View Full Version : "The Most Dangerous Viechle"

10-28-2010, 11:36 PM
This is COMPLETE BS!!! A 1 in 3 chance of killing you?!?!?!? What a croc of SH&T



Never actually seen this before, Not sure how many people have actually seen the footage so thought I would post these lies......

10-28-2010, 11:58 PM
man those desert scenes really make me wanna get out and ride...lol

10-29-2010, 12:10 AM
The woman at the end of part 1 is a robot, I'm sure of it.

10-29-2010, 12:14 AM
Not that they are nice vids but the most interesting thing i have seen on here in a long time. Totally one sided an killed our beloved machines.:mad: You know what though? We are still here!:naughty:

10-29-2010, 12:20 AM
Not that they are nice vids but the most interesting thing i have seen on here in a long time. Totally one sided an killed our beloved machines.:mad: You know what though? We are still here!:naughty:

Ya, Average life of 7 years???? Someone should tell my 82 thats running strong that lmao

10-29-2010, 12:26 AM
Been posted numerous times, but my opinions are that they are the most biased opinionated videos ever. The bump test in video #1 was clearly rigged. You can see he put a pad on the rear of the trike, knowing it was going to flip. Then all of the tires are deflated, as is evident when the front tire hits both times. He also never shifted his weight properly.

10-29-2010, 12:29 AM
Yeah....90% of that is staged and rigged

10-29-2010, 12:37 AM
retards and machinery dont mix!

10-29-2010, 12:43 AM
I love the first guy that says "the machine just flipped over and pounded my son on the head....the machine did it"...I guess I understand...some times my 200x throws me off and then it won't let me get up...it just keeps kicking me when I'm down...it always goes for the cheap shot.

tri again
10-29-2010, 01:25 AM
I swear my sx took $$ out of my wallet when I was out with my chainsaw and shotgun.

All 3 are dangerous and not to be trusted.

10-29-2010, 04:39 AM
I`ll see your two videos from the Consumer Safety Police and raise you two videos from the Propaganda Ministry of the Evil Empire of ATV Manufacturers...HA!

"Nobody told me they weren`t safe. Why would they make a product that could hurt or kill someone?" ....well, jackwad, McDonalds makes a fairly safe cup of coffee but leave it to a moron to find a way to burn the skin off their lap and sue...welcome to America...Land of Klutzes with attorneys



10-29-2010, 10:08 AM
So with that 1 in 3 chance of being killed on an ATC... I have 3 running trikes, so I'm a dead man? :rolleyes:

10-29-2010, 10:47 AM
I remember the 80's well. It's amazing, these morons would buy one (3 wheeler) for their kids, make them study the manual, take a quiz then ride? Where were the parents? Inside watching the news? When I was a child learning to ride my parents where right there with me, making sure I wasn't getting to excited and carried away, you know, right before you do something stupid, lol. A child must to taught to respect the power and speed of all motorized toys. The people that complained and sued are mostly the types that thought because the thing had 3 wheels it was safe, not like a 2 wheeler, dumb dumb dumb. Then when they find out otherwise they complain and sue. I say it's the parents fault, not the bike's. It's always the same story. In the one clip the person is talking about having to lean the Trike in corners as being dangerous! Try turning a 2 wheeled dirt bike (any size or brand) at anything more than idle without leaning and see how well it works out. WOW. To think it's the supposedly trusted media reporting this garbage makes you wonder, when they report on things we don't understand how much do they get wrong? Can we trust them at all?

10-29-2010, 11:06 AM
lol at the girl screaming in the first video. And the guy saying that honda killed his son. Yeah right. One thing we werent told were circumstances. What bike was he riding? was it too big for him? What was the terrain like? How much experience did little david have on an ATC? If you put an 11 year old first timer on a 250r on hilly, rocky terrain, something bad will happen. Lets not forget the sob story about the girl (PASSENGER!!) who was on the ventilator. then they say that thats one reason why they are dangerous is becasue of passengers? Honda doesnt kill people. A three wheeler never killed anyone. These people talked as if it fired up at midnight, held them at gunpoint, and forced them to ride to their deaths. Or maybe three wheelers have bad spirits, maybe the 3 wheeler didnt like you. thats why "it killed" people.

10-29-2010, 03:51 PM
Face it, you put an inexperienced kid on ANYTHING without being there showing him/her how to operate it safely, and they're not going to fare so well, doesn't matter if it has 1, 2, 3, or 4 wheels, or even an engine for that matter. A quiz? What's that going to do? Tell them how to ride it? No, that's nothing like SHOWING them how to ride it with hands on experience, making sure they can do everything right. My dad din't let me ride my 110 until I knew how to use the throttle and the brakes without it running.

