View Full Version : 250es problem

10-17-2010, 06:50 PM
okay starting about 3 weeks ago my 250 was acting wierd. whenever id turn the key on the neutral light would either take a few seconds to come on or it wouldnt come on unless tapped it and stuff. well the other day i went to start it and it started right up with no problems but it was a cold start so it shut off. when i tried starting it again the starter totally quit on me, so i figured it was the battery. so i kick started it and drove it home and charged it over night. started it the next day and worked fine. but it started to do the same thing again. and i charged the battery again but when the starter does work it sounds funny. so now i just kick start it. what could be the problem?

tri again
10-17-2010, 10:50 PM
since no one responded yet , I'll give it a shot.

There is a neutral safety switch under a sheet metal cover by the brake pedal.

Lots o' oil like to hang there so clean that, make sure it's tight, and new ones are like 12$.

Come to think of it, That safety switch may just inhibit the starter from spinning. so it will start with the kick.

NOT recommended for the faint of heart, but I simply ran a ground wire from that neutral switch
and touched it to the engine case to start mine, and then just let the wire hang in thin air till I needed to start it the next time.

That way it WILL START IN GEAR and run everyone over. so only use that for diagnostic purposes.