View Full Version : Bolt broke off in exhaust port

09-29-2003, 11:18 PM
I have an 83 185s, that I just bought, instead of the imbecile putting a stock screw for the exhaust, they put a stud in, and a nut holding the exhaust clamp on, the other screw was an actual stock thread screw, but about twice as big, it had about 10 washers on it!!!!!!
I tried to take the stud out, but it broke off, there is barely any of it sticking out now, maybe enough to get a grip on with a pair of vise grips, my dad said if i heated it up, it might come out, if not, i'll have to either try an "easy-out" or re-drill and re-thread.
any suggestions?

09-30-2003, 12:32 AM
Try the left handed drill bit. center punch it good first. I did the same thing on the auto x project. but I used the easy out. I ended up snaping it in half and having to pull the motor and take it down to the machine shop to have it drilled and a helicoil installed. 45 bucks. Try the lefthanded bit. let me know if it works. good luck.

09-30-2003, 10:16 AM
The stud is stock equipment. Take two nuts that fit the stud, thread them on and tighten them against one another and put a wrench on the inside one and loosen it. HEAT will help.

09-30-2003, 10:48 AM
Place a nut over the bit of stud sticking out, and weld it to the inside of the nut. Heat up the surrounding port area, but not to glowing, and twist out.

Oh, and they are supposed to be studs, not bolts