View Full Version : Sadly I became a stistic Sat.

12-01-2010, 09:57 AM
We were riding around in the 6 acers of riding trails near the home. I have been riding those trails and hills for 3 years now so I know them really well. Well climbing up a hill out of the creek bed, I did not have enough speed and not thinking (due to being too comfort with riding it many times in the past) I did 2 things wrong. 1- did not align up and get up to speed to clear the hill properly, and 2- I did not lighten up on the throttle at the top of the hill area. Well what happened next sucked. The front wheel came up, I fell off the back and the bike came over and hit me directly in my chest and head. I had a helmet on so it just cracked the helmet but no head problems, but it hit me mainly in the chest. I managed to kick the bike off me before the back tires landed on me too, but the damage was done. I had to go in the ambulance to the hospitol. My chest was black and blue and swollen and I was having problems breathing. After many Xrays and Catscans, the docs determined I was very lucky. the compression adjitated the sac that surrounds the hart that is full of fluid, and brused my lung but did not puncture either. (if it had I may not be here typing this) It broke 3 ribs on my fest side and 1 on my right. So at this point, I'm in tremendious pain and can hardly move around.
I'm telling you guys because it is important to understand that no matter how many times you have done something, all it takes is 1 slip up due to the "eh, it's easy" and bang, your life can change. We now have a new rule here. When we ride we must not only wear a helmet but also chest plate. If I had had a chest plate on, I would not have had so much trama to my body. So everyone, please take it from a guy who is expirenced at riding. Never ever get to laxed on trails and hills, and wear protective gear. That $75 chest plate will save you hundreds or more in medical costs. And as always said, always wear a helmet. If I had not had mine on, my jaw bone would have been shattered and I would have lost lots of teeth.

Stay safe and ride safe everyone cause trust me, this hurts!

12-01-2010, 10:02 AM
Dang Oscar, i hate to hear it. I have been thinking about wearing my chest plate when casual riding and this ads to the reason. Get well and if you need anything just holler. I will be up your way a few times during the holidays.

12-01-2010, 10:10 AM
I'm glad your alright (alive) Bones will heal but will take time. Take it from a guy who crashes alot from the stupid sht he does BODY ARMOR is just as important as a helmet. Not all chest plates are the same and get one that fits your body well cuz I've seen them ride up and hit the persons neck. May you have a speedy recovery

12-01-2010, 10:26 AM
I've been debating buying a chest protector lately and I think you just sold me on it. Hope you get to feeling better soon.

12-01-2010, 10:34 AM
Well when i broke my ribs in Sept I decide to get a chest protector in the spring when i get a new ride. I feel your pain man. Your going to be hurting for awhile i still have no feeling on my left hip about the size of a softball. I would have lost my ear also if i didn't have my helmet on.

Your pretty lucky. Get well and take it easy.

12-01-2010, 10:35 AM
Sorry to hear about your accident Mike, hope you get better soon.

12-01-2010, 10:38 AM
wow, prayers to ya for a speedy and less painful recovery.

12-01-2010, 10:42 AM
Thanks guys. Yea this really sucks. I'm about to head back to bed due to meds are starting to kick in and usually knock me out for a couple of hours.

12-01-2010, 11:11 AM
Thanks for posting this. The chest protector for my kids has been weighing heavily on me the last few weekends. Onnie has flipped his trike onto the six pack rack twice and once came over, he was already standing, off to one side but has also tipped it 3x's, once rolling it. I watched him fly off a jump, land to vertical, and the handle bars jerk him down on the them the tank and headlight. Your speaking up just got Onnie & Tasha a new chest protectors for Christmas, thanks. And I know how bad internal injuries can be, I died twice last year after a bull stepped in the middle of me (Doctor kept shocking me back) and have broke ribs several times over the last 17 years riding bulls, I really do feel for you, it's very uncomfortable and unconvenient. Don't screw around and push yourself to far, be careful, I mean it, don't even push to hard going potty, it will separate the cartilage.

12-01-2010, 12:37 PM
Ouch, that sucks, hope you feel better soon. I picked up a chest plate a while back at a yard sale, a nice one, but hadn't worn it yet. I'll definitely be using it on the next ride, as long as it fits under my jacket. Might have to figure that out.

Take it easy and I hope you feel better soon.

12-01-2010, 12:52 PM
Damn I'm sorry to hear that. It can happen so quick. I wiped out on a Wisconsin quad ride at the end of September and banged my head (w/ helmet) on the ground. I think I got whiplash because my neck hurt for a month. Wishing you a speedy recovery.


12-01-2010, 01:04 PM
Glad to hear you survived. I agree, complacency can be easy to fall into. At least we didn't loose you.

12-01-2010, 01:15 PM
pericardial effusion can be serious.did they put a drain in your chest?or doing it with meds?dont let it get away from you,it can get serious very fast.take care of yourself brother.

12-01-2010, 03:36 PM
that's again everyone! you guys are awesome. I'm very glad some others are takign this to heart and know it's best to be safe.

Harry, no drain just meds and a brused insides nothing was punctured but close. the heart sack was pretty dented the doc said but no punctures so i was very lucky there.

