View Full Version : I Remember The ATC Ban; Now ATV's Targeted

10-28-2010, 08:28 PM
It seems like only yesterday, that I was living through the ATC ban of the 1980's; and all the horrific stories on the TV evening news.

Now tonight, ABC News did a story on ATV's and how many children are being killed on them. They picked out a few stories about children under 16 and even younger are getting hurt and killed on adult sized machines.

This is how the ATC ban got started in the 1980's. A bunch of Liberal, Do-Gooders, that want government to get involved. And when government gets involved; they won't even get the facts correct; before they legislate something that adversely affects and industry or a way of life.

The piece on ABC may seem to some as not important; but believe me, this is what we thought, when they started on the ATC's.

I certainly don't have any answers, if there is even an answer; just making you aware of what is going on in the news. Because most of us own some sort of ATV or several; in addition to our 3wheelers.

10-28-2010, 08:30 PM
there are SO many people with quads these days. for plowing drive ways and other things. not many people "ride" but alot own quads. I would't be too worried.

10-28-2010, 08:34 PM
Mr RPM, That is what we thought about the 3wheelers. We used them on the farm and around the yard as well as races.
The Big Reds and such were designed for utility use and doing work (No one will mess with them) Well they did.

10-28-2010, 08:38 PM
It would take ALOT for them to go after the entire ATV industry. What you will see, will be children's 4 wheelers going the way of the 3 wheeler, and then with all the idiots who are suing over the Rhino, the side x sides will be next.

Btw, I also lived through the 80s, I remember watching the 60 minutes piece like it was yesterday.

10-28-2010, 08:54 PM
Been Happening here as well but more on a local front.

One of the better places to ride ATV's here is our local "dam". Its the drinking resivior for the town. Has trails, mud holes, fields, gravel pits, just an oasis for ATV's etc.

Well this summer they made it mandatory that all ATV's on public land must have third party liability insurance. No big deal right? Wrong! Turns out that Saskatchewan doesn't offer insurance to ANY ATVs. That includes 4 wheelers.

So we thought if u cant get it no big deal.... Wrong again, Chased by cops on multiple occasions. One guy almost killed himself cause he bought a old CR500 and isnt an experienced rider yet. Cops come out there and he runs. Got away but now wants to sell the bike lol.

Long story short, if its fun and the government cant really make lots of money off it, they will try to ban it.....

10-28-2010, 09:03 PM
Not much can touch a CR500!! :D

10-28-2010, 09:11 PM
Not much can touch a CR500!! :D

Other than a KX 500.

Tecate 50
10-28-2010, 09:19 PM
Other than a KX 500.

My thoughts exactly!

10-28-2010, 09:19 PM
I've got a quad in the shop now, over 500lbs. Add a driver and a passenger and were at 800lbs or better.

There about as safe as lawn darts at a 3yo's birthday party...........

Cuztom Racing
10-29-2010, 05:56 AM
They ban 3 wheelers now wanting to ban 4 wheelers but they over look the fact that thousands of people get killed on motorcycles every year! Lets ban 3 and 4 wheelers cuz ya know 2 wheels Is much safer than 3 or 4 wheels on the ground! F#%king idiots!!

10-29-2010, 06:33 AM
They ban 3 wheelers now wanting to ban 4 wheelers but they over look the fact that thousands of people get killed on motorcycles every year! Lets ban 3 and 4 wheelers cuz ya know 2 wheels Is much safer than 3 or 4 wheels on the ground! F#%king idiots!!

Don't go there, you may just prove yourself wrong....

10-29-2010, 07:43 AM
I saw that pre-view as well and it reminded me of the three wheeler ban too. Showed some 4 wheelers at an MX race, having a good time, then the "trama" music, and a picture of a demolished four wheeler and people running all around. It's completely crazy. It makes me sick to my stomach with rage.

