading Thank you very much. All the others get a life.

01-13-2011, 01:51 PM
Compression needs to be altered with modifications to the dome. When you start making compression changes via base gaskets it will alter the port timing, deck height, and squish clearance. Thicker head gaskets will alter the squish band also. I would put a stock head back on it if you want to run it at the stock psi..

I agree compression should be reduced by changing the head so the squish doesn't become excessive. However changing the port timing isn't necessarily a bad thing. A thick base gasket will be more reliable and have more effect on compression ratio than a thick or doubled head gasket. I have ran tecate kickstarters @ 245psi with no issue. I suspect timing is culprit. Compression should be reduced for pump gas though.

01-13-2011, 02:16 PM
I agree compression should be reduced by changing the head so the squish doesn't become excessive. However changing the port timing isn't necessarily a bad thing. A thick base gasket will be more reliable and have more effect on compression ratio than a thick or doubled head gasket. I have ran tecate kickstarters @ 245psi with no issue. I suspect timing is culprit. Compression should be reduced for pump gas though. Oh definately port timing advancement can be a good thing and I have experimented with it in the past with good results. But I also have adjusted the deck height and chamber design to go with it. I think we're both on the same page here as far as performance goes, and in the op's case, your probably right to just go with a thicker base gasket. I have a feeling you guys are right on with the timing problems and all a thicker gasket is going to do is mask the problem.

01-13-2011, 02:26 PM

I respect your opinion about the 250r. Personal preference is just that and no one but you can make that choice. But did you really think that if you started a thread bashing the 250r, that no one would come to its defense. I would expect that if I bashed the Tecate (which I never would) that its owners and followers would come to its rescue and rightfully so. Just my .02, and like I said I hope the Green Machine brings you many hours of trouble free enjoyment.

01-13-2011, 02:37 PM
Hey glammy. No us canadians use what we have. Also you will never see me not saying a bad thing about 250rs. Dont like what I say then Trail pro off. Mabey down in america you dont have the freedom of speach. Up here we do, in the most loved country. Im 6,2 and kicking a 250r for me is like a dog screwing a football. As for the 250r. EVERY liquid cooled atc i seen ALL had there frames wrecked. And dont one of you tell me other wise. mabey you guys dont run them hard enough or they dont see the running ours do. When I drove the r it felt wrong. Like the handle bars were in the wrong place the seat needed to be moved and the kicker needed to be backwards. And then mabey it would "feel" like a great bike to me. So how many of the folling posters have owned both tecates and 250rs? Not these Ill only drive a honda guys. Kawasakis and hondas are like stihls and huskys. If you like huskys you must be into that sort of thing. The problem I had with my 250rs was the lack of parts. Yes parts. 1 year and couldnt find nothing. And the tecate i have the only running one in my province. Ive asked many questions about it befor. But no one on here with the knowldge would help. Back in the day when this site was full of great informative people for the most part have left. Now all you guys want to do is trash talk some 12 year old kid who someone told him he has a 1988 atc 250r.55 pages of your an idiot from most of the members. And dont tell me no. I remember hanging out with three wheelio Tim I think his name was and spending hours on here. I have met a few people id give them anything. My first born if I had kids. Like Billy, Fabio, Dammit and of course The jerk that got me hooked on tecate But MIK6 himself.
So if I have offended anyone about hondas. There will be more ;)
Oh and for those who have said something worth reading Thank you very much. All the others get a life.

I have come across five second generation Tecates in the past two years, every one of them had cracked frames including my 87. Cant find 250r parts? Have you heard of Ebay? Last time I checked (23 seconds ago) there were 6,349 more parts listed for ATC 250rs than T3s. Not trying to start something, just sayin.......... besides.... you sound like a real tough guy :lol:

01-13-2011, 03:07 PM
Are trikes in general rare in you area of Scotia?

01-13-2011, 03:24 PM
I do own both a Tecate and a 250R. I just think it's funny how you go out of your way to trashtalk the 250Rs when you get the opportunity. Like bkm said, how did expect people to respond? There's a lot of members here that own 3rd gen Rs and swear by them. Then there's guys that own T3s and swear by them. How do you expect one to respond to other talking chit about their favorite trike? Since you've been on the site as long as you have, I'd think it would be fairly easy for you to recall all the flaming that has gone on between the T3 and 250R guys in the past, so why try to reignite that fire?

01-13-2011, 04:26 PM
if the head is already off, have it cut? sounds easiest but is it the cheapest?

Buy 110 VP or AV gas?

I like retarded things like timing.

where are the pictures?

01-13-2011, 04:38 PM
Good one....I just like it when they start!!!!!!

holy cow, its EDOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! where you been hiding?

01-13-2011, 04:46 PM
i read your post at it seems the bikes were beat. i feel if a person wants somthing to last you redo it, fixing areas of problems to they wont cause problems. bashing a beat 250r is not how every 250r is. if you favor tecates i would have said i went back to tecate because i like them more. if the tecate was in better shape i can totaly understand it.