I can't even lye down on my back. i tried last night and could not breath and it hurt so bad i almost passed out. the guys who had had multiple rib damage and internal brusing know what I'm talking about. trust me none of you want this if you never had it. my back hurts because the back muscles are having to take up the slack that the upper abdominal and chest muscles (damaged right now) cannot do My medt brest is swollen to the point you'd think it was a small boob. lol. it's slightly bluish but slowly going down. very tender. on the good side, the trike faired ok. jsut a bent handle bar, so I'll have a friend replace it. heck my buddy told me me had to turn it off. that moded big red of mine doesn't know the meaning of quit. lol he said it ws still running after the tumble and me kicking it off me and it rolling a couple more times till it landed on it's side. the choke left a circle imprent in the senter sternam of my chest so we know how it hit me. LOL i was half way expecting to see the words "Choke" on my chest. haha

12-01-2010, 03:40 PM
Get Well Soon!

12-01-2010, 04:47 PM
there is always that "if i had a _____ this would not have happened" unfortunately we cannot prepare for everything. I broke my back on a 400ex because I had no nerf bars and the quad sucked me under after a foot slip. Good luck on the recovery. I nhave been there many times and know how it feels. hang in there =)

12-01-2010, 05:38 PM
I did the dame thing 2 weeks ago. I was going up a steep hill, and had the "secondary hump" 3/4 the way up. Front tire came up, and over I went. Luckily I was able to jump away from it coming over on me. It still hurt a lot when I hit the ground, but the trike missed me by just enough to just bounce off. I can imagine how bad it would have been with a direct hit. Glad you are OK, and you are right. Everyone be safe!

12-01-2010, 06:15 PM
Sorry to hear that, hope you feel better. I've cracked a few ribs before and does not feel good. Had to sleep sitting on the couch for a couple of weeks. Get back on three wheels soon...Beets

the great gazoo
12-01-2010, 07:20 PM
Wow, that sounds really painful & a lot like the way I ride, I've always thought about a chest protector, because I always ride alone & I"m very comfortable w/ my trails. It just takes one little mistake & I'd be in BIG trouble. I'm going to get one, SERIOUSLY.
Good luck on your recovery, bro...........

12-01-2010, 07:34 PM
Sorry to hear that, hope you have a speedy recovery.

12-01-2010, 07:56 PM
I wish you a speedy recovery....but man...the ribs...ouch !! No laughing...NO SNEEZING(if you do, it will hurt so bad that it will stop the sneeze right in the middle)...no coughing....and if you have to spit...you'll have to lean over a little bit and just let it fall from your mouth. This was my experience anyway...and I was not injured nearly as bad as you....not even close.
Like a few others here, I have been on the fence about getting a good core protector...you have just made it very clear to me that this is something I should have and use always. Thanks for sharing. It's a good lesson for the rest of us.

12-01-2010, 08:41 PM
I make my son wear his chest protector when ever he rides his quad or atc70. Good thing is he's 7 and he like putting on all his gear. I have been thinking about getting myself one. Now I think it might be a xmas gift to myself.
Hope you get well soon.

12-01-2010, 09:35 PM
Glad your OK, I ALWAYS kick the wheeler off to the side and roll away; When I'm on my toes that is.........

I ALWAYS wear a chest protector, that little bit of plastic helps allot!

12-02-2010, 10:06 PM
Glad you made it, hope you get back to normal quickly.

I've found that it's not if you become a statistic, but when. In the end most of us crashed at one point, don't knock yourself cause it happened.

A few years ago I remember waking up on my back in the middle of a trail, trike about 100 feet off into the woods, pointing the reverse direction I was going, backed up ageist a tree, and still running.
I was riding on a trail I was familiar with, though not one I ride a lot, and at the rear of the pack - keeping up with the 400+cc quads just fine with my 185s.
Seems I found a washout at the bottom of a hill, I was ok, but soar, pride a little hurt, and worst of all lost the bead on one of my rear wheels.

12-03-2010, 01:24 AM
man i am sorry to hear about your accident but you re also very lucky. a kid i went to high school with was out at glamis jumping and impacted his chest on the handle bars upon landing, he was life flighted out and never made it. very sad, but again, i am glad to hear that you didnt have the same outcome

12-03-2010, 09:35 AM
Im sorry to hear that, hope you feel better soon. I understand the pain that comes with cracked ribs, been there and its freaking horrible. My sister used to take greta pride in torturing me by making me cough or laugh. Man that crap hurts!

12-04-2010, 09:21 AM

It happens so fast.

I lost 2 friends that were good riders, one was a very good racer; they just made one to many mistakes.

It can happen to any of us.

10-08-2012, 04:19 PM
i still feel the pain every coupel of months from this accident. If i try to push myself to hard chasing my son on his rcing ATV at the track, I pay for it for the next 3-5 days. Sucks!!!!

hope everyone is doig ok and please agian WEAR protection!

10-08-2012, 05:14 PM
I feel your pain i crashed my quad xc racing about 5 months ago (4th gear off) and ended up with broken ribs and internal muscle damage and bruising!! i know how you feel, just take it easy and keep taking your painkillers!! it'll take a while..

tri again
10-09-2012, 02:53 AM
yupp, ribs Have to move when you breathe
even if only a couple thousandths.

Not like a mashed ankle you can put in a bucket of ice water.

Listen to the trauma doc, and make sure you or someone calls
if things get funny all of a sudden.

10-09-2012, 07:02 AM
Wow that is a long time for pain. Hope you fully heal soon.

I know my brother laughed at me when I put the chest protector on long ago when I bought my 250R in 1988, but that winter
one night when I was riding behind him a branch came off a tree after he passed it and it hit me in the chest like a knight jousting
with me and hit me hard enough to pull my arms off the bars and move me back in the seat. Glad I had the chest protector on that night.

Right now though I think I am too thick of body to fit into any chest protector. I'll have to look and also get one for the kid.

Thanks for the update and the reminder!