View Full Version : 200x cyliner

12-29-2010, 05:11 PM
I found an interesting thing on ebay today. This is a cylinder for a knock off Honda 200cc engine. They have alto in common. Design is almost identical, size is off on this one. This cylinder is 63.5mm and a 200x is 65mm but I'm sure a bore could fix that. The thing that interests me is that it is water cooled. Which would give us 200x lover a change in power. I would love to get higher compression out of mine. I ran a 12:1 in it a couple weeks.. and it is a whole other world. I can't afford the fuel though. This would help that out alto. It appears the cylinder has two wholes for each side of the cam chain. Which would mean you would need a master link in the chain. Is it possible this part can be machined out? I'm not sure if you guys are familiar with these bikes. But I'm sure some of you know a thing or two about how water cooled bikes work. Which draws a even bigger question. If we could manage to fab one of these things to work on the 200x engine, would this mean you needed a special head or something done to the cases?

Heres a link. its about 75 bucks for cylinder, piston, and the gaskets. So it's really really cheap.
Let me know what you think.

12-29-2010, 05:13 PM
Also, it says it is Cm to the third. This means with that small bore, if it's still getting that many cubic centimeters, it has to have a longer stroke? Possibly have to shave the bottom of the cylinder wall off?

12-29-2010, 05:39 PM
I'm thinking you would be better off starting will a block of billet aluminum and starting from scratch, its hard to measure from the photos whether the studs even line up, but its clear that the entire valve system is different meaning your heads/valves would not work (at least without a great deal of machining if it was even possible) you would also need a head for it that would fit and a water pump, radiator(s), etc, etc… If you did get a head with it the possibility of the timing chain lining up would be slim, to fix that I suppose you could have a custom cam ground, and that would be after you had the cases milled to fit the size of the skirt… I’m not trying to discourage you, but its not a great idea in my opinion unless you have a full blown machine shop with a CNC machine as well as the ability to bore and make your own cams etc and an unlimited amount of time to R&D the whole thing

12-29-2010, 05:49 PM
So you'd be looking at alot of money.. kinda contradicts the whole reason lol. I can say, as a teen in this age. I wish it was the time of the 80's where this stuff was more common. I'm jelous of all the people who got to experience those times.

12-29-2010, 08:26 PM
why not just buy one of these??? it probably will just bolt right in.. mount a radiator and away you go.............

http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/200cc-ATV-Quad-Go-Kart-Engine-Motor-Water-cooled-Lifan-_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem23076d8c19QQitemZ15044 8475161QQptZGoQ5fKarts

12-29-2010, 09:27 PM
I thought about that a while back when i used a lifan. Mine was a fm163 too. Just the air cooled version. I think there built really well. Many things were upgraded from honda's original designs. Built to last, if properly assyembled. I just didn't feel like i was getting enough power. Had to have all the electronics for ele. start, and the kicker kick's backwards. If i had the money, i would definatly like to try one of these. I would definalty up the comp. ratio. I think it could handle a bit more than that.