10-29-2010, 08:17 AM
There was a petition i signed in 04 or 05 maybe i forgot. i bought a yz125 at a dealer and they asked if i had aproblem with quads i said no, so they asked if i sign this since people were trying to ban them. i signed it. never heard much after there, was in pinegrove pa

10-29-2010, 08:25 AM
What's ironic is 4-wheeler statistics was added into the 3-wheeler ban. Even on the News report they showed dangerous quad riding. I was one of the reported quad accidents when I was 15 years old that was added to the overall statistics. We'd better organize now to help our quad brothers and sisters. As americans (or our bond as trike owners), we don't want to lose another right and have more laws passed to enslave us. It's the principle of it all. Listen the the Canadian. They are just making it harder and harder. Been catching a lot of grief in MT and with this big of state and least of people, am having a little bit harder time finding places to ride.

10-29-2010, 09:56 AM
"Been Happening here as well but more on a local front.

One of the better places to ride ATV's here is our local "dam". Its the drinking resivior for the town. Has trails, mud holes, fields, gravel pits, just an oasis for ATV's etc.

Well this summer they made it mandatory that all ATV's on public land must have third party liability insurance. No big deal right? Wrong! Turns out that Saskatchewan doesn't offer insurance to ANY ATVs. That includes 4 wheelers.

So we thought if u cant get it no big deal.... Wrong again, Chased by cops on multiple occasions. One guy almost killed himself cause he bought a old CR500 and isnt an experienced rider yet. Cops come out there and he runs. Got away but now wants to sell the bike lol.

Long story short, if its fun and the government cant really make lots of money off it, they will try to ban it....."

I hear ya. I know in BC you can get the insurance, it's needed here for the forest service roads. As far as I was told, it's good for the whole country. Might be worth looking into.

10-29-2010, 10:04 AM
Mr RPM, That is what we thought about the 3wheelers. We used them on the farm and around the yard as well as races.
The Big Reds and such were designed for utility use and doing work (No one will mess with them) Well they did.

I think (hope) the difference here is that when the 3 wheeler ban came into effect, there was an alternative - 4 wheels. If nothing else the APPEARANCE of a safer ORV. The manufacturers could continue selling ATVs, just not with 3 wheels.

But if they try to ban ATVs what safer alternative can be suggested??

I think this is the link to that ABC news story: http://abcnews.go.com/Nightline/video/atv-dangers-kids-12000343

10-29-2010, 10:12 AM
heres the hatchet job gang... http://abcnews.go.com/Nightline

well, im not sure why the porn story vid is what comes up, just click on the ATV story on the right.....its almost like they watched Ed Bradley's hatchet job against trikes from back in the day and just plugged in ATV's instead of trikes....pethetic really

10-29-2010, 10:14 AM
heres the hatchet job gang... http://abcnews.go.com/Nightline

lmao, that link takes me to a page that says:

Retro Porn Revival
New Porn magazine, "Jacques," says they have "more sensuality than silicone."

With some porn-star bent over in a provocative pose!

Use my link above instead ;)

Louis Mielke
10-29-2010, 10:26 AM
I would probably be smart if everyone made INTELLIGENT comments if the article allows comments.

EDIT: Never mind, no where to comment on the video.

10-29-2010, 10:29 AM
lmao, that link takes me to a page that says:

With some porn-star bent over in a provocative pose!

Use my link above instead ;)

yeah, sorry bout that. Im not sure why that vid was the one that comes up. I copied the link as i was watching the ATV story.. LOL!

10-29-2010, 10:30 AM
I would probably be smart if everyone made INTELLIGENT comments if the article allows comments.

EDIT: Never mind, no where to comment on the video.

If you scroll down on the page you will see a comments link... i read the first page and pretty much all of the pro-ATV comments were very good.

