View Full Version : O.k., how do I go about this?

01-07-2011, 01:57 PM
So after my 1st attempt with about 3-5 hours on the phone with Fish Wildlife & Parks, 3 counties, Sheriffs Departments, State Land Offices, and a Few Forest Service offices, I am ready to spend some time to have a go at it again to register my 25+ year old three wheelers for off-road permits. No one I have contacted in the state of Montana knows how to get an old 3-wheeler an off-road permit. Last quote I was up around $85 a piece for 6 3-wheelers. And no one know how to do it without the current dealer registration. Heck, it was easier to street legalize the trike, but around $300. Just a back-@$$ state with no organization I spose'. It's actually cheaper if caught (and a lot less headache) to just keep paying the fine, but want to ride in OR, OK, ID, etc., so need current registration sticker from MT to do it. Here is my worry and the reasoning for the question. Got all the VIN #'s. Need to run them. Had no luck finding the pre-owners registration in other states. How do I run them to make sure they are not stolen? Scared about this. And I'm not sorry this is so long. I'm bored. And it weeds out the illiterate who can't stand to read this long of post so I'll get answers from the smart folks. -Robby

01-07-2011, 02:07 PM
I dont see why it is that complicated.

Here, you go to your local DMV and have the VINs run.
When they come back clean, you simply apply for registration with a bill of sale.
They then issue the permits.

Maybe you can list them as "home built" ORV's and install your own Vin's # and title them that way?
We use that loophole when you build a home made trailer here.

01-07-2011, 02:10 PM
in pa, u call with the vin, theres a number for the dcrn, they tell ya if it hot or not. who it was registered to. then print out paper work, take a pick of the vin sent in the bill of sale with the frees...get a title...its so simple. did it with a dirtbike i had guy was really scared to buy it, i had paper work it calmed him cuz he saw i was not lieing.

i got all this info via my local DMV when i asked about running a vin check on a atv...i told him i was "thinking of buying" lol

01-07-2011, 02:24 PM
you guys in the states need off road permits wtf why it dosent make any sence its the most ridiculus thing i ever heard im so happy im canadian that $h!t is nuts here i can ride down a dirt road slamin a 40 with no helmet on a homemade pile of crap with the cops watching as long as its a dirt road what ever happend to the land of the free it kinda looks like it moved north

01-07-2011, 02:26 PM
im not that stupid thou

01-07-2011, 02:50 PM
I live in PA, but...
I had a cop buddy run all my VINs IN MY STATE (he said they only check for stolen in your own state). When they came up clean, I downloaded the form on the state DCNR website, filled it out, and sent it along with:
1. a copy of the bill of sale (and the seller's name, address, and contact number)
2. a rubbing of the VIN from the neck (I rubbed it right onto the copy of the bill of sale)
3. a check for taxes, registration, and license plate
4. lastly, I called my insurance company and added it to my policy (costs about $24 per YEAR for liability)
4-6 weeks later, and $88 in fees and taxes, my 350x is legal, plated, and has a title in my name. :D

01-07-2011, 02:55 PM
you guys in the states need off road permits wtf why it dosent make any sence its the most ridiculus thing i ever heard im so happy im canadian that $h!t is nuts here i can ride down a dirt road slamin a 40 with no helmet on a homemade pile of crap with the cops watching as long as its a dirt road what ever happend to the land of the free it kinda looks like it moved north

Ummm bcredneck....not cool! Ya helmets are optional and I can ride around without being hassled but drinking on any motorized vehicle will get you a DUI.

H&R, if I come down there to ride I suppose my Alberta registration and Insurance will suffice? Good luck dealing with the feds!

01-07-2011, 03:01 PM
i said im not that stupid and when im trail ridding iwhere a helmet but i know for shere in bc you can get away with crap like that if your not on pubic roads cause a dui has to go thur icbc and icbc cant do any thing when your on dirt

01-07-2011, 03:10 PM
you need registation for alberta to now wtf is going on they better not start that in bc that would suck

01-07-2011, 03:19 PM
O.k.. Montana (DMV) Treasurer was able to give me a little more information than last time. To register an ORV (ATV) it's $90.00 and a $10.00 licensing fee= $100.00/per 3-wheeler. I have 6, ouch! But could not offer any information on VINS and titles, so I was sent to the Sheriffs office. The Sheriff has to come by and inspect and physically get the VIN # off each atv and run them to see if they are stolen. If they are, bye-bye trike. So I said I wanted to by a classic atv in Billlings MT and wanted to run the VIN to make sure it is not stolen. A county Sheriff from the Billings area has to run that VIN and transfer to the office here and the Sheriff can then tell me if the atv is legal for me to purchase. So, here is my options- 1. Lie. 2. Pay out the nose and jump through all the b.s. and headache. 3. Ride illegally and pay a fine that is cheaper than the registration and a heck of a lot less headache. For a homemade trike (unlike trailors) a VIN, after inspection by a law enforcement officer, is issued by the state of MT on the basis of what seems to be a 'lost title' permit. Minimum of 3 months (ya right, double or triple that), from the state (Deerlodge office), then jump through the hoops of registration again & I didn't even bother asking for the permit and inspection fee is for that ($85?). Now there is a chance the trikes aren't stolen. But the time it takes to run 6 3-wheelers from 4 states they were purchased from (that I know of) I couldn't tell ya. If I start right now, I may be able to ride them by early summer! Yaaa! It's a no-brainer what I'm gonna do. This is absolutely ridiculous. How did a back-@$$ state of under 900,000 people get so political, and lawful, with no one to run it? I give up.

