View Full Version : should i?? all you FAT boys whats up??

01-07-2011, 02:00 AM
my uncle said he would let this go for a grand!! I usually see them going for far more in this shape. I have always wanted one:naughty:i just have so much stuff!! i'm really up in the air!!

01-07-2011, 02:03 AM
That sure looks like a heck of a lot of fun to ride. A grand...ride it for a while, clean it up and flip it in a year.

01-07-2011, 02:09 AM
Heck yeah! Snap that puppy up!

Chazz of Blades
01-07-2011, 02:25 AM
Better yet, box it up and give it to me as a 16th B-day present!

But realisticly, I'd be all over that like stank on Slingblade.

01-07-2011, 02:26 AM
I've been wanting one for years... they don't come around too often!

01-07-2011, 02:49 AM
he bought it in pieces and restored it, thats about what he said he has in it. i know the orig owner. it was abused by kids when it was new, it sat for years in a barn. my uncle got it cheap. he is pretty meticulous, so i know it should be rock solid now. they seam to be somewhat colectable, so i dont think i would ever lose a dime on it. shouldnt need a thing.

01-07-2011, 06:27 AM
Those things must be a lot of fun. I have never seen one in person but seems like $1,000 is a good deal if it's all solid.

01-07-2011, 09:31 AM
I missed out on a minty one for $900 around here last year. I came across a carcass at my scrapyard, so I have a frame and forks for an '87, but that's it.

01-07-2011, 10:11 AM
I have a 1987 honda fatcat tr-200 . I paid $1000 for it when i was at my grandparents in Utah . My parents brought it back home to texas in there Ford Expedition . I bought it from the orig. owner with a title . They are great and fun bikes to ride . That is a good price for that bike . You should get it , you don't see them very often .

01-07-2011, 10:19 AM
There is nothing better then knowing the person you are buying a atv from. Since your uncle restored it, you know the quality of his work. If you believe he did a good job, and you have the money, DO IT.

I wish i could find a nice BW350 or tr-200 around here....

01-07-2011, 10:47 AM
i have been on the lookout for a big wheel 350 for awile. they are super rare, and are a good buck if you can find a nice one. see the bw200 alot though.

01-07-2011, 11:33 AM
That would be a hell of a fun toy. I think you should get it. You will lose sleep for year if you dont and he ends of selling to someone else

01-07-2011, 11:50 AM
I have an 86 that I restored and it is alot of fun to ride. A little bit of getting used to if you are always on three wheels, but overall a very fun machine. They will climb hills very well and the trail capabilities are strong if you are used to it. For a grand, I would pick i up. I had an offer on mine for 2000 right after I restored it. You will not lose money if you flip it later on, but i bet you keep it.

Big Mike
01-07-2011, 12:33 PM
I would scoop that up for $1000 all day.My father wants one of those.

01-07-2011, 12:49 PM
Buy it, ride it for awhile, see what you think, then either flip it or keep it. I'm sure you won't lose any money in the deal. Rode one for some time, didn't like it much. Figured I'd rather be on a real dirtbike, or just hop on one of the trikes. To each thier own though. The price is right though so jump on that deal. Like Silverado was saying, you'll kick yourself for a year if your on the fence about it, and he sells it to someone else. (Especially if it's someone you know and they keep telling you how great it is. LOL)

01-07-2011, 01:39 PM
where in NY is it....I would like one if you don't want it !

01-07-2011, 02:08 PM
Yeah, $1000 is a good deal. I spent a weekend riding one back in '88 or so, and it was a blast. The first time I ever road a 3-wheeler wasn't until 2003, and I was immediately reminded of the Fat Cat. Must be the tires!

01-07-2011, 02:29 PM
I've come to the realization that we need a mental help trike addiction forum.

This HAS to stop, too many lives/relationships are withering away.

Help is here my friend, just ask.....


01-07-2011, 04:48 PM
If you want it, get it.

I got curious about a month ago about the fat cat's and big wheels....I found 2 BW350's on one of the islands around here with titles and the guy was asking $1800 for the pair...They were gone the next day and it wasn't me...the pictures even looked to be low hour bikes...

01-07-2011, 05:09 PM
That is cool!!!

01-07-2011, 09:58 PM
My brother and I had one growing up. They handle like crap and bounce off of everything. You'll find yourself touching a foot down frequently to stay upright. They do work very well in sand and mud, better than a regular dirtbike. $1000 is a good price though.

01-07-2011, 10:09 PM
Do you think the boarder would give me a hard time bringing it into Canada ? I wonder if his uncle has the papers

01-08-2011, 01:12 AM
Do you think the boarder would give me a hard time bringing it into Canada ? I wonder if his uncle has the papers

relax dude you aint gettin it!!

Chazz of Blades
01-08-2011, 02:06 AM
You tell 'im Aldo!

I am!

01-08-2011, 09:43 AM
I have all the fat tire motorcycles made by honda and yamaha . Honda fatcat tr-200 , yamaha bigwheel 80,200,350 . The most comfortable ride and handling is the yamaha bigwheel 350 and the honda fatcat .

01-08-2011, 07:13 PM
relax dude you aint gettin it!!

Haha I can always dream ! I hope you have a really great time with that machine ! let us know how it handles !