A three wheeler never killed anyone. These people talked as if it fired up at midnight, held them at gunpoint, and forced them to ride to their deaths. Or maybe three wheelers have bad spirits, maybe the 3 wheeler didnt like you. thats why "it killed" people.

Much in the same way that guns don't kill people, people kill people, plain and simple.

10-29-2010, 05:37 PM
The dad said he was "only 300 yards away"... I am not more than THIRTY yards away when my daughter is on her 70. BTW, it looked like the kid was on a 90/110 from the picture they showed. I would like to see how a dirt bike performed in that guys test, where he sits up like a mannequin and doesn't move. I'd predict the same result.

10-30-2010, 07:40 PM
Hi, i hadnt understad never this prohibition for 3wheelers, i dont know any machine dangerous,3 wheelers,quads,cars,aeroplanes.......guns,Dangerou s are persons,persons use machines, any pistol kill people alone. Is my mind

10-30-2010, 08:59 PM
Hi, i hadnt understad never this prohibition for 3wheelers, i dont know any machine dangerous,3 wheelers,quads,cars,aeroplanes.......guns,Dangerou s are persons,persons use machines, any pistol kill people alone. Is my mind

Javier, you are correct. It is not the machine that is at fault: It is the people who use the machines. Lots of people just will never understand that.

10-31-2010, 10:11 AM
Rolled my ATC yesterday. God damn thing just came to life and tried to kill me!!!

I swear it was just like to movie Christine. Dam bike started up went straight for the frozen pond and started doing power slides till it rolled in 3rd gear!!! IDK what to do now. Its in the back of my truck and every time I get near it it starts plying that song " You can keep a knockin but you can't come in"


10-31-2010, 10:17 AM
I was killed by an atc. It all started on a cool fall day I was on my Outlander pantera1975 was on his 250 ccs of death we lined up and as soon as we started i got killed that screaming ozone polluting 3 wheeled machine of death didn't care that i had 4 wheel so I would be safe. It was like it wanted me gone because it didn't stick around long to see what it had done probably went looking for its next victim.

11-01-2010, 02:12 PM
Rolled my ATC yesterday. God damn thing just came to life and tried to kill me!!!

I swear it was just like to movie Christine. Dam bike started up went straight for the frozen pond and started doing power slides till it rolled in 3rd gear!!! IDK what to do now. Its in the back of my truck and every time I get near it it starts plying that song " You can keep a knockin but you can't come in"


You too? mine flipped me off its angry back after it ran through some pine straw, then hit a muddy ditch. it then proceeded to storm into the thicket, trying to get away, but i pulled it out. then when i got it home, on the way in from the shed, it fired up and came after me on its back wheels and pounded me in the back, then flipped over on my girlfriend. honda kills everyone around. they didnt tell me how dangerous it was when i was no where near it. i hear its more dangerous from 300 yards away...

11-01-2010, 03:42 PM
I have been riding 3 wheelers since before i can remember, and i hurt myself way worse doing other things in life more than i have riding. It's called lack of experience that ruined it for the rest of us. Put it this way, my friends brothers (10 & 13) have been racing extreme dirt track on quads for like 4 yrs now and the worst i have seen them get hurt was riding a razor scooter down the driveway or falling off a skate board...

11-02-2010, 06:09 PM
my 185 came to life one spring evening when I came close to a snowbank it kept climbing it till it flipped and started to beat the crap outta my hip then it took off laughing. Lol

11-03-2010, 09:03 AM
the other day i went to start the 200s and the darn thing kept runnin me over

11-03-2010, 04:02 PM
the other day i went to start the 200s and the darn thing kept runnin me over

mine used to do that too. until i gave it a neutral indicator, now i can keep a close eye on its mood, even when its not running.

11-05-2010, 10:12 AM
mine used to do that too. until i gave it a neutral indicator, now i can keep a close eye on its mood, even when its not running.

good thing you told me that you dont know how many broken arms that advice might save

11-05-2010, 10:59 PM
i have been ridding 3wheelers since i was 3 years old,and i have taken my share of spills on them but i never once blamed the machine it was my stupidity for doing stuff that i shouldnt have ben doing.

11-05-2010, 11:17 PM
i have taken my share of spills on them but i never once blamed the machine it was my stupidity for doing stuff that i shouldnt have ben doing.

aint that the truth