25 year old frames on tecates could crack tomorrow, somthing could go wrong and have you mad at tecates then. if you favor a certain machine and want to keep it around do some preventive matiance with it. gusset the frame, power coated it, replace 25 year old rusted foot peg bolts or wiring harnesses cut from here to the moon, add some screws missing holding the motor in.

i think theres 2 type of riders, the onew who get a machine and if it runs they go ride the snot outta it til somthing breaks and keep riding it, or the type that will do what they can to prevent the bike from failure of parts.

i never had a tecate but heard lots of bad things about them, i am not gonna bash them though because it could be baised off a clamped out ride.

01-13-2011, 04:53 PM
ah the great tecate/ 250r debate ONCE again... all by the simple way someone words a phrase. why does this happen time and time again, wasting so much space on this forum? come on people... cant we all just get along? hahahahahahaa. sorry had to.

t3 vs 250r is old... some people prefer one over the other, just the way it is. never going to change, so might as well get used to it. geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez.

01-13-2011, 04:59 PM
holy cow, its edog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where you been hiding?

:shiftyeyes:lurking in the shadows:shiftyeyes:

Hey glammy. No us canadians use what we have. Also you will never see me not saying a bad thing about 250rs. Dont like what I say then Trail pro off. Mabey down in america you dont have the freedom of speach. Up here we do, in the most loved country. Im 6,2 and kicking a 250r for me is like a dog screwing a football. As for the 250r. EVERY liquid cooled atc i seen ALL had there frames wrecked. And dont one of you tell me other wise. mabey you guys dont run them hard enough or they dont see the running ours do. When I drove the r it felt wrong. Like the handle bars were in the wrong place the seat needed to be moved and the kicker needed to be backwards. And then mabey it would "feel" like a great bike to me. So how many of the folling posters have owned both tecates and 250rs? Not these Ill only drive a honda guys. Kawasakis and hondas are like stihls a huskys. If you like huskys you must be into that sort of thing. The problem I had with my 250rs was the lack of parts. Yes parts. 1 year and couldnt find nothing. And the tecate i have the only running one in my province. Ive asked many questions about it befor. But no one on here with the knowldge would help. Back in the day when this site was full of great informative people for the most part have left. Now all you guys want to do is trash talk some 12 year old kid who someone told him he has a 1988 atc 250r.55 pages of your an idiot from most of the members. And dont tell me no. I remember hanging out with three wheelio Tim I think his name was and spending hours on here. I have met a few people id give them anything. My first born if I had kids. Like Billy, Fabio, Dammit and of course The jerk that got me hooked on tecate But MIK6 himself.
So if I have offended anyone about hondas. There will be more ;)
Oh and for those who have said something worth reading Thank you very much. All the others get a life.

I talked to my therapist in great detail about this...and this is what he had to say.....I think he would make a great trike rider!!!!!


ps....I think he's a Red Rider!!!:D

01-13-2011, 05:32 PM
Mabey down in america you dont have the freedom of speach.

We exorcise our First Amendment to the fullest extent. Also our second :)

And while I don't agree with your bashing of the 250R, I do agree you are entitled to your own opinion. But there are better ways to get across your point of you disliking the 250R.

Have you even found a good condition one that wasn't beat to hell in the first place? Have you even tried looking on eBay? I typed in ATC 250R on eBay and turned up with 4,535 results, ALL OF WHICH ARE AVAILABLE TO CANADA....

01-13-2011, 05:39 PM
So this is kinda like Ford, Dodge, Chevy? None are better than the other, just depends on what you've had the best luck with(?). Any Ford Mechanic/owner will point out faults and their experiences with the rig, same for Dodge/Chevy owner, lol. And more Fords are on the road because they produced the most pickups(?). Or cause' there built better?... I am not brand particular, whatever trike finds you, that's what you got. I really want an 82' 250r and another Tecate falls in my lap, lol. I do, however, have a preference for 2-strokes over 4-stroke. Can't seem to see the battles of old between the R and Tecate to entertain myself with, so I can't take a side, lol.

01-13-2011, 06:34 PM
I am same way. When i got my 250R i would have bought a Tri-z, Tecate or 350X if it was in nice shape. Too each there own.

01-13-2011, 07:06 PM
For you guys who think i wreck bikes. This is what it looked like. Traded my tecate because parts were easy to find. Also not everyone has loads of money and can spend spend spend on there paypal account which I dont have.Please note all of the folling i put into this bike with no income at all. 1 trx 250r swinger( the axel was welded to hell) The swinger was messed up. Only swing arm bolt and the top motor mount was in it. The frame that was under it I put my finger through the down tube. Yes through. So I had another frame that was not the greatest but held up.Seat cover handle bars fork boots a cdi box from an unknown bike cause the stock one was junk. Rad mounts rad guards painted it
Seat was recovered and realtors installed in the back.
After my wrecking
And the only 2 photos of my tecate. I dont even have a camera.:crazy:
Never twisted a kicker shaft befor. Done by last owner. So when I removed the kicker i seen both sets of my kicker gears are wore. Someone put a harder spring in and did help with slipping but sems to still slip. And with 210. I am running the stock carb off a 1983 kx 250. Years ago the stock one was misplaced when i sold it many years ago.

