View Full Version : Adjusting the clutch on a YTM225dx (think my friend put something together wrong)

01-10-2011, 07:46 PM
I've been working on a YTM225DX. My friend has been helping me. But so far, he has done more harm than good (like not putting the bolt in that holds the magneto/flywheel in place), etc. etc.

He took the case cover off, and then put it back on. I didn't watch him put it back on (stupid on my part), because I was busy fixing other stuff.

I think he may have not lined something up right for the clutch adjustment assembly or something.

When we drove the bike, it was shifting like crap; it would not disengage the clutch when you hold the shift lever all the way up, like it is supposed too (kind of like with a hand clutch). And of course it shifts like crap because of this, and it isn't good for the tranny.

Today I tried to adjust the clutch, and the first thing that I noticed was that the bolt with the locknut on it (clutch adjuster) could move back and forth freely (or more so, in and out of the hole it is going through) about half an inch or more. Is that normal?

Also, I tried several different tensions/adjustments, and none of them would make the clutch disengage when you hold the shift lever all the way up. And the bike still shifted like crap as a result.

I started out by using the manual's specs, which are:

"turn the bolt counter clockwise until resistance if felt, then turn it clockwise 1/8 of a turn, and tighten lock nut".

I did this, but it didn't do jack. Then I tried turning it more clockwise, which also did nothing. Then I tried going counterclockwise a good amount PAST where it started getting resistance, and that didn't help either.

I finnally got sick of it, and turned it counter clockwise until it wouldn't even turn anymore, and then when I tried to shift it, the shift level would not even move. So I went more and more clockwise with it, and then the shifter would eventually move again, but the clutch would not engage at all.

After doing this a few times, I could hear a clanking noise or something (the bike was running). I then turned the adjuster clockwise more and more, and eventually the clanking stopped. Now the bike is like stock in between gears or something. When you give it gas, it wont move (like having the brakes on). And I cannot shift it up or down now, even after changing the adjuster even more.

Any idea what the heck is going on now? I'm gonna be ripping off the case cover tommorow to have a look. But if anyone has any suggestions in the mean time, I would love to hear them :)

01-10-2011, 07:53 PM
I'm gonna be ripping off the case cover tommorow to have a look. But if anyone has any suggestions in the mean time, I would love to hear them :)

Don't let your friend touch your machine. Sounds like he did something wrong.

01-10-2011, 08:08 PM
Take the side cover off and check that the notch on the shift guide is aligned with the shift shaft arm.

Also, check the clutch adjuster screw (in the side cover), while it's off, to make sure it's assembled and operates correctly, before you put it back together.

01-10-2011, 10:17 PM
Take the side cover off and check that the notch on the shift guide is aligned with the shift shaft arm.

Also, check the clutch adjuster screw (in the side cover), while it's off, to make sure it's assembled and operates correctly, before you put it back together.

Thanks for the tip!

01-11-2011, 08:38 PM
LOL I took the case cover off, and found that the clutch adjuster arm was broken, pieces had fallen apart, out of place, etc.

Man what mess. Good thing I had a junk ytm200 to tear apart, which had the same exact clutch adjust arm thank god. But man it was a nightmare getting the cover off of that POS.

Got everything put backtogether the RIGHT way, adjusted the clutch to the specifications mentioned in the manual, and the clutch works just fine now, and the bike shifts perfectly.

Glad that is over with... man I hate oil.