View Full Version : Making a new bearing carrier?

10-11-2010, 11:46 PM
I'm taking machine classes right now so I have access to everything. I would have to buy stock but what would be a good material cold rolled steel, aluminum maybe 6061?:wondering

I don't think I would be doing this on CNC. We have mills, lathes and they do have 2 CNC's. It uses Mastercam x4. Which I have but haven't learned. More than likely I will blueprint it out, I have the carrier holder dimensions, but not the stock carrier. I still need the lock nut off my axle! :rolleyes:I would like to not damage it, but may have to cut it!

I also have I also have access too the newest Solidworks and Catia programs. Catia is a bit too hard for me right now. Solidworks looks simple to use. I have some books on both programs, and I'm going to learn Solidworks first.

Any thoughts or help?

10-12-2010, 12:03 AM
I would use steel or Ti but thats just me. as for the locknut have you used heat ?

10-12-2010, 12:46 AM
only propane torch. I don't have access to a oxy torch.

10-12-2010, 12:58 AM
Heat it up with your torch and soak it with wd40 the heat will cause the wd to be sucked into the threads. not saying you dont know what your doing or anything but are you sure you are turning it the right way?
I seen some where that some atc's have a right and left hand threaded nuts so maybe that's why its stuck.

10-12-2010, 01:59 PM
Yeah i got the nuts off, I just need the collar part. I used a whole can of pb blaster soaking it, no go :cry:

10-12-2010, 03:25 PM
The best way to learn solidworks is the tutorials in the program. They walk you through making parts step by step, you then follow along and learn. Thats how they teach it at collage.

10-12-2010, 04:23 PM
Use Kroil. Makes WD look like water.

10-12-2010, 04:27 PM
Use Kroil. Makes WD40 look like water. Heat it up, put the Kroil to it, let it cool and Kroil again. Example: I did this with an oxygen sensor on my Tundra. Tapped the ratchet one time and it broke free. The sensor went bad with 152k miles on the truck. Most O2 sensors will break off in the manifold. Google kroil, you can get a deal on two cans of AeroKroil using google.

10-12-2010, 05:01 PM
A OEM carrier is cast aluminum but the aftermarket ones are billet aluminum - Might be 6061 or may be a better aluminum for that application.

The hardest part would be the OD for the bearings and seals for a "press fit", usually .002.

The left side needs a 4 jaw chuck to create the oval for chain adjusting. Then the holes for adjusting it.

The right has to have the right width and od for the brake stay and the circlip groove cut in it.

If you have the time and a good teacher, have at it. But I'd never try to make one as long as I could buy one.

Something simpler might be a better start, but I have no idea where your at skill wise right now.....

Jason Hall
10-12-2010, 06:02 PM
I would not recommend heating anything too Hot then putting It In WD/40, because It Is EXTREMELY FLAMMABLE!!

It would be cool to make your own In shop class, and I would recommend 6061. You will need a 4 jawed chuck like DC said to make one that will work like the stock one. Or you could buy one for 125.00 on ebay.

10-12-2010, 07:19 PM
My father, a machinist of MANY years made me a carrier for my old '85 R back when i was in high school. Crazy thing was we didnt have the original carrier to take any sort of measurements from. I bought the trike minus the carrier, it was destroyed and the previous owner chucked it. So, Dad took some measurments from the axle, and swinger and after a couple weeks of staying an hour or so after work here and there, he came home with a custom made hardened steel carrier just for me. The kicker is, i remember him saying back then in around 1995 or so that "they should make these things with tapered bearing so the bearings last longer"! Lo and behold a few years later i started hearing about double bearing and tapered bearing carriers....I still have the carrier, but dont use it because its only set up as single row. I know he could make it a twin row, but he is now permanantly disabled and no longer working.....

anyway, went all that way to tell you he made mine out of hard steel, and it held up terrifically.....