View Full Version : What Do You Do When You Encounter A Bear ?
11-07-2010, 02:02 AM
I found some new trails to ride on. I am not familiar with the trails and rode about 3 miles into deep woods by myself. I know I should really be riding with someone especially on unknown trails. I had the funny feeling I was being watched by bears. Never experienced this before.
What do you do if you encounter a bear ? I am not a hunter and
I don't want to be hunted.
11-07-2010, 02:34 AM
Bear Mace
11-07-2010, 02:48 AM
Kill it with your 'bare' hands. Steal the pelt, make some clothing. Eat and/or sell the meat.
And send me the paws. I make a pretty penny off bear paws. Not kidding.
11-07-2010, 02:52 AM
I'm pretty sure most bears would be frightened off with the sound of an engine, so you might just be fine.
11-07-2010, 03:02 AM
I'd keep a 12 Gauge on my gun rack just to be extra safe.
11-07-2010, 03:50 AM
I had the funny feeling I was being watched by bears. Never experienced this before.
Sounds like you were experiencing some mild bearanoia.
11-07-2010, 04:04 AM
I never have had this experience but playing it out in my head I think I would chit my pants in hoping the smell would drive him off.
11-07-2010, 04:33 AM
most bears will run from you long before you see them.the only time its a problem is when you sneak up on them.or they are with cubs. the only type to actally hunt you are polar bears,which you do not have to worry about.camping is another story though,your food will bring them to this time of year you are pretty safe.bear mase and an air horn will work most of the time though.if one does chase you though dont run,stand your ground,look as big as possible and walk backwards away making as much noise as possible
11-07-2010, 11:17 AM
Nothing to worry about; that said there is always a possibility you will meet a sow with cubs. That's a recipe for problems. Always make lots of noise when travelling in the bush. Windy days make that a little more challenging. Body language will indicate their intentions. If it stares you down and flattens it's ears, be prepared for a charge. They will make false charges occasionaly, which is why the advice from Harryredtrike is so important. Look big and stand your ground, yell/scream, defecate ;-) anything that makes you the most horrible thing around. And most of all, relax. You have probably been closer to them more times than you care to know. It's their livingroom your in.
My closest encounter without a gun. Staring eye to eye with a 6' tall bear through the screen door on my camper. We were only 5' apart and it was a big old pumpkinhead boar. Had his paws on my quad box smelling the breakfast we just finished eating. Thank god our yappy dog made enough racket to move it along. It was shot a week later and weighed 400lbs. It took a liking to the campground and wouldn't leave.
11-07-2010, 11:36 AM
Good advice by all here . I also carry a aersol boat horn . Chased two off while plowing snow in the early am hours . Another buddy of mine carries a cap gun . No bear likes that sound . Play close attention while riding near berry patches of any type .
11-07-2010, 11:48 AM
Bear Mace
I have a bottle of this too . Hope to never get close enough to use it for 2 reasons . First would be I don't want to be that close to a bear because I wonder if I could get it out fast enough . Second would be if I could be steady enough to hit the bear in the eyes . I still carry it .
11-07-2010, 11:50 AM
Listen- I do carry a pistol, but bears are more of a nuisance than real dangerous. The feeling of being stalked that makes your hairs stand up on your neck is (most likely) a Mountain Lion. And bears do not always run off when you encounter them on your trike in the woods. They will actually stand on the trail in front of you, sniff, grunt and look real hard at you (I think they admire trikes too), they are curious animals and only are cautious during hunting season, bears are familiar with people, they know we have food. When on foot and bear gets a little possessive, my outfitter friends 'bark' like a dog at them (and we have to hide behind trees to keep something in between us). No real need to shoot at a bear, if really scared in the air works, if you shoot and it don't kill it, it will spin in the direction of the bullet and charge, just pisses it off. And don't run? F.U.!! LOL!!! They just love it when the poor bastards play dead! Easy snack! Do you have Lions in that area? Those are dangerous. (Shoulder mount pistol in this picture by my son, and taught kids how to handle and use it, what is something were to happen to me?). Oh, and the mace, may deter them for a minute, but later the bears will be back to roll and lick that area, no kiddin', so I wonder how much flavor that adds to a, say, 200# dude? Taught my kids to climb a tree if worst comes to worst, don't watch to many movies on bear killings either, lol!!
11-07-2010, 11:52 AM
Just monkey the bear...gets'em every time...:D
11-07-2010, 11:57 AM
I met wolves on my first 3w'r ride
11-07-2010, 01:13 PM
I see bears in PA and usually a yell or loud whistle will be enough. Back yard in PA.
11-08-2010, 01:01 AM
Good luck trike brotha !!
11-08-2010, 03:13 AM
i have encountered several bear while riding bikes... all have been on the run trying to get away from the bike... bears are not very stealthy.. Its the cougars that give me the creeps... they can stalk you for miles without you even knowing... and they can run FAST...
