View Full Version : 84 tecate

12-20-2010, 01:21 PM
Was wondering if this is worth 900 bucks and a 2 hour drive to get it, all it needs is a kicker boss, are they hard to come across?111959

12-20-2010, 01:31 PM
It's tough to say from just one pic. You have to remember you're dealing with a 25+ year old machine. It's probably going to need a lot of time and money to make it reliable, unless somebody went through it recently. Just from that pic I'd say it's more of a $700 machine, but it's just one pic.

12-20-2010, 02:34 PM
I agree with fabiodriven. Very soon that rig will be at $900 (but not as of right now), as popularity grows and aftermarket parts are now becoming readily available. But I have bought 2 (in a little better shape) for that price. $500-$600, considering that 3-wheelers seem to be a little more there. As for the time to drive, I'll go as far as I need to save a 3-wheeler. Over 6 hr. round trip drive for my daughters $300 125m, it's always worth the drive, IMO.

12-20-2010, 02:44 PM
I just noticed you are in Canada, so that very well may be a good price.

12-20-2010, 02:57 PM
The forks need to be flipped around. I bought an 85 that had the brake on the wrong side too.

12-20-2010, 04:17 PM
^Yeah, I was about to say.

I'd go check it out and see it run in person- from a cold start of course. If it feels like it runs fine and shifts fine, then it'd be worth that price up there :)

12-20-2010, 05:54 PM
yeah, haha. Canadian trikes = huge money. Nothing is cheap, sh*t that doesnt run and needs a complete motor rebuild and rings/carb etc is 500 +... 400 for crap 200's lol

12-20-2010, 05:56 PM
well, except for quebec. they got cheap trikes. but i dont speak french. lol

12-20-2010, 06:48 PM
wow. gotta love the christmas 420 theme.. lol

12-20-2010, 06:52 PM
i think that t3 was posted on here before awhile ago..

250r kid
12-20-2010, 06:53 PM
wow. gotta love the christmas 420 theme.. lol

its a candian thing:D:D

12-20-2010, 06:54 PM
i think that t3 was posted on here before awhile ago..

It was. The pictures were from different angles.. I remember the cool 420 theme.

12-20-2010, 06:59 PM
It was. The pictures were from different angles.. I remember the cool 420 theme.

i think alot of us here do!!

12-20-2010, 07:00 PM
Looks pretty good. If you will enjoy it then it's worth it I say.

12-20-2010, 07:03 PM
Cause you never know when you will meet up with someone else who likes to get loaded and ride three wheelers.

12-20-2010, 07:05 PM
Cause you never know when you will meet up with someone else who likes to get loaded and ride three wheelers.

not at the same time lol..but offer 700 and see what the guy says.Not familair with canada's prices

Yamaha Tri-Moto
01-01-2011, 12:31 PM
Ya this trike is only about 45 mins from me, what do you guy think? I almost never see tecates for sale around here

01-01-2011, 01:01 PM
didnt 84 have a gold swingarm? why is the swingarm silver like the 85 model? could be a conglomeration of two bikes into one?