View Full Version : 1983-85 200x experts!!!!! Howdy? Billy?

09-22-2003, 11:21 PM
Well my 3 wheeler is supposed to be picked up on saturday, because i have to fix 2nd gear (makes a rattling/clicking noise) NONE of the gears are chipped.....all the other gears work fine except 2nd....the only problem i have ran into is this......on the countershaft (where the sprocket is) the bearing in the case is shot....could that be why its not shifting??? heres my theory

It shifted fine before (thats a fact) now it makes a clicking/rattling noise and will not go in 2nd gear. i heard something fall out when i took the case off, maybe be the thrust washer or might not be....but heres the theory...The bearing quit turning and the gear kept spinning possibly eating the thrust washer..

Thats the only thing i can come up with....i also noticed a little nick in the case about 1/16 of an inch deep and about the diameter of the gear. any ideas fellas???

09-23-2003, 10:27 AM
Well my 3 wheeler is supposed to be picked up on saturday, because i have to fix 2nd gear (makes a rattling/clicking noise) NONE of the gears are chipped.....all the other gears work fine except 2nd....the only problem i have ran into is this......on the countershaft (where the sprocket is) the bearing in the case is shot....could that be why its not shifting??? heres my theory

It shifted fine before (thats a fact) now it makes a clicking/rattling noise and will not go in 2nd gear. i heard something fall out when i took the case off, maybe be the thrust washer or might not be....but heres the theory...The bearing quit turning and the gear kept spinning possibly eating the thrust washer..

Thats the only thing i can come up with....i also noticed a little nick in the case about 1/16 of an inch deep and about the diameter of the gear. any ideas fellas???

It is possible that a thrust washer is missing. It could also be an number of other things also.
I have seen These different problems make a clunking noise:
a small pieces of metal on one of the gears.
A slight chipped tooth on one of the gears.
Thrush washer missing causing a gear to hit another gear.
gear bushing worn allowing the gear to wobble thus making a clunk.
cracked cases, worn bearings, and the list could go on.

If you lived closer and I wasn't so busy I would fix it with your help in a couple hours.

09-23-2003, 04:09 PM
after studying this.....ive got another theory...

It goes into 2nd gear, but its like another neutral (except when its in 2nd it makes a clunking noise)
Maybe the thrust washer got a burr on it, and the burr caught either the gear or the bearing, which in turn chewed it up....I am going to take the clutch/oil pump side off in a little bit and see if i can find any parts (thrust washer)