View Full Version : 350x decompression cable help

12-15-2010, 12:04 AM
So I am reading the 350x manual, looking on page 3-6, and I can’t seem to figure out how to adjust the 350x decompression cable.

Is it totally necessary that I adjust the valve clearance before I adjust the decompression cable? I know its something that I should do anyway, but I figured I would ask.

Is TDC when the 350x is on its hardest kick of the kickstart?

Anyway, more to the point…

What exactly does it mean measure the free play at the tip of the decompressed shaft arm…?

Is the manual explaining that the decompressor shaft arm needs to basically wiggle on its own without any restriction from the cable? (until its engaged by kicking it?)

Im lost, any help will be greatly appreciated.

Could someone maybe post a picture of their de compression cable on the 350x so I can kind of judge how to fit it.

12-15-2010, 02:32 PM
You don't need any friggen pics.

Stop using your kickstarter to find TDC on the compression stroke.

These are the basics you guys should all know:

Remove your tank, remove the 2 valve covers; Now you can see the intake and exhaust valve open and or close.

Now take the 2 small covers off the left cover. A dime or washer in vice grips works well.

Turn the crank by using the center bolt until "T" lines up, WHILE you are watching the valves. If as you approach "T" the intake valve is closing, you are at TDC on the compression stroke. This is when the valves and decomp cable can be set.

IF, the exhaust valve is just closing, you are at TDC on the opposite or exhaust stroke - not good for adjusting..............

Understand that the cam turns 2X for every revolution of the crankshaft.

Last is the freeplay you don't get. Freeplay means the lever can move back and forth 1/4" or 6MM (whatever it calls for) without restriction. If you move the nuts, you can move them so far that there is 1/2" or 13MM freeplay or NO freeplay because it's holding the exhaust valve open to release compression at the wrong time.

Just like your clutch lever, does it pull the cable immediately? or does it have freeplay; Same thing.

Read all that, read the book and you'll be good.................