View Full Version : my atc introduction

11-03-2010, 09:40 PM
hey guys im john and im 14 and i jsut got my first atc 110,i am right now building and making it look new but i wanted to show you a picture, i took the body off, but here is what im going to fix the 1. Oil leak from head 2. BUNCH of gaskets and a some other tiny things and once i do that i want to attend the next trike fest to show off my very first trike, everyone is suprised that im 14 and wanna make it nice and not jsut bash on it lol well thanks fro reading

11-03-2010, 10:19 PM
Welcome John! I have a 110 and they are fun little trikes. If you run into any problems, don't be afraid to ask questions. There is a wealth of knowledge and information on this site. Have fun with your build and congratulations on your first trike!

11-03-2010, 10:24 PM
hah! My first trike that I bought with own money when I was 9 or 10 was a almost mint 1982 atc110. then I got a 84 200x and then my beloved 1986 350x for my 13'th birthday. And I must warn you Trikes are addicting! . One turns into 2,2 turns into 3 and so on. At the moment I own about 15-20 trikes and counting! And thats not including the dirt bikes and quads we have. Oh and not to mechin the 5.5 hp go cart:lol::lol::lol:.

11-03-2010, 10:27 PM
theres a fine, faint line between hobby and mental illness. i am practically sprinting over that line.