View Full Version : Search key issues? Anyone else?

tri again
10-31-2010, 06:39 AM
Has anyone else had trouble lately?

I actually read the 'terms of use'

and as much as we enjoy bantering each other and answering the same question 'ad nauseum', there are a few new members seriously in need of some answers to common questions, which is recommended for new users in the T.O.U.

I usually recommend that they use the search key and see that there are tons of posts, perhaps from years ago, that will answer their questions, and typically faster with tons more suggestions than a single question post.

But apparently, there is some confusion as to how it works because we keep seeing the same questions over and over.


10-31-2010, 10:53 AM
We've talked to Billie about it, everyone knows it's a problem. They're working on a patch......

The words you enter don't even seem to bring up anything other than random results.

10-31-2010, 11:03 AM
Using the search feature sure seems to be a crap shoot. At least for me. Try doing a Google search for your question. When I do that it usually points to a thread on this site.

10-31-2010, 11:15 AM
I always find that if you do a google search first it gets me this site.

The funny part is this is always going to be an issue. No one reads. I have been in IT for years and no matter how much info you post for people they want to hear it from a person or get a direct answer. It's cause everyone seems to be the important one.

Half of you won't even make it the end of this post with out clicking on the "last" button. That's if it goes that far.

10-31-2010, 11:22 AM
I find it goes like this everywhere. I am a bit of a culprit, but I try not to. For some it's a matter of time (bad search results aside). Like me, I'm a single dad (3 & 1/2 year old son) who also works for himself. At sites like theses you always find people who seem to scan the forums for new posts and answer them so at times it's natural to just post a question, with other sites out there like yahoo answers and so on I think that behaviour is encouraged a bit (on the net that is). Also, there is the new to small motors/Trikes angle. You do a search, read and read and read, become quite confused and decide to post a new question hoping someone else has had the exact problem on the exact Trike. I'm not making excuses but I do see both sides to it, I think. In the end though I will say it comes down to search for me. If I can't find it fast enough (I don't mean in the first minute), I do feel compelled to post.