01-07-2011, 03:24 PM
here i can ride down a dirt road slamin a 40 with no helmet
of Iced Tea :lol::lol::beer

01-07-2011, 03:25 PM
my suggestion if someone whants to check your reg just dont stop and if they catch you pay the fine its better than paying $100 just to find out one of them was stolen 20 years ago

01-07-2011, 04:41 PM
That's exactly how I got mine from MT...The old guy I bought it from had no idea how he was gonna get it licensed to ride it....And was under the impression that he would never be able to ride it except on his property. I haven't dealt with the title issue here in WA yet...bought an OR tab and really only ride it in OR...

01-07-2011, 05:27 PM
That's exactly how I got mine from MT...The old guy I bought it from had no idea how he was gonna get it licensed to ride it....And was under the impression that he would never be able to ride it except on his property. I haven't dealt with the title issue here in WA yet...bought an OR tab and really only ride it in OR...

He was pretty much right on. Cold hard cash, that's how. Who/what town did you find that Tecate in? Extremely rare here (even in Eastern WA by lookin' in Craigslist/Ebay). I have another option, but can't really say how on the public forum, but got help from an unexpected source to obtain sticker(s). Kawasaki 'KX' Tecate & Honda 200 XL or XR atc, lol!

01-07-2011, 05:59 PM
Mine came from Libby...or is it Libbey? I just stumbled on it... A friend of mine has a place next door to the guy in Libby I bought it from and a place over here. He told me about his neighbor with a 3 wheeler and a deal was struck... Come to find out that the guy in MT originally got it not more than about 40 miles away from me in WA...

And yes...they rarely pop up around here too.....

tri again
01-07-2011, 09:37 PM
Oregon changed from DMV regular registration with papertrail a mile long to:

Just bring the vin # (not the trike or vin tracing) to any bike shop and get an off road sticker for 10 bucks or so.

www.rideatvoregon.org has a test you can take for free AND they send you a genuine plastic atv license card in the mail for free (if you pass) and they recommend that out of staters do that if they want to ride in Oregon, so there ya go.

2 gov't documents with your name on them.

I've heard rumors that we may also need to show proof of insurance to ride on public areas but that may be up there with wanting to ban trikes in general.

Also heard that off roaders without stickers can be confiscated or towed or impounded if busted on public lands.

Oh, and don't forget the spark arrestors.

But seriously, that rideatvoregon should have more info than you need.

You used to have a beachhouse at the dunes here right?

01-07-2011, 09:49 PM
drjoe, thanks. Great idea. That is a viable option. My family is only renting a beach house for visits, but have a brother and my mom lives in OR. I can use their addresses. And as long as I got a sticker from Oregon, I can re-sticker (or temp an out of state sticker) on our trikes. I will probably be riding in OR in the next couple of months as I need to visit my ol' mom before she kicks it. I will have my brother call in the VIN # on a trike 'he's considering purchase' on. And have him sticker it in my name with his address. If this works you have saved me over $500 and hundreds of gray hairs. Thanks, that's why I started this thread.

tri again
01-07-2011, 10:03 PM
drjoe, thanks. Great idea. That is a viable option. My family is only renting a beach house for visits, but have a brother and my mom lives in OR. I can use their addresses. And as long as I got a sticker from Oregon, I can re-sticker (or temp an out of state sticker) on our trikes. I will probably be riding in OR in the next couple of months as I need to visit my ol' mom before she kicks it. I will have my brother call in the VIN # on a trike 'he's considering purchase' on. And have him sticker it in my name with his address. If this works you have saved me over $500 and hundreds of gray hairs. Thanks, that's why I started this thread.

oh Whoa!

I was only joking about you having a beach house (in case they asked)

That rideatvoregon site recommends it for out of state riders so they shouldn't have a problem shipping a license out of state. Have all the kids (and adults) get one.
Now that I think about it, I can't see why they wouldn't ship stickers out of state too since they kinda recommend them.

One oddity is that people under a certain age are required to have one and the older the rider is, the requirement becomes mandatory in the future.

I got one anyway just because I was shocked that something was actually free and wanted to know the rules.

You could even pick up your stickers when you get here but would be nice to have running trikes across state lines.

What beach are you heading to?

We have a campground west of eugene

tri again
01-07-2011, 10:21 PM
The off road stickers are hand written on a receipt pad in a bike, trike, fishin' license, ammo, haircut beautysalon and camping supply shop usually.

They may run the numbers, but I doubt it.

When I buy something, I call the local pd and ask if it was stolen....they say no and I buy it, so there's prob a master list somewhere in case of a lost or stolen machine, you may be able to get it back.

01-07-2011, 11:50 PM
It baffles me how much crap some of you have to put up with just to ride anything. I don't have to worry about anything but fuel prices. I just load up and go ride. Problem solved. If you want to buy something you buy it, if you want to sell something you sell it. I don't have to go through state agencies to do it. (obviously a vehicle wouldn't apply to this).

Best of luck to the OP. Hope things work out for ya. If they don't, I would move. ;)