10-29-2010, 10:45 AM
The problem, as I see it, is the normal fact of people always look for someone to blame. If little kids are getting hurt on ATV's, then that is the responsibility of the parents. I would never let my five year old grandaughter get on an atv too big for her. That is the reason that a lot of the manufactures put speed controls, remotes, etc on them today. If a parent wants to act responsibly, they will. If not, they won't. It is the same as the gun debate. Can you get killed on an atv? Of course, but it is your choice. That gun won't kill anyone sitting on the table by itself either. It is the same old story: "it is not my responsibilty, it is the (insert product here) that is the problem." Atv's are not the same thing, and if 1 in 3 will be killed on them, them we would have millions dead from the deadly atv. Numbers are always exaggerated.......it is the media...........But, don't be surprised if Nancy Pelosi and friends try to run with it.

10-29-2010, 10:49 AM
hey hang and rattle we can still ride almost anywhere here in eastern montana, I have been all over with barely any hassle from the authorities, the only time was when someone was being a jack wagon around a lake and irritating parks and services then we apologized and they left us alone. I also went to abc news and commented on their story and sent an reporting error message to them about their choice in leaving out proven safety facts, and parents responsibillity. I also informed them that what they are doing is very similar to the atc ban in the 80's and hopefully this time americans will stand up for their rights before we lose another fun filled off road vehicle

10-29-2010, 11:08 AM
I Really don't think quads are in any kind of trouble. They thought banning trikes would work but people kept getting hurt. trikes were only stopped for production because they had a replacement (quads). people get hurt in cars, motorcycles, dirtbikes, bicycles, even bath tubs and none of that is going anywhere.
banning quads wouldn't keep people from getting hurt and they know that after what we did after the trike thing. we just found something else.
It takes alot of people to pass a law and after learning the outcome of what they did to trikes it would just be a huge waste to take quads from us too.

i don't even know if they will take child ATVs because that would result in people putting their kids on adult machines.

10-29-2010, 11:15 AM
the fun police are always out there.if you have a smile on your face,someone wants to take it away.plus the fact that as stated earlier people always look for a boogie man.nothing could be their or their kids fault.

10-29-2010, 11:17 AM
You know, I saw a comment from one person, and I quote: "damn conservatives trying to make us all into sissies" That is a big oxymoron if I have ever seen one.........just another uninformed idiot in the world. It's funny too, that it seems as though liberals and conservatives agree on so many things and they don't even realize it. Its too bad that this country can't do away with the "two sided arguments" and just focus on the issues that we all face. Take responsibility!

10-29-2010, 12:21 PM
here is a clean Hulu Link to the story:


10-29-2010, 12:40 PM
these idiots need to be corrected, when making a story like this you need to be fair and state the good.
you know what if people want to be dumbasses then let them do it,
when someone gets hurt they go after the company what a joke.
who gives a crap its their kids they should go after the parents not the company.
they shouldnt even be worried about an atv people get all the warnings they know that these machines are dangerouse and they also get a owners manual when they buy one so they have been warned and if someone is killed on one then it was 99.9% theyre fault or the owners not the munufacturer.

let people learn from their mistake.

10-29-2010, 01:15 PM
Wow, here it goes again. I'm trying not to get preachy, but if we all just do what we need to do (and encourage our peers to do likewise), then maybe we won't need to worry.

This is simple: if people act responsibly, no issue. We get the gov't oversight when enough folks start catching the attention of the media and/or govt. Doesn't take a majority; the minority can ruin it for everyone else. I'm ready to stand up for our rights, but there are things we each should do to protect our sport.

Let's insure if we have kids, that they are riding correct sized ATV's and they are supervised when riding. I had to search high and low for my son's quad. Its a 1984 Suzuki LT50, and I had to find that because none of the manufacturers make a quad that small anymore for an entry level rider. He's 6 YO, and it works perfect for him. I started riding dirt bikes when I was his age, and I'm still alive and enjoying the sport because my folks made sure I had the right equipment and didn't force me to ride something I wasn't ready to try.

