View Full Version : This boils my blood

11-04-2010, 10:51 PM
So today I get a picture message on my phone. Subject is "look what I found"

And the picture is of a 85 Honda 200M. Sitting in the trees. Well the trees and grass are growing around it.

It is sitting at an abandoned farm yard going to waste. The owner pulls up and my brother in law tries to talk him into selling. Nope it can just sit there. He had no intention of doing anything with it he says. Just dont see the point of letting something go to waste like this.


11-04-2010, 11:06 PM
I hate it when people are like that. Best thing to do is to go with bills IN HAND and wave them up. Pretty convincing usually.

11-04-2010, 11:09 PM
Yeah thats very frustrating. I have seen that too many times around my area. But I did get a free 79 atc110 two weeks ago!! The nice elderly woman that came to the door said "Take it, please." Made my day! The other thing you hear is "Im gonna fix it some day"- then you drive by five years later and its still sitting outside- so frustrating.

11-04-2010, 11:10 PM
I hate it when people are like that. Best thing to do is to go with bills IN HAND and wave them up. Pretty convincing usually.

He did that, just an old guy that doesnt care i guess.

11-04-2010, 11:13 PM
yeah but the cash doesnt always work there is a guy near me that has a 86 tecate its mising the motor and front tire and he wont even take 500 it is also setting outside in a fence row

11-04-2010, 11:20 PM
what almost as bad is the fools that want a mint for them.




The last one is in good shape but way to much....

88 Turbo Coupe
11-05-2010, 05:55 AM
Maybe it was his son or daughters 200m who passed away. I might have some meaning to him

11-05-2010, 09:27 AM
I tried to pick up a 185s from a guy a couple years ago and when I asked him about it his whole face changed and he got upset. I didnt know what was going on but a friend told me that his son had built it, rode it for the first time, and got in a wreck that night and died. It hasnt moved since then. Sitting outside the barn. I hate to see it go to waste but I understand that it has meaning. Id still like to at least move it under his barn for him out of the weather.

11-05-2010, 09:54 AM
sometimes its ok to steal...thats all im gonna say.

11-05-2010, 11:08 AM
I understand what is being said here. The farmers in this area are very self-centered and greedy. No such term as dirt-poor. They are millionaires or very close to that. They will build a new house and just leave the old one to rot, will not rent or sell it. When they buy a new pickup the old one goes in the field, where it sits for the rest of its existence. They like to possess and own mass quantities of stuff. Ignorant to regular folks who could put these things to useful lives. But to some folk it's a power thing to hoard and possess. I feel it gives some of them a since of power. I have told folk- "You should be ashamed of yourselves for being wasteful and greedy, just let it rot then". Of course I'm an American and outspoken.

11-05-2010, 01:05 PM
LMAO "Id still like to at least move it under his barn for him out of the weather." So true jkelly. There is a guy selling a 250r on craigslist that won't take cash. He will only trade for parts for a 4wheeler. That doesn't make sense to me. Couldnt' he just go out and buy the parts with the cash? I guess I have to buy the parts on ebay, use the bill me later feature, and take him the parts.

11-05-2010, 01:41 PM
This kind of stuff really bothers me,too. Within 10 miles of my house there is a 55 Chevy Bel Air convertible pace car, and a 69 Dodge Super Bee that I have watched rust and rot over the last 30 years, Both were nice, fixable cars. I tried to buy the Super Bee again not long ago. "NOT FOR SALE"

11-05-2010, 02:41 PM
Keep pestering him. Tell him you are in a club that collects, restores, and keeps 3 wheelers alive. Tell him he is doing it a great injustice to let it sit there and rot.

11-05-2010, 02:54 PM
How about the people that quickly buy up all the overly cheap trikes off craigslist and then part them out on ebay. Parting out a trike in great oem condition should be a crime.

11-05-2010, 03:29 PM
How about the people that quickly buy up all the overly cheap trikes off craigslist and then part them out on ebay. Parting out a trike in great oem condition should be a crime.

I agree with this. If it's been well used then I can understand, but a solid condition OEM trike should be left as one whole.
There is a family up here that is basically hoarding everything they have, including 2 blasters that basically look like they never have used them, and from the looks of it, they could benefit from selling both of them, but they refuse to sell them. As long as I can remember, they haven't touched them. No tire tracks, no nothing. I asked if they would ever sell them, but the answer I got was that they need them.

11-05-2010, 03:52 PM
My buddy's cousin bought an '86 350x new in '87. He rode it 1 season and joined the military. It has sat in the barn since '88. We went and looked at it and it looked like he bought it yesterday! The tires are barely worn!! The only thing wrong is there's no compression(easy fix). He's tried for 3 years to buy it, but his cousin keeps saying "oh, I'll get around to fixing it someday" and he has no intention on fixing it!! BURNS ME UP!

