10-21-2010, 09:12 PM
Wish I would have taken pics along the way:(:( This thing was in 2 big boxes....swinger off, pegs, rear end,axle, headlight, electrical, front axle, brakes etc etc......... Here it is behind the Yamaha rear tires. (¤t=P6110059.jpg) Well, after about 15 hours......and ????? beers.. here it is now (¤t=P7150080.jpg) Just had to clean carb, idle circuit and she fires right up!! This was a small miracle as output shaft had been yanked out and it seemed the dude just went crazy tearin' s%($ apart for no reason??:wondering Never thought I would be ridin it after what the boxes of nuts and bolts looked like!! Needs clutch cover gasket...leaking oil and swingarm bushing but other than that.....done:lock::lock::lock: That was kinda like extereme trike it was worth it though:D:D