Let's insure everyone that rides is wearing safety gear (at least a helmet). Especially kids. Both my sons wear a roost deflector, gloves, long pants, long sleave shirt, and some boots that lace up over the ankle. Didn't cost much but should make a difference if they do have an unexpected accident. My family just trail rides, but we all wear helmets, gloves, long pants, shirts with long sleaves, and boots that reach over the ankle when riding - just in case. Don't have to spend a fortune on expensive riding gear to still have fun and be safe.

Lastly, let's insure we're not drinking alcohol when we're riding. I was at local riding spot this summer and a group there was obviously drinking and riding. Enough folks noticed them getting out of control, that they were asked to leave. The offenders weren't happy, but you know what, I didn't give a crap because I could see an accident waiting to happen. Riding areas are so few and far between these days, that we're stuck in these "ORV parks" which means you can't ride w/o bumping into other riders at every turn in the road. In those places, there is no room for booze at all.

This may be off topic, but I don't see You Tube as helpful either. For every responsible ATV video I see, there must be four others where the person isn't wearing a helmet, wearing shorts and flip flops, doing wheelies and then crashing and laughing about it. Fuels the fire... just saying

I'll get off my soapbox now and go change the oil on my trike, but I dont' think we should dismiss this first news article. More will come and if we're not careful, we'll get to re-live the ban of the 1980's again in some form or fashion.

10-29-2010, 04:55 PM
Unfortunately, this to me is a very real threat to the future atv choice in general. A few years ago there was much talk in our local district atv racers monthly newsprint of there being maximum engine displacement of roughly 400cc. " Regardless of atv type" And many people were wondering just what this was the begining of? This type of exposure is never good. Coupled with the lack of sales by the oems, and nearly all of the factory support money being taken away from atv racing. Youth and fast sport quads face a very real threat. The market will always be there for adult atv's and a downright ban will not happen. But there will be a revision of what will be allowed for sale. Two of our local MX tracks have already banned atv racing alltogether for various reasons, and more will surely follow as youth classes are phased out in the future.

10-29-2010, 05:42 PM
Ban ATV's because people are getting injured or killed...

WHAT ABOUT CAR RELATED INJURY OR DEATH?!?!?! Probably 10,000 or more each year in the USA, either from being hit by a drunken driver, or being impaired, or distracted, and so on and so forth. Probably an outdated statistic, but a couple websites have said that an average of 36 people die each day from crashing. According to Yahoo answers "There were 16,885 alcohol-related fatalities in 2005 - 39 percent of the total traffic fatalities for the year. Dept of Transportation" Now that's only 39% of the total traffic fatalities for 2005. If you do the math, you come up with 43,925 total traffic related deaths for 2005. That's a far cry from the few hundred deaths each year from ATV accidents...

According to the NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration),

"U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood today released updated 2009 fatality and injury data showing that highway deaths fell to 33,808 for the year, the lowest number since 1950. The record-breaking decline in traffic fatalities occurred even while estimated vehicle miles traveled in 2009 increased by 0.2 percent over 2008 levels."

So, why should we ban ATV's, when clearly, people can't even drive their own cars?!


10-29-2010, 07:18 PM
notice how a hundred people can go threw one turn and maybe one of them will crash,if they were all driving the same bike on the tour how could it be the bikes fault.Like really tho people get hurt doing everything from sports to taking a shower are we just going to ban everything?