01-13-2011, 07:19 PM
Chevy trucks, Honda cars (Acura), I'd still have fun with Pam Anderson, and Honda rules. Lol. I have never seen a tecate in person so I really can't judge, BUT when I sit on my 86R I feel like I am sitting on a masterpIece. Hehe, stirring the pot just for fun. Glad to see your getting your tecate back tho. IMO it's way better than that wore out R.

01-13-2011, 07:26 PM
Chevy trucks, Honda cars (Acura), I'd still have fun with Pam Anderson, and Honda rules. Lol. I have never seen a tecate in person so I really can't judge, BUT when I sit on my 86R I feel like I am sitting on a masterpIece. Hehe, stirring the pot just for fun. Glad to see your getting your tecate back tho. IMO it's way better than that wore out R.

You finally got an R...Congrats!

01-13-2011, 07:36 PM
I think it all boils down to the exposure to salt water. If you find a bike here in the maritimes that isn't rusted in the least, you have a gem. I have to say though Dwayne that 250R looked pretty clapped out. Your Tecate seems to be in much better condition, and that seems to be making your decision for you. If you had the chance to try a cherry 250r I bet you would have a much different story. :lol:

01-13-2011, 07:43 PM
You finally got an R...Congrats!

Thxs dog! Got her over a year now. How's the car.

01-13-2011, 07:46 PM
Here is my best N.S find
It has no rust on the old girl

01-13-2011, 07:49 PM
lol I love this thread. Your free to your opinion, I was just surprised when I originally posted because the tecate's were known for breaking a lot. Honda has always been a reliable bike. I'm 6'2" tall and my 250r fits me fine, but I am biased.

I can see why you hate them though, your 250r's look beat to hell before you got them.

And I am sorry but I disagree on the backwards kick. Trikes have fenders in the way....Really, who likes kicking into a fender? And the retarded Tecate kicker slams your foot into the peg. That backwards crap is for dirtbikes.

01-13-2011, 08:22 PM
hood GTFO. we honda nuts don;t need traders liek you. Fool! that jsut means more Hondas for us! :p

01-14-2011, 02:42 PM
Hehehe. My tecate was in the same situation. There was no linkage. Thats when Mik6 from here sold me one and told me and I quote" Once you get a Tecate, You will be bit buy them and will always find another". 10 years later im still owning them. This time is the last. Anyway the tecate 3 motor was completly ripped apart and was for some time. The crank was rusted to bad. front tire was siezed. A piece of frame was removed to mount a shock. How they mounted the new mount to except the shock could not be unbolted. Had to be cut out of the way. I had to buy another tecate for the motor. So no tecate shock on either bikes.
I enjoy rebuilding a poc. Seeing something that looks like hell. Bike alot of you guys would walk away. I have my arms open to any trikes. And the one thing I do hate about hondas. Is that the only company 99% of the people know. People never knew that the ugly useless tecate beat the hell out of honda. But yet no one ever heard of the tecates. Thats why there is so much aftermarket parts for the 250rs. So there are alot of trikes if you look. The racers are a little bit more rarer but by far the tecate is the rarest one around. I like being different. Tired of seeing red all the time. Everyone makes red bikes but only 2 make green ones. Cant wait to get the kinks beat out of it.

01-14-2011, 03:10 PM
I bought a Tecate... The power is great! The problems are a turnoff...

01-15-2011, 11:12 AM
Hehehe. My tecate was in the same situation. There was no linkage. Thats when Mik6 from here sold me one and told me and I quote" Once you get a Tecate, You will be bit buy them and will always find another". 10 years later im still owning them. This time is the last. Anyway the tecate 3 motor was completly ripped apart and was for some time. The crank was rusted to bad. front tire was siezed. A piece of frame was removed to mount a shock. How they mounted the new mount to except the shock could not be unbolted. Had to be cut out of the way. I had to buy another tecate for the motor. So no tecate shock on either bikes.
I enjoy rebuilding a poc. Seeing something that looks like hell. Bike alot of you guys would walk away. I have my arms open to any trikes. And the one thing I do hate about hondas. Is that the only company 99% of the people know. People never knew that the ugly useless tecate beat the hell out of honda. But yet no one ever heard of the tecates. Thats why there is so much aftermarket parts for the 250rs. So there are alot of trikes if you look. The racers are a little bit more rarer but by far the tecate is the rarest one around. I like being different. Tired of seeing red all the time. Everyone makes red bikes but only 2 make green ones. Cant wait to get the kinks beat out of it.

Tecate made a red one...It's one of my favZ!!!!...And not cause it's red...