View Full Version : cant find brakes for 250r

10-12-2010, 12:56 AM
i have looked everywhere went to used cycle shops looked on ebay anyone know where i can find a whole new/used set of rear brakes for and 84 250r? help would be awesome. Thanks!!!

10-12-2010, 01:06 AM
Here ya go says fits 84 250r

10-12-2010, 01:22 AM
no i mean like the caliper and the pump thank you though for the address of that though but the deal that the foot lever pushes on and all that i have pads and fluid resivoir and hoses. i have everything but i think the piston inside my caliper got moist inside and swelled up cuz i can get it to moved only with my hand i ripped it apart and cleaned in even smoothend it up with light sand paper and nothing i think i need a whole new caliper and piston and what not i cant find one anywhere i cleaned it all out and changed the fluid and blead the brakes and i even mashed on the lever with the bleader valve open and it shot fluid out its just not making my caliper clamp on that disk HELLPP MMEE!! . And does anyone know why i have oil in the little connecting peice that connects my carb to my air box the bottom of that little connecting peice always has oil on on the inside of it i clean it everytome but it always comes back?? boggling my mind

10-12-2010, 01:28 AM
I posted the answer to you air bvox on the other post about the carb. will look for a cal for ya.

10-12-2010, 01:30 AM
This is the kit you need but they dont have it right now

10-12-2010, 01:39 AM
thanks alot!! i appreciate it the only ordeal is that i change one of the seals only because only one was bad do you think the rebuild kit would really help my sitiation cuz its so freakin hard to push that piston out with my fingers the only way we were able to get it out was using a c-clamp on it and driving it out i just dont wanna buy a new rebuild kit if it aint gonna work ya know??

10-12-2010, 01:41 AM
This is the kit you need but they dont have it right now

x2... you also might want to get the rebuild kit for the master cylinder (the deal that the foot lever pushes on). If its your caliper, chances are the piston would cause the brakes to stick on. If it's the master cylinder, you might get one pump out of it then the master cylinder piston seizes. Try lightly sanding the m/c piston sides. These things don't like to work right if theres crap clogging it up. Use brake fluid to lube your rubber seals when you go to put it back together.

10-12-2010, 01:47 AM
yeah i made sure i lubed them up with fluid before i put them back in and you think that could be the problem when i took off i did notice alot of corrosion like crap on the bottom of it thanks for the info

10-12-2010, 01:48 AM
when the seals go bad they cause the piston to get stuck. I have never seen the atc 250r cal in person but dont they have 2 o-rings on the piston? if so I really think that will fix your problem.

10-12-2010, 01:51 AM
yes it has two seals one smaller one and a fatter one closest to the outside but ok cool thanks alot i appreciate it ill try it out and see how it goes

10-12-2010, 01:52 AM
The manual says "if the piston sticks in the caliper cylinder, indicating severe wear or galling, the entire unit should be replaced", but it sounds like yours is moving (somewhat)...I've had luck with unfreezing several calipers just being patient with them and keep working them till they free up. Not sure if this place has the repair kit in stock, but your local motorcycle parts place should be able to get them. http://www.atcheaven.com/ATC250r.php?pageNum_ATC250R=3&totalRows_ATC250R=232

I've seen the whole rear brake set up on eBay and recently, and I think they usually run in the $250's + used...but, I could mistaken.

10-12-2010, 01:53 AM
yeah i made sure i lubed them up with fluid before i put them back in and you think that could be the problem when i took off i did notice alot of corrosion like crap on the bottom of it thanks for the info the bottom of the cal or master ?? if its your cal then thats why its geting stuck, you need to get some steel wool and use some brake fluid and polish it out some sanp paper is to rough.

10-12-2010, 02:05 AM
no the caliper is good nothin in it its cleaned and good i guess it just needs a rebuilt kit but the master is what has all the corrosion under it under the rubber peice on the bottome of it. and sweet deal thanks holdontrike

10-12-2010, 02:10 AM
no the caliper is good nothin in it its cleaned and good i guess it just needs a rebuilt kit but the master is what has all the corrosion under it under the rubber peice on the bottome of it. and sweet deal thanks holdontrike

Anytime Jimmyt...this looks like a better deal http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/HONDA-ATC250R-82-84-REAR-BRAKE-CALIPER-PISTON-SEALS-_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem58893fd1c7QQitemZ38025 9783111QQptZMotorsQ5fATVQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories

10-12-2010, 02:27 AM
no the caliper is good nothin in it its cleaned and good i guess it just needs a rebuilt kit but the master is what has all the corrosion under it under the rubber peice on the bottome of it. and sweet deal thanks holdontrike
Not sure where you are talking about. Does fluid touch the corrosion? if so try the steel wooll and see if you can get to it with it and if you cant then its time for a new one.

10-12-2010, 10:29 PM
eh im not sure id have to puill the rubber off of it and its corroded where the pump moves up and down its all corroded il try to get some steel wool in there but it may be kinda hard

10-13-2010, 12:27 AM
im pretty positive theres nothing wrong with the mater cylinder though because when i left the bleeder valve open and stepped on the brake lever it shot fluid out. what do you think about tthat?? still good you think or not sure cuz i have no idea im thinkin about buying a rebuild kit but dont want to if its not gonna do anything and thanks again holdontrike i think i may get that if thats my problem

10-13-2010, 02:44 PM
If it pumps fluid then its working, but I would want to clean it out at least because if any of the corroison breaks free it will end up in you rebuilt cal.
You can heat up a straw from a can of carb cleaner or wd40 and wrap it in steel wool and it will make a steel wool q-tip that works great for small or hard to reach spots.

10-13-2010, 03:39 PM
If it pumps fluid then its working, but I would want to clean it out at least because if any of the corroison breaks free it will end up in you rebuilt cal.
You can heat up a straw from a can of carb cleaner or wd40 and wrap it in steel wool and it will make a steel wool q-tip that works great for small or hard to reach spots.

I agree with the cleaning before repairing, and the steel wool Q-tip idea is brilliant! I made a note of that for future reference cause I know that will come in handy;-)

10-14-2010, 01:35 AM
ok sweeeet yeah i was going to clean it anyways i hate knowing somethings dirty on my trike and putting it back together dirty irritates me ill try the steel wool q tip thing though thanks alot appreciated!!! so soak caliper in solvent, use wd-40 to clean master cyclinder and put it back together and see what happens?? if no luck try rebuild kit?? or what shall i do