View Full Version : KTM Trike?

12-17-2010, 01:02 AM
Did KTM make a 3 wheeler?....

I was helping a lady & her daughter who live 2 house down from me load boxes from her house because apparently she(the old lady) is moving in with her daughter cause she getting confused and disoriented alot lately...anyways as we were loading stuff into boxes in her basement I seen a decent sized box in the corner that had what appeared to be a 3 wheeler in peices in it.The parts looked to be new and im not sure if its all there or not?
It said KTM on the old rotten box but i couldnt find any marks on the visible parts of the 3 wheeler that would tell me who made it but I did see the plastics were white.I asked the mother about it and she said they had bought it from a family friend for their son as a christmas gift but he passed away unexpectedly before they could give it to him.She got teared up when I asked and I felt like a complete idiot for saying anything about it.

Im wanting to look at it better and take some pics to see who you guys think made it but im not sure how to approach her about it now without brining up bad memories for her...I know her daughter fairly well but I wouldnt call us good friends,we just know each other from growing up in the same neighborhood...I know I should probably just let it be but its killing me...I dont know what to do :wondering

12-17-2010, 01:04 AM
Tiger 80 had a ktm motor in it. You said it was for the son, was it a smaller sized 3 wheeler?



About half way down the page.

If it's a full size 3 wheeler it had to be a real old conversion. Tricky Dick's maybe.

12-17-2010, 01:14 AM
Tiger? I would definitely ask especially if the parts are new looking, just call the daughter!

12-17-2010, 01:17 AM
You should ask them about it. What is the harm? The loss of their child is something they deal with on a daily basis rather you bring it up or not.. They may be saving it for sentimental reasons, or maybe they just dont know what else to do with it.. Just let them know that you may be interested if they ever decide to sell.. How do you know it was a trike? could it just be a box of random parts? or did you see parts that are trike specific?

12-17-2010, 01:24 AM
I think it is a smaller 3 wheeler because of the size of the fenders...I know it was a trike because there were 3 wheels in the box also because there was 1 front fender and I could just tell from the pieces.Some parts were still wrapped and un opened.I think i'll call the daughter tommorow and talk to her about it....atleast see if she'll let me look at it and take pictures.

dcreel I just looked at the link you posted...did all the tigers have that baby blue looking frame?I did see a few bLue parts in the box....although the box in the pic isnt like the one I seen.I mean it could be but this box is all rotted and I could barely make out the ''KTM''

12-17-2010, 07:24 AM
Without a couple of pics of parts it would be hard to tell for sure. Could just be an unrelated box. But we could still all wish for what its' contents could be. Tiger 80. Wouldn't that be something. That is a trike I'm certainly looking for and wouldn't mind picking up.

12-17-2010, 09:17 AM
Frank's also made some KTM trikes back in the day too.

12-17-2010, 10:17 AM
Well I called the daughter and chit chatted for a few minutes and just kinda came out and asked her more about the trike and asked if I could maby look at it better and possibly take some pics.She said that probably isnt such a good idea because the place it holds in her moms heart and how they've already had people ask to unbox it and buy it over the years but the mother tells everyone no way.I think I pissed the daughter off now judging by the tone of her voice.I think I may have just ruined my chance at ever even seeing it again.

Maby I should try again when the mother moves out which shouldnt be that long.But then I have no clue what their going to do with it.I also wonder why it isnt put together if they were going to give it as a gift to their son?

12-17-2010, 11:48 AM
That is a shame. People hold on to things for good and bad reasons. It is a shame too. That thing will probably sit down in that basement until the daughter dies, then it will be sold in an estate auction for pennies on the dollar to some guy that will part it or junk it.

12-17-2010, 12:18 PM
The only KTM's I remember are these, I'd really like to build a replica of the 495 Rocket.. :)

Tri-Z 250
12-17-2010, 03:16 PM
Dr Phil says: The woman would be better off allowing you to help her release habored emotions. Allowing the machine the chance to bring joy to another kid might allow the weight it carries to be lifted. Sometimes people make shrines out of many objects...It's a way of dealing with death and the HOLDING on of life. She thinks by keeping the bike she's keeping the memory of the boy alive. The solution to lifting the weight is with a picture of another youth ear to ear sitting on the machine, and of course some cash$ to ease the pain. If the shear sight makes her tearful...think of the down side to the old box in the corner...the holding on is like a caged bird that no longer sings. Life clearly tells us you can't take it with you...but nothing says what is left behind can't bring joy to those left behind.
If you could ask the passed away boy....I think he'd like to share it with a friend.:(

12-17-2010, 04:04 PM
ugh..... i hate these types of threads.