11-08-2010, 01:08 PM
I have been lucky enough to NOT encounter a bear on the trails. If I do though I would likely just stop and keep revving the bike and not move. In the event it charged and I had no where to go I would try to keep the x between me and it. That is why I keep my old smith and wesson knife connected to the frame right behind my leg (great place and quick access). If I have to go hand to paw I want to have some kind of edge. A quick jab to the eye and I would hope it would be over. Again I hope to never encounter one walking or riding a trail. Turthfully were we live we worry more about mountain lions. Them sneaky bastards... it's not the lion you see you have to worry about, it's the ones you don't see. This post has motivated me though to to add a hand gun to the front bars.
11-08-2010, 01:32 PM
I have encounted a bear on an old abandoned rail bed while dirtbiking. I came up on to him pretty fast and he ran in front of me for mabye a 1/4mile before darting into the woods. I dont know what I would have done if he had of stopped in front of me.
11-08-2010, 01:59 PM
Gas it and ride like hell!
11-08-2010, 10:26 PM
I took a vacation this summer up in Maine and rode my 350X all over hoping to see a bear. Never saw any wildlife except birds did but I did see lots of bear poop. My riding buddy is one of those always prepared guys and he had some bear spray on his Polaris quad ready for action.
11-08-2010, 10:43 PM
...What do you do if you encounter a bear ?... :wondering
Depends, what are you riding a 70 or a 250R??? LOL Just kidding, I would just try and drive away from it. I live in NY also, had one close by recently but believe the dogs barking chased it off.
Red Rider
11-08-2010, 10:44 PM
I never really thought about what I'd do if I encountered a bear while out riding. I guess I'd start roosting my way to the top of a dune, figuring the soft sand would slow the bear down enough for me to get away safely. That's the kind of quick thinking that you just can't teach with a textbook.
11-22-2010, 11:16 AM
That is good that you are prepared, for some quick thinking, for the next time you see a bear out at the sand dunes.
11-22-2010, 11:23 AM
This guy was taken this weekend in my hunting area. Nice kitty!
Thats a nice cat coolpool. Someone you know? How long tip to tail? Those cats are scary. Damn good hunters, i have heard some bad stories from hunters about them. Grizzly's will also hunt human. We are just meat after all. I have come across lotsa wildlife while riding. Deer, moose, bears, raccoons, beavers, muskrats, porcupines, people humping, but never a cat. I would prolly poop myself, that cat prolly runs faster than what im riding (200ES, lol).
11-22-2010, 12:12 PM
It was taken on my friends trapline. Knew there were lots of wolves around but not that guy. Fish and Wildlife took it away so no measurements.
11-22-2010, 02:11 PM
I caught this one trying to claw on my OEM 87 Tecate seat. He almost had his little paws in the "no passenger" area. I think he measured 27 inches and weighed 8 pounds (I had just fed him treats). You can never be too careful out there........
11-22-2010, 02:20 PM
S&W Model 500 Magnum = Bear Repellant
11-22-2010, 02:24 PM
take my advice from yogi and give him the damn pic a nic basket!
Fungo Wizard
11-22-2010, 04:12 PM
If I encounteed a bear I would wonder
where the hell am I at? Have never seen a bear in the spots I ride, but I am sure they are here!
11-22-2010, 06:39 PM
11-22-2010, 08:15 PM
I see 9' bull Koala bears over here all the time.
11-22-2010, 08:35 PM
before or after i pee my pants haha
11-22-2010, 08:35 PM
When I was a kid, my Grandpa told me the best way to catch a bear is to dig a big hole, start a fire in it, wait till the fire goes out then open a can of peas and line them up around the edge of the hole. You hide behind a nearby tree and wait for the bear. When he come to take a kick him in the ash hole.
now to a 8 year old, this is a funny story!
11-22-2010, 09:04 PM
ash hole? lol oh now i get it
iv seen two bear out ridin & both times i was wfo... by the time i seen them they were gone in a dam hurry
11-22-2010, 09:10 PM
This guy was taken this weekend in my hunting area. Nice kitty!
arent they on the endangered species list?
11-22-2010, 10:34 PM
arent they on the endangered species list?
They are not endangered at all. This guy was taken by accident in a wolf snare; that's why Fish & Wildlife took it away. There is still an open season in Alberta, just not this far East of the foothills.
11-22-2010, 11:22 PM
just let it ride your trike, your trike will kill it! just kidding buy a bigger handgun like a s&w 500 or 45 magnum and if your in fear of your life shoot it.
11-22-2010, 11:28 PM
a bear attack on atv riders has been reported check this out.
if you guy out in the wilderness without a gun your asking to be attacked!
11-22-2010, 11:43 PM
Enjoy the sight and just move along.
11-23-2010, 12:42 AM
I see 9' bull Koala bears over here all the time.
do you run away or cuddle them? :lol:
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