11-05-2010, 09:28 PM
In my hometown there is this old Honda shop that was in business when I was a kid but now the owner just toys around in there with all his bikes he has collected over the years of being in business. I spoke with him one day to see if he had any three wheelers and he laughed and said no he just does bikes. As I asked him more about what he had and what he'd be willing to sell he just bragged and told me he had another building full of bikes and a store front full of nice bikes but that he might need them someday so he was unwilling to sell a thing. I figure it's his only last treasure on this earth and he feels lucky to have it. But he can't hold onto it all forever.

11-05-2010, 10:05 PM
screw that crap if he said no and i knew a wheeler was going to waste id steal it, im sorry but thats a great machine and i wouldnt let it go to waste

11-05-2010, 11:48 PM
We have some local guys like that...They are evidently loaded with $$...They farm and if a expensive piece of machinery breaks, they park it in the trees and go buy a new one...I did manage to squeeze a pickup out of them last winter...while I was out there looking at it, I happened to notice about a dozen atv's sitting in a machine shed covered in cardboard boxes, dust and trash...I'm serious, it's bad...I think if something gets a flat tire they just buy a new one...They won't part with any of those atv's...Greedy people suck!

11-06-2010, 09:50 PM
Hey guys, you have to look at their side of it too.

Whatever it is, 3wheeler, car, tractor, whatever; they own it, they can do what they want to with it. It may hold some sentimental value, or something else. Whatever it is, that is the owners choice.

Then some on here say "steal it": Grow up. It belongs to someone other than you; leave it alone.

11-07-2010, 03:56 AM
Hey guys, you have to look at their side of it too.

Whatever it is, 3wheeler, car, tractor, whatever; they own it, they can do what they want to with it. It may hold some sentimental value, or something else. Whatever it is, that is the owners choice.

Then some on here say "steal it": Grow up. It belongs to someone other than you; leave it alone.

Well put, I HATE thieves....Its not your's so leave it alone!!!

big red hemi
11-07-2010, 09:48 PM

oh i love the camo paint job

11-08-2010, 03:30 AM
How about the people that quickly buy up all the overly cheap trikes off craigslist and then part them out on ebay. Parting out a trike in great oem condition should be a crime.

i agree with this... its a shame to part nice machines... however the parts from one parted bike may help to keep 5 or 6 machines going strong in completely different parts of the country... the fact is alot of trikers dont always have the money to save a nice machine from the dismantlers...but they do have money for parts to keep their old ones ticking... and alot hardcore trikers already have large collections

11-08-2010, 04:23 AM
How about the people that quickly buy up all the overly cheap trikes off craigslist and then part them out on ebay. Parting out a trike in great oem condition should be a crime.

that is well said. i will say it again if you part out a good working trike your a greedy trailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotr ailpro and i will explain, trikes arent going to last forever in large quantities like today and when you part out a good trike you are asking for them to be endangered and end up like the tigers. you may make more money but you have betrayed the existence of trikes and are going to be looked down at for it. and dont tell me that those parts will save other trikes cause theres already a lot of parts out there that will fix those trikes. dont part the damn trike out thats just as bad many including me think worse than what that owner wants to do with his trike, let it sit and rot.

every trike counts!

11-08-2010, 04:30 AM
what would really get me going is a tiger 80 all original sitting in a bush and the guy didnt give a rats ass about it and wouldnt sell it.

11-08-2010, 08:42 PM
I agree that parting out a nice running, clean oem trike is a shame. But if people didnt part out the parts bikes then there wouldnt be many parts out there for us to buy.

11-08-2010, 08:49 PM
Parting out a CLEAN good running OEM trike is one thing, but parting out a well loved trike is a completely different thing. If its missing some parts, plastics aren't in all that great of shape, engine runs pretty good, rust on the frame, ect. ect. ect. then it's probably more valuable being parted out to people who need the parts.

11-15-2010, 02:37 AM
I understand what is being said here. The farmers in this area are very self-centered and greedy. No such term as dirt-poor. They are millionaires or very close to that. They will build a new house and just leave the old one to rot, will not rent or sell it. When they buy a new pickup the old one goes in the field, where it sits for the rest of its existence. They like to possess and own mass quantities of stuff. Ignorant to regular folks who could put these things to useful lives. But to some folk it's a power thing to hoard and possess. I feel it gives some of them a since of power. I have told folk- "You should be ashamed of yourselves for being wasteful and greedy, just let it rot then". Of course I'm an American and outspoken.

It's not just in NW, MT that theyre like that. Over here in Glendive, wich is Eastern, MT, alot of farmers are the same way. Buy something new and let the old one sit in the pasture to rot. It's a damn shame. We are farmers too, but my dad never taught me that way. I'm glad too.

11-15-2010, 09:23 AM
If someone were to go in there and take the poor thing, knowing all too well that it is otherwise never going to do anything but rot in it's own filt, would it not be a "rescue" over a theft? Were it a neglected human, the authorities would be in there before anyone can say let it be!

Tell you whhhhat, take it and leave a pile of steel shavings in it's place... speed up the inevitable.

On the other hand, I've had cars, bikes and sleds stolen from me and trust me; that REALLY boils my blood!