12-17-2010, 04:31 PM
Dr Phil says: The woman would be better off allowing you to help her release habored emotions. Allowing the machine the chance to bring joy to another kid might allow the weight it carries to be lifted. Sometimes people make shrines out of many objects...It's a way of dealing with death and the HOLDING on of life. She thinks by keeping the bike she's keeping the memory of the boy alive. The solution to lifting the weight is with a picture of another youth ear to ear sitting on the machine, and of course some cash$ to ease the pain. If the shear sight makes her tearful...think of the down side to the old box in the corner...the holding on is like a caged bird that no longer sings. Life clearly tells us you can't take it with you...but nothing says what is left behind can't bring joy to those left behind.
If you could ask the passed away boy....I think he'd like to share it with a friend.:(

HAHAHA, that is funny and so true at the same time!!

the great gazoo
12-17-2010, 07:03 PM
Without a couple of pics of parts it would be hard to tell for sure. Could just be an unrelated box. But we could still all wish for what its' contents could be. Tiger 80. Wouldn't that be something. That is a trike I'm certainly looking for and wouldn't mind picking up.

Dang it, Pat! You had the Mini Pro! You shoulda held on to it till you got the rest of the stuff to make that Tiger 80. I STILL can't believe you let that one go, I know the sale of it funded something else, but you coulda had a screaming 18HP(right?) Tiger 80.......................

12-17-2010, 10:43 PM
Tiger 80 horsepower was rated 23 or 24. It was a higher hp rating than the stock 83-84 atc250r. I was hoping it would be one of those kinds of deals that once I got rid of the ktm I would find the Tiger bits, you know? No such luck yet. LOL

12-18-2010, 12:07 AM
Talk to the daughter and explain that you have an interest in the box of 3 wheeler parts . Tell her you think that the parts may be something that has historical meaning and you would like to take a better look at it to see exacly what it is . Explain to her that you would hate to see it just tossed someday becuse not too many people in the world would know what it is . I think if you brought it up again to them they would realize you have a interest and would probably just give it to you for helping them move . If that does not work break in when they are on Vacation and take pictures lol lol

12-18-2010, 02:24 PM
i was expecting a thread showing some pics of a converted KTM....freaking miss my KTM, love those machines

12-18-2010, 06:28 PM
Sniff, sniff , sniff :lol::naughty:

12-18-2010, 06:44 PM
damn. i would love to ride that 495 rocket... makes me want to ruin my cr480.

12-18-2010, 07:10 PM
I would be more persistant about it if it were a bigger one and not a 80cc that I cant get my ass on LOL.
I could tell the rear fender was pretty small...

Chazz of Blades
12-18-2010, 08:08 PM
Look at it this way, if it is a Tiger 80, and you could get it, your preferred ride or not it is hitory, and an amazing trike. I'm sure someone here would pay cash to take it off your hands.

12-18-2010, 08:21 PM
I got cash!!!!! And I would ride it.

Chazz of Blades
12-18-2010, 08:27 PM
See? There ya go.

12-18-2010, 08:36 PM
Screw it im gonna ask her again..maby if I just offer her some cash plus her mother they will bite?

12-18-2010, 08:56 PM
Definately ask her again!!!! lol

12-18-2010, 09:34 PM
definately.. if you dont you will always wonder what might have been.. even if its too little to be of any use you could resell or trade for profit or a more suitable machine.

12-19-2010, 10:42 AM
I would not assume that parts found in a tattered old KTM box are necessarily KTM parts, if you found three wheeler parts in a Budweiser box you probably would not assume it was an anheuser-busch brand 3 wheeler...Im just saying that old boxes have a way of containing all kinds of unrelated junk

Chazz of Blades
12-20-2010, 01:07 AM
Still you could ask to at least see it.

10-09-2011, 10:31 AM
Any news on this??

10-09-2011, 07:25 PM
Yeah he got mad and pissy from being a idiot and left the site.

Case closed Dr watson
