View Full Version : New trike buddy help and Tecate electrical.

11-17-2010, 10:09 PM
Guy on jobsite has an old beater 185 and just loves it, let a kid ride it and wrecked, ruined his thumb throttle, I'm giving him a spare 200x thumb throttle, just double checking, it'll work right? And hooked up my light on my Tecate and went out to ride in the snow in the dark, and 20 minutes later it starts flickering then nothin' !#$!!%!. Went to turn the Tecate off and the light went back on when I flipped kill switch, was a short, but the Tecate wouldn't kill, the switch was loose, no 'click', went left to right freely. So the switch is bad (?). I don't know what it looked like inside before, did something rattle loose? Now my controls don't work at all, Trike still starts, but I have to choke it to kill it, and no new light, lol!

11-17-2010, 11:31 PM
does your have the all in one unit, where the kill switch and light switch are in the same box on the same side of the handle bars. or is your like my 85 where there is two seperate switches. kill switch on the left bar, light switch on the right bar? could be broken inside the box if its the all in one unit. if so take it apart and check it out. look at the connections, check where the metal peices of the switches rub against each other to make sure your making contact, or not making contact. kinda sounds like something broke inside.

11-17-2010, 11:46 PM
Mines an 85', but I have an all in one unit. By looking at it scooterroo, it looks fine, but I never seen the inside before this happened. It was pretty dirty in there, but the on/off switch used to have resistance in the center of on to off, it would 'click' to the position, now it's just loose. Can I just switch over to the separate units? Kill switches are cheap, however, don't know about the lights. Could this be made to work?http://www.rockymountainatvmc.com/productDetail.do?navType=type&webTypeId=88&navTitle=Electrical&webCatId=24&prodFamilyId=25861

11-18-2010, 03:24 AM
if both switches went out at the same time i would be looking to see if they still plugged into the harness...

11-18-2010, 09:15 AM
Everything is hooked up and clean. Does anyone have a picture by chance of the switch opened up? I want to see if a part was (is) missing. The on/off (kill switch) is loose, what holds it i.e. a type of spring? If I pushed upwards or wiggled it around I could get the light to come on for a while then finallly it all quit, and I couldn't see a type of fuse or any electrical scorching from a short out, but then again, I didn't study it before I put it on.

11-18-2010, 12:20 PM
I'm not sure about the tecates, but the honda all in one switch has a spring and ball under the kill switch which gives it resistance and the light switch is pretty much a sealed unit, you might wanna try here if it cant be figured out http://www.kawasakipartshouse.net/pages/parts/viewbybrand/parts.aspx, as they carry the switch

11-18-2010, 01:08 PM
Try getting some spray cleaner made just for electric connections from the auto store. Works great. Sometimes you have to take the switch apart and clean the contact surfaces lights with steel wools or fine sand paper. Not saying for sure its your switch but a lot of times if it is and you are careful you can fix the problem without replacing the switch.

11-18-2010, 08:55 PM
Thanks muthy and 200xMichigan, they don't have the part on Kawasaki warehouse and something is broke just don't know what. We have an extra 200x switch, but the on/off is stuck, so I might spray in some WD-40 to loosen and if that works I'll use it, if not I'll use it for the lights and order a kill switch, they are only $12 shipped. I sorta wanted to see what was wrong with it though.