View Full Version : 1983 Honda ATC 200e Sputtering and Backfiringbut not starting

Lord Letto 20
01-01-2011, 01:48 AM
hi, my 83' big red is not starting for some reason, it sputters and Backfires but that's about it. i had thought it was weak combustion from a lack of compression from the head gasket going because it used to slowly leak a bit of oil from around the head but after checking out the thread that speedyj posted about his 82' 200 backfiring, i started to wonder if the carb or something else would be causing it? on the last day i took it for a ride it ran out of gas on the way back and i had it up in like 4th i think so i just let it roll and shift in to a lower gear when needed, when it stopped i switched the tank to reserve and it started up and it rode back home.after i got it back home it cut out again but that was fine, i was able to push it to where i park it although i had noticed that the engine was smoking (maybe just some of the oil that was on the cooling fins burning off, my worst case was the head gasket went finally). anyway, whenever the next time was that i decided to go for another ride (later that day, the day after or a couple day later or something) i put gas in and tried to start it but it wouldn't start, same thing that's happening now that its sputtering and backfiring. my brother unhooked the exhaust off to check if the exhaust was clogged but it wasn't, took the air filter out but same thing still happened, getting enough spark to combust but it's not starting. in any case, when i get a chance i will record me trying to start it and record what happens and post up the clip to show exactly what's happening. i got some of the Grey Gasket Maker to do the Head Gasket and it also needs the Oil Drained and replaced cause it was thin and my brother said he thinks he smelled gas in with the oil?

01-01-2011, 04:59 AM
do you keep it in a warm place? if you dont that could be your problem cuz mine will only start in the shop or if i just pulled it out.

o and my headgasket rings and valve seals are shot