View Full Version : 1985 ATC250R Needle Jet (Keihn PE37)

10-14-2010, 11:41 AM
Ever needed one from Honda to find it discontinued? (Pn: 16164-KA5-004)

Order from motorcyclecarbs.com Part No. 13127 @ 17.95

Hurry, they have stock but who knows for how long! Get that healthy midrange back into that 85!


10-14-2010, 10:43 PM
ummm is this a bad time to tell you those are mass produced? you dont need a 17 dollar main jet, when you can have 4 or 5 mains for that price..

10-15-2010, 11:18 AM
Not the main, the NEEDLE jet.

The one that's metered by the needle taper moving in and out of it. They get pitted to crap and ablong after time and cavitation. Mains are everywhere, yes.

Actually, the main jet screws into the bottom of it.