10-29-2010, 07:33 PM
To the people who think they can't take something away, think about guns. It's black and white in the Constitution and yet it gets distorted and our rights are taken away bit by bit. They know the "divide and conquer" techniques all too well. First they go after one group (like machine guns - BANNED in the 80's or ATV's designed for kids 8 and under or sport type ATV's). Hunters feel good cause they aren't banning hunting rifles and shotguns and farmers feel good cause they aren't after utility ATV's (well not yet). Then maybe it's "assault weapons" (semi-auto firearms that LOOK like military style firearms) or race ATV's (once again based on cosmetic features not real world dangers). Then maybe it's big bore firearms (like the 50 BMG) or ATV's that can exceed 42 MPH. And as always, because they destroyed the facts selling the case to John Q Public, nothing gets better and then they blame the utility ATVs and grand paw's shot gun. By that time there aren't enough people left who care and a generation has grown up not know anything except what they have heard on CNN (or in this case ABC). It's been proven over and over, they can pass any law they want and it doesn't matter what the voter's, big business or anyone else wants. What was the public opinion of the health care bill? Like 65% against? Didn't even slow them down. It's the people who says the government can't do something that allows them to stay in power. People are constantly going on about politics this and politics that but then blame it on the Dems or on the Republicans. If the person in office isn't voting for what YOU want, vote them out. Forget what party you are and what party they are, vote them out and if the next one doesn't vote your way, vote him out too. Too many seats are held by people who have been in office for 10, 20 or 30+ years and still we blame the president, who can't be in more than 8 years. Congress gets to vote on when and how much of a pay raise they get, what benefits they get how much vacation to take and we as a people allow it. They vote to raise their pay, work less and then vote to raise our taxes to pay for it, and we allow it. And people think they can't get by with banning ATV's??????????

10-29-2010, 07:48 PM
That is ridiculous!! A few kids getting hurt in not an epidemic!! I can't stand watching the news with the way they distort everything.

10-29-2010, 08:19 PM
Well my truck is used offroad and it has 4 wheels. So I guess they are ATV's aswell. The fun police are out to ruin the day again.

10-29-2010, 09:21 PM
When I started this thread, it was to just inform anyone that hadn't seen it on the news. Before that I didn't know anything was even being talked about.

It is good to see the active response and interest by the 3wheeler forum members.

We may have different ideas about this, but I would like to think, all of us don't want someone else to determine out fate.

10-29-2010, 10:03 PM
That reminds me of something I saw on YouTube:

Part 1:


Part 2:


Enjoy the depressing video :D

10-29-2010, 11:24 PM
I hope the country doesn't keep moving toward one giant gov't entity. For some reason everyone thinks its a good idea for things to be gov't run... I'm tired of them poking their nose in everyone business like they know what is best for us. I hope when the collapse comes some grassroot patriots get together and take back this country. Sign me up

10-30-2010, 01:21 AM
To the people who think they can't take something away, think about guns. It's black and white in the Constitution and yet it gets distorted and our rights are taken away bit by bit. They know the "divide and conquer" techniques all too well. First they go after one group (like machine guns - BANNED in the 80's or ATV's designed for kids 8 and under or sport type ATV's). Hunters feel good cause they aren't banning hunting rifles and shotguns and farmers feel good cause they aren't after utility ATV's (well not yet). Then maybe it's "assault weapons" (semi-auto firearms that LOOK like military style firearms) or race ATV's (once again based on cosmetic features not real world dangers). Then maybe it's big bore firearms (like the 50 BMG) or ATV's that can exceed 42 MPH. And as always, because they destroyed the facts selling the case to John Q Public, nothing gets better and then they blame the utility ATVs and grand paw's shot gun. By that time there aren't enough people left who care and a generation has grown up not know anything except what they have heard on CNN (or in this case ABC). It's been proven over and over, they can pass any law they want and it doesn't matter what the voter's, big business or anyone else wants. What was the public opinion of the health care bill? Like 65% against? Didn't even slow them down. It's the people who says the government can't do something that allows them to stay in power. People are constantly going on about politics this and politics that but then blame it on the Dems or on the Republicans. If the person in office isn't voting for what YOU want, vote them out. Forget what party you are and what party they are, vote them out and if the next one doesn't vote your way, vote him out too. Too many seats are held by people who have been in office for 10, 20 or 30+ years and still we blame the president, who can't be in more than 8 years. Congress gets to vote on when and how much of a pay raise they get, what benefits they get how much vacation to take and we as a people allow it. They vote to raise their pay, work less and then vote to raise our taxes to pay for it, and we allow it. And people think they can't get by with banning ATV's??????????

