View Full Version : ATCDonations site is opening by me to help ALL ATC-ERS!!!

11-05-2010, 09:25 PM
i am in NO way trying to take/steal 3ww members just help them well here it goes.

Hello everyone i am 15 and im starting a site to help you fellow ATC members i know that they are so addicting and everything and thats why i want to help people that have low income and in getting your atc fixed, i will be making a fourm in the fourm page for you too post parts you need, and then you can see if anything wishs to help/awnser or possibley even donate or just give you a cheaper price now i will be posting this on 3wheelerworld fourm to see if it will get passed around to have it so we have donators in donating to the less fourtionet

SITE LINK :http://atcdonations.webs.com/

more will be soon as we more progress

please join to help our fellow atc members keep em runnin

11-05-2010, 10:14 PM
Uhmm, from what I've seen. A large percentage of trike owners just want a rider and probably won't be donating "to the cause".

You'll get plenty of answers here but donations are pretty much for the families of loved ones (members) that have passed that need it.

If 3WW was on the brink of shutting down, that would be another story.........

11-05-2010, 10:29 PM
uhhhhhhh, lol, ok. i agree with dirtcrasher. 3ww has a pretty big following with alot of helpful, caring, and sometimes giving, members. this forum alone helps the trike community in the biggest way. by keeping the enthusiasts connected to like minded friendly enthusiasts that are there to help in one way or the other. not trying to burst your idea bubble, but it seems that at 15 it seems like you have enough on your plate with english lessons.

11-05-2010, 10:49 PM
hello friend...I have recently come into a large sum of money here in nigeria that I would like to give you, all I need is your name, bank routing and account numbers.....

11-05-2010, 11:11 PM
lol where are these money and part donations going? Are they to make Your trike nice?


11-06-2010, 12:51 AM

Hello and Good Day,

How are you and your family, fine I hope? This is a personal email directed to
you and I request that it be treated as such. I am John Skelton of
John Skelton
Associates, a solicitor at law and I represent a late top company executive, I
have a very sensitive and private brief to ask for your partnership to
re-profile funds over £12.8 million pounds (Twelve Million Eight Hundred
Thousand British Pounds Sterling).

I will give the details, but in summary, the funds are coming via a Securities
Finance House in Europe and this is a legitimate transaction. Upon the receipt
of your reply, I will send you by fax or E-mail the next step to take. I will
not fail to bring to your notice that this proposal is hitch-free and that you
should not entertain any fears as the required arrangements have been made for
the completion of this transfer. Like I have implied, I require only a solemn
confidentiality on this.

I hope to hear from you urgently.

This guy that emailed me last week should help you just fine. BRITISH STERLING!!!

Your up in snohomish WA? what do you need help with, im not too far from there.

88 Turbo Coupe
11-06-2010, 06:36 AM
I own a couple of gas staions. I'll donate some gas

11-06-2010, 08:32 AM
Christmas is comming soon maybe you should ask Santa

11-06-2010, 09:38 AM
Christmas is comming soon maybe you should ask Santa


basically your proposing to make another 3ww. getting help, parts and info is what 3ww is. why would you want to make another?
at the age of 15 i don't think you know exactly what your doing.
also, nothing is free., members here only help each other out out of long term friendships and out of respect and are normally trades in one way or another if it appears to be free its not. people don't just help people for no reason when one person is begging for free parts.

why don't you spend some time on 3ww and realize what it is and what it has done and realize its everything your wanting to make.

if your simply just wanting to make a website with your computer skills then make an alliance on an RPG video game and make a forum for it.

not to be rude, just how I feel

Louis Mielke
11-06-2010, 10:24 AM
You poor low income person. I feel really bad for you and just wanna go work 24hrs and give you all of the money I make doing it but I really don't have extra time to do that.
But I can give you a donation of information. Really good advice. Get a job. Work hard. Make money. Buy trike parts. Don't expect handouts.

11-06-2010, 10:26 AM
well my motor makes a clicking noise and slips gears and when im going up a hill it jerks like back and fourth but i looked at the certifical clutch and gears are missing no teeth so idk what to do

Louis Mielke
11-06-2010, 10:33 AM
Do a search on a hi-low range transmission. That's what it sounds like to me. Honestly though whats with the website? Seriously bud, there's plenty of people who will help you here, and plenty of cheap parts but blantantly asking for a handout with a website is just gonna get some eye rolling. I suggest you make a site dedicated to YOUR atc110. Post of pictures, tell your riding stories, take pictures of your engine even so people can help you diagnose the problem. Just don't be making a website dedicated to trying to get people to just give you stuff. You can't earn any respect that way.

The 110s are plentiful. In fact I have a spare bottom end to a 110/90. If you can pin point exactly what the problem is and what parts you need I'll give you the parts for the cost of shipping, but I won't send the whole bottom end. You need to find out what you need first and I'll pull the parts.

11-06-2010, 10:36 AM
no the parts arent for me, its so OTHER people can also get help. you know like people that have alot could donate something and someone could get it if they needed it but im gonna take it down since no one likes it lol

11-06-2010, 12:48 PM
Hey buddy don't speak for "OTHER" people. You would be surprised what members "give away" on the site. If I saw a build post that you were doing on your 110 I might give you a part or two. But like Louis said you'll pay postage. I do that quite often for members.
Look there are alot of young guys like yourself on here who are taking the time to get the manual and start off right. One off hand is the "15 year old rebuilds 200 by himself". If I had a part he needed and I didn't he'd get it.
Keep your 110 and rebuild it and it will mean something to you. Your 15 and your gonna have to work for it.