Finally, somebody sees how it works.

10-30-2010, 04:24 AM
I hope the country doesn't keep moving toward one giant gov't entity. For some reason everyone thinks its a good idea for things to be gov't run... I'm tired of them poking their nose in everyone business like they know what is best for us. I hope when the collapse comes some grassroot patriots get together and take back this country. Sign me up

Yeah, how do they now what's best for US (or even ME for that matter)??? They don't, plain and simple!! Sign me up as well.

Chazz of Blades
10-30-2010, 06:02 AM
Speaking of (holy aparently) football..........

In ONE YEAR when I was in my first year of high school not one, but TWO kids were killed playing playground football in my area. You never see stories about how many people get hurt there do you? And about the 12 year old going over a cliff, if you don't have the sense not to ride at speed a) uphill b) on curves and c) on a damn mountain, you don't need to be on an atv to begin with. I feel sympathetic to the family, but it seems to me from the story that it was people who had no buissness on something, trying to treat it like a toy.

And about the whole "My Child couldn't be to blame" idea, I know there are a ton of people who have that mindset, but my first wreck that I didn't just walk away from, I cracked my right kneecap. It wasn't bad enough to require hospitalization, but it hurt for weeks. Did my grandfather treat it like it was the manufactuer's responsibility? Hell no, I was being a tad stupid, and flipping the bike was my fault alone. It all boils down to respecting what you ride, I'm 16, and I ride trikes, bikes, and buggies, and the last time i checked I'm not dead or vegatative.

10-30-2010, 07:56 PM
What a bunch of idiots!!! Give a motorized vehicle to someone who dont know how to use it in a safe manor. Then open your mouth and say its the bikes fault. So now we can say Guns kill people and the bikes kill people. These people in these videos..... gotta stop mad now, first time I ever watched this.

10-30-2010, 08:09 PM
You can't fix stupid.

10-30-2010, 08:24 PM
Speaking of (holy aparently) football..........

And about the whole "My Child couldn't be to blame" idea, I know there are a ton of people who have that mindset, but my first wreck that I didn't just walk away from, I cracked my right kneecap. It wasn't bad enough to require hospitalization, but it hurt for weeks. Did my grandfather treat it like it was the manufactuer's responsibility? Hell no, I was being a tad stupid, and flipping the bike was my fault alone. It all boils down to respecting what you ride, I'm 16, and I ride trikes, bikes, and buggies, and the last time i checked I'm not dead or vegatative.

I can say pretty much the same thing except ive never broken anything. If these idiots would have a tad bit of common sense we wouldnt have the problem of all the banning. Hell im 15 and i have enough common sense to know when to slow down around unknown bends and such.

mabey the government should just back the trailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro off and let all the dumb asses kill themselves.

10-30-2010, 08:52 PM
To the people who think they can't take something away, think about guns. It's black and white in the Constitution and yet it gets distorted and our rights are taken away bit by bit. They know the "divide and conquer" techniques all too well. First they go after one group (like machine guns - BANNED in the 80's or ATV's designed for kids 8 and under or sport type ATV's). Hunters feel good cause they aren't banning hunting rifles and shotguns and farmers feel good cause they aren't after utility ATV's (well not yet). Then maybe it's "assault weapons" (semi-auto firearms that LOOK like military style firearms) or race ATV's (once again based on cosmetic features not real world dangers). Then maybe it's big bore firearms (like the 50 BMG) or ATV's that can exceed 42 MPH. And as always, because they destroyed the facts selling the case to John Q Public, nothing gets better and then they blame the utility ATVs and grand paw's shot gun. By that time there aren't enough people left who care and a generation has grown up not know anything except what they have heard on CNN (or in this case ABC). It's been proven over and over, they can pass any law they want and it doesn't matter what the voter's, big business or anyone else wants. What was the public opinion of the health care bill? Like 65% against? Didn't even slow them down. It's the people who says the government can't do something that allows them to stay in power. People are constantly going on about politics this and politics that but then blame it on the Dems or on the Republicans. If the person in office isn't voting for what YOU want, vote them out. Forget what party you are and what party they are, vote them out and if the next one doesn't vote your way, vote him out too. Too many seats are held by people who have been in office for 10, 20 or 30+ years and still we blame the president, who can't be in more than 8 years. Congress gets to vote on when and how much of a pay raise they get, what benefits they get how much vacation to take and we as a people allow it. They vote to raise their pay, work less and then vote to raise our taxes to pay for it, and we allow it. And people think they can't get by with banning ATV's??????????
I agree with you nealy 100%, you said it right, except the gov't. is electorial vote. The only way to get something to be voted on your (our) way is to purchase a congressman or gov't official, that is fact and how it is done in the u.s.. Fork out the cash and the offroad world is ours.

10-31-2010, 01:50 AM
Don't worry about what you see on "The News" on TV because its not the news. Its infotainment. We have serious financial issues that are affecting peoples lives and they are
talking about toys. LoL. Get a real story you freakin over paid corporate whore.

10-31-2010, 10:52 AM
Don't worry about what you see on "The News" on TV because its not the news. Its infotainment. We have serious financial issues that are affecting peoples lives and they are
talking about toys. LoL. Get a real story you freakin over paid corporate whore.

TOYS; I beg your pardon!

I know a lot of people that use ATC's and ATV's as a tool for their work. There are local surveyor companies that use them everyday to reach remote places, loggers and tree appraisers to travel distances in the rough, and not to mention farmers. The original Honda Big Red was designed as a work machine.

A lot of people depend on these machines to make a living.

So, sweetytip200, you are misinformed.

10-31-2010, 01:22 PM
I think the problem is that nobody wants to accept responsibility anymore. It started in the '80s and look what it has escalated to today. I rode my first atc at 11. It was an '83 big red. My dad wasn't a rider at all, but he taught me to "respect" the machine and to know my limits. When my son was 5, I bought him an atc70, and spent extensive time training him on different situations and recovering from them. At 10 I got him a cr80 and in a few months he was climbing hills and hitting jumps most people in their 20's wouldn't think of doing. But he also knew his limits and he knew exactly what the bike was going to do as soon as it left the ground and how to recover. I also had a 350x at that time and he could handle it better that most adults. A deputy sheriff saw him riding it one day and threw a fit. He threatened to cite me because he was under 16, and I lost it. He showed me where Kentucky had a statute that says no one under 16 can ride an atv over 90cc. Come on, a 15 year old on a trx90. Too many people are sue happy. I guess I need to sue the sun for sunburning me if I stay out too long.

10-31-2010, 10:01 PM
What it comes down to is accountability and personal responsibility. Two things we have lost over a generation. Thank politicians and lawers for that. Since we have lost it the government thinks it can tell us what is "right" for all of us. If you think they won't ban quads, think again. Just like someone mentioned about guns we keep losing our 2nd Amendment rights. Even if the Supreme Court recently shot down the gun ban, politicians will go after ammunition next. By either banning it or taxing it to oblivion.

I also recently went riding to a 'restricted' spot in NJ and saw people riding without helmets and drinking. This just kills it for all of us. You cannot fix stupid. It coins the old saying, you can do 99 things right and no one will say anything, but do one thing wrong and the whole world knows about it. Drinking and riding is just dumb.

11-01-2010, 06:31 PM
I also recently went riding to a 'restricted' spot in NJ and saw people riding without helmets and drinking. This just kills it for all of us. You cannot fix stupid. It coins the old saying, you can do 99 things right and no one will say anything, but do one thing wrong and the whole world knows about it. Drinking and riding is just dumb.

Yes, unfortunately its the small percentage of idiots who get all the attention and keep feeding the trolls. Its the same story wether its wheelers, sleds, firearms, ar anything at all the self-appointed elites think is bad for us